Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 111 Women's Clothes Boss

Chapter 111 Women's Clothes Boss (Please recommend a ticket)
"It's really the second prince, so it seems that we are destined, Xiaoxian, you think so."

Chen Nuo asked Zhang Xian behind him.

"Sir, this is indeed very predestined."

In front of outsiders, Zhang Xian, who habitually maintained Chen Nuo's dignity and called him Mr., nodded in agreement.

"Take our second prince home, Ye Chen, Miss Murong, goodbye by fate."

Chen Nuo gave an order, and took Meier out.

This time, the purpose of the research in Wucheng has been achieved, and Zhang Xian has also arranged things, so it is time to act. If it is delayed for a long time, it will lose the effect of blitzkrieg.

As for the second prince who came out, since he is a prince, he probably knows some news about the ruins of the main rudder of the Puppet Gate, so this cannot be let go.

Besides, you, a prince, provoked me for no reason, what does that mean?The reason for the war delivered to your door?
Chen Nuo didn't go 10 meters away. Zhang Xian, who was just like an ordinary person who couldn't see the details a moment ago, suddenly slapped the four guards around the second prince to death like chickens. The second prince, whose face turned pale with fright, caught up with him in his aggressive eyes.

"Who dares to kill people in Wucheng!"

Suddenly, a roar erupted from the towering city lord's mansion in the middle of Wucheng, and a terrifying aura as deep as the sea enveloped the entire Wucheng in an instant.

"Get back!"

Zhang Xian frowned, turned around and punched out.

The air was blown, and the surrounding aura set off a violent wave. Before the city lord of the Linghai Realm who was sitting in Wucheng landed, he was thrown back by Zhang Xian's fist. blood.

The people who will come to sit in Wucheng are almost all warriors who can't improve their strength and have lost their fighting spirit.

Such a person has almost no backhand ability in front of Zhang Xian, who is at the peak of four cell transformations and who is good at fighting in the body transformation method.

The whole city was silent, and even those who were affected by the aftermath of the battle could only swallow their blood in silence, and did not dare to hum.

Seeing Chen Nuo and the others leaving Wucheng at high speed on the flying puppets, Murong Qingcheng, who had just avoided the aftermath, reacted.

"Is that the Spirit Sea Realm?"

Murong Qingcheng's beautiful face was full of sluggishness, and what made her even more terrified was that Zhang Xian hadn't noticed the fluctuation of true energy or the breath of vigor just now when Zhang Xian broke out.

What does this mean?
It means that this is the method of practicing body transformation, and it is the group of mysterious people who shout to build a harmonious world, to overthrow all sects and empires, and to make human rights equal.

Didn't those people say that the strongest star realm has only three transformations? Why did the four transformations suddenly appear at the spiritual sea realm?

What a big deal!

Murong Qingcheng, who had reacted, suddenly had this thought in her heart.

"Ye Chen, seeing that you are familiar with them just now, who are they and how did you know each other?
Murong Qingcheng looked at Ye Chen who was also in a daze beside him,

People with a discerning eye can see that Chen Nuo's attitude towards Ye Chen is very good, at least better than that of her beauty. It is obvious that they have known each other for a long time.

What kind of eyes do you have, suspecting that I am a revolutionary party?

Ye Chen couldn't complain in his heart, and shook his head as he looked at the scattered Wucheng that had been impacted by the aftermath of the fight in the Linghai Realm just now.

"Mr. Chen captured the second prince of the Black Dragon Empire. The Flying Demon Sect is also in the Black Dragon Empire. I suggest Miss Murong, you go back and have a better look."

Yes, go back and look, even Ye Chen didn't say a word in his heart.

If you go late, your sect might be beaten up by the local owner, Lao Cai, and you won't be able to see it.

After Ye Chen's words fell, Murong Qingcheng's face changed, and she hurriedly ran out. This is Wucheng, the gravity is weird, and she can't fly in the Yuanyuan state.

"Teacher, there is good news. The Black Dragon Empire has confirmed that there are still 5 warriors in the Spirit Sea Realm, all of whom are real people without masters."

The flying puppet was rushing to the Black Dragon Empire at 20 times the speed of sound, and it took only a few days to reach the imperial city of the Black Dragon Empire.

Several people entered the city and entered a restaurant, and Zhang Xian received a definite message.

