Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 112 Are you guys finally going to do it?

Chapter 112 Are you guys finally going to do it? (recommendation ticket requested)

"Black Dragon Empire! Return my sister's innocence!!!"

When Zhang Xian's aura comparable to the peak of the Linghai Realm was fully opened, Wu Lin, who seemed to have just cried with pitiful eyes and red eyes, stood in the air, and her voice roared through the entire imperial city.

The people in the city were dumbfounded, and the second prince of the Black Dragon Empire, who was held by Zhang Xian, wanted to die even more.

He witnessed this gang of revolutionaries discussing how to capture the Black Dragon Empire, discussing how to slaughter the royal family, and discussing how to deal with the follow-up king of life and death.

What made him want to die even more was that they actually found a man to dress up as a woman and say that he had defiled him as an excuse to start a war.


Can my second prince do such a thing as defilement? This is called favor, oh no, is my second prince a lustful person?

Apart from pursuing Murong Qingcheng, I occasionally kill and rob, and I only go to the Fengyue place three times a month!

When he heard Zhang Xian and Chen Nuo discuss how to start the revolution, he knew that he was bound to die.

But he didn't want to die like this, and he didn't want to carry the Japanese girl on his shoulders and lead to the collapse of the empire. It was passed down in the True Spirit Continent for thousands of years and was endlessly evaluated by future generations.

"Grandmaster, I don't know where our Black Dragon Empire has offended you?"

In the inner city of the imperial city, a middle-aged man in brocade clothes quickly flew into the sky, looking at Zhang Xian solemnly.

Very strong, a master at the peak level of Linghai Realm, such a person is almost rare in the entire South Zhuoyu, but he has never seen this master.

"This is the emperor of the Black Dragon Empire, a real-life expert at the Spirit Sea Realm!"

"Who is that young man? When did Nan Zhuoyu have such a young spiritual sea master?"

"Who knows, the atmosphere is not right, it feels like a fight is about to start, let's get out of here quickly."

"Sister who tarnishes the master, this second prince of the Black Dragon Empire is really awesome, if he can survive this time, I will worship him as an idol!"

In the city, a group of people looked at the sky, feeling that the atmosphere was not right, and they were leaving the city with a sense of crisis.

Among the crowd leaving the city, thousands of people who couldn't detect the fluctuation of their true energy also took advantage of the opportunity that everyone was attracted by the situation in the sky, and quickly approached the inner city in the streets and alleys, and went to the palace and the big emperors according to the information. Gather near the residences of relatives.

"My sister went shopping and was forcibly defiled by the second prince of your Black Dragon Empire."

Zhang Xian had a serious face, and the girl Wu Lin who was beside him immediately turned redder when she heard this, and tears seemed to be about to stay.


The Emperor of the Black Dragon Empire looked at Wu Lin in a daze. He couldn't tell from the bottom because of Zhang Xian's aura, but now that he was approaching, he could tell from the breath that Wu Lin was a man.

"You are not."

He was just about to say that this is a man's defilement, but when he realized that the people below were ready, Zhang Xian exploded in an instant!
"Today I wiped out your Black Dragon Empire and returned my sister's innocence!"

With a slight shake of his arm, he killed the second prince who had completed his historical mission in his hand. With the other hand, he swung Wu Lin's girl back, and Zhang Xian rushed towards the emperor of the Black Dragon Empire.

Zhang Xian's powerful punch forcibly shattered the hastily formed shield of true energy, and his fist hit the arm of the Emperor of the Black Dragon Empire, which broke with a click.

It doesn't matter whether Wu Lin is a man or a woman who was seen through by the Emperor of the Black Dragon Empire, as long as the countless people below did not see through.

The war was won, and Wu Lin was recorded as a girl in the historical records, a girl who was defiled and seduced by the second prince of the Black Dragon Empire.

If the war fails, even if Wu Lin is a real woman, she will become a man in records and rumors, a villain who disguised herself as a woman to frame the Black Dragon Empire.

History is always written by the victors.

Using the second prince's lustful defilement of Wu Lin as an excuse is just a justifiable reason, a reason to stop the kings of life and death after the war, and a reason to silence a group of people who have opinions on the revolutionary cause.

In fact, the Black Dragon Empire was destroyed in an instant, and anyone with a discerning eye could understand what was going on.

But if you understand it, you understand it. With this reason, you have nothing to say.

You see, I am just avenging my sister, although this revenge has been prepared for nine years, and the revenge is a bit big.

This is the power brought by justification, or the power of justice!
"Your Majesty! You bastard!"

As soon as he said to do it, he did it, everyone was caught off guard by Zhang Xian's sudden outburst.

In the inner city, several angry auras erupted, but before they stepped forward to support, four strange but extremely powerful auras erupted in the Black Dragon Imperial City.

Lin Xuan, Ma Xiaozhong, Qin Yue and the masked Mei'er flew across the air, dividing their targets and blocking the remaining 4 spirit sea warriors from the Black Dragon Empire who wanted to support them.


At the same time, the thousands of cells that had been prepared transformed three times, and the cultivators who were comparable to the astral realm sent out a murderous aura, breaking through the palace and the residences of the royal relatives and ministers.

The impact of the battle in the Star Realm and the aftermath of the battle in the Spirit Sea Realm ravaged the entire imperial city of the Black Dragon Empire. Buildings collapsed one after another, and houses collapsed one after another.

Walking in the city, Chen Nuo aimed at a Yuanyuan Realm martial artist who was burning and killing a young girl while taking advantage of the chaos. His mind affected the spiritual energy, and the chaotic martial arts will erupted from the temperature control perception, destroying the true Yuanyuan Realm. The gas shield hit him.

The warrior lying on the girl's body froze for an instant, and the aftermath of the battle in the distance swept away, blowing away her body like weathering.

"Temperature belongs to the microscopic movement of matter. When cold and hot are mixed, this will cause the matter to undergo a strong chaos, and it will collapse and shatter directly from the microscopic level."

"Not bad, this is better than simple temperature control. The energy of that thing is too scattered to break through the shield of true energy. After condensing into martial arts will, the attack is concentrated and concentrated, and the enemy is turned into ashes with one blow.

If the sensitivity to temperature goes a step further, and the will to improve martial arts, this can even change from chaos at the micro level to interfering with movement at the macro level. "

Picking up a piece of clothing on the ground to cover the unconscious girl's naked body, Chen Nuobi made a gesture, and not far away, a warrior from the Yuanyuan Realm with secondary metamorphosis rushed over and called out, sir, to move the girl to a safe place .

In the chaotic imperial city, apart from Chen Nuo, there were countless people who practiced the body transformation method, beheaded and killed warriors who were taking advantage of the chaos, and transferred and rescued ordinary people in the city.

"Bastards, you are that group of bastards! Are you finally going to do it!"

In the sky, strong spiritual fluctuations swept across the sky!

"Black Dragon Overlord Fist!!"

The emperor of the Black Dragon Empire roared and roared again and again, he finally found out that something was wrong with Zhang Xian, there was no fluctuation of true energy, no fluctuation of vigor, this was a group of lunatics who practiced the body transformation method and shouted for revolution to overthrow the imperial sect.

A huge black dragon formed by condensing true essence quickly took shape, it was hundreds of feet long, and its dragon head was as big as a house. With its eyes open, a golden light flashed, and it swooped towards Zhang Xian with its teeth and claws.

Wherever the black dragon went, the material structure of the air was directly shattered, the terrifying heat release distorted the air, and the hot and cold convection set off a violent wind.

"Profound Martial Arts? Garbage."

Zhang Xian saw at a glance that the emperor of the Black Dragon Empire was displaying the profound martial arts of a true essence cultivator