"How are you sure?"

Chen Nuo asked with great interest. The warriors of the Spirit Sea Realm of the Black Dragon Empire are all immortals sitting in the imperial city, and they will not appear easily. It is technical work to be able to determine so accurately.

"It's simple. Combining the lifespan of the Spirit Sea Realm, the power of the Black Dragon Empire, and the information of the masters of the Black Dragon royal family and the recruited masters of the past generations, we can analyze how many peak masters they have hidden according to the big data analysis method you mentioned.

The three imperial families all have the secret method of luck, the bigger the empire, the stronger the luck, the faster the cultivation speed.

It is no problem for a master of the spiritual sea to fight against several ordinary spiritual masters. If they have a master, they will not hide it, and they will expand their sphere of influence for the sake of luck.

Then some time ago, a casual martial artist in the spiritual sea realm "accidentally" broke out in the sky above the imperial city of the Black Dragon Empire, thus confirming the actual situation of the spiritual sea realm in the Black Dragon Empire. "

After getting the confirmed news, Zhang Xian obviously looked more relaxed.

Although he and Meier are comparable to the peak of the spiritual sea realm, they are also difficult to deal with the master of the spiritual sea realm who is a master of Aoyi's martial arts. Xiao Lin has just broken through and has not fully adapted to the battle of the spiritual sea realm. After a long time, there will inevitably be more surprises.

"In this case, let's start."

Chen Nuo patted Zhang Xian on the shoulder, this student is ready to leave school.


Zhang Xian took out a mask to Mei Er, she also wanted to go shopping with Chen Nuo, which completely exposed her bad identity.

Looking at the busy streets outside, Zhang Xian made a gesture, and the relevant information was transmitted to the major cities of the Black Dragon Empire through the secret method of communication.

Blitz?Yes, this is an all-out blitzkrieg!

It is not a blitzkrieg in the conventional sense of rapid advance and rapid transfer of the battlefield, but a blitzkrieg that has erupted from the beginning.

Chen Nuo and the others had to fight the time lag, and they had to end the entire war before the major sects and the other two royal families decided to support them, and before the King of the Realm of Life and Death could react.

"Sir, Zhang Shuai, Miss Mei'er, everyone is ready, all the cities will take action at noon in the morning."

"What about the sects?"

Chen Nuo looked up at the sky, it was noon, and there were still about two hours left.

"Our people have already summoned a group of people to go out to hunt in the city. Once the battle starts, someone will warn the sects. If their masters dare to support, we will go to the sects to hunt."

Xiao Wu grinned and explained.

The disadvantage of the body transformation method is that there is no real energy, and many methods cannot be used. One of the advantages is that there is no real energy, and there is no unique real energy aura. If you stay in the city, it is difficult to find the king of life and death.

"Dear Second Prince, I may have to wrong you."

Zhang Xian brought over the second prince who was completely suppressed and could not speak or release his spiritual power. The handsome Xiao Wu gritted his teeth, turned and went into the room, and came out in a woman's attire after a while.

"Xiao Wu, you!"

Mei'er was dumbfounded, and Chen Nuo couldn't react.

I never taught you how to be a master of women's clothing!

"Zhang Shuai said that this is our first revolutionary battle, and it is destined to be recorded in the annals of the True Spirit Continent. It is best to have a legitimate reason for starting the war.

It is rumored that the second prince of the Black Dragon Empire is lustful, so this is the best reason to do it.

This kind of record that will be recorded in history for thousands of years, asking girls to come here is too damaging to their reputation, so I feel a little bit wronged. "

With the body transformation method evolved from the body root method, it is not difficult to change the body shape.

Adjusting her figure to be exquisite and stylish, with bumps and bumps, Xiao Wu, who put on women's clothes and a wig, was awkward at the beginning, but quickly adapted to this role that will be recorded in the history of the True Spirit Continent.

Xiao Wu adjusted the structure of his vocal chords while speaking, and soon his baritone voice became a lifelike female voice.

"Today, my identity is Wu Lin, a lovely and pitiful Yuanyuan Realm girl who was forcibly defiled by the second prince of the Black Dragon Empire!"

The young girl Wu Lin, oh no, Wu Lin's clear and delicate voice rang out in the room
(End of this chapter)

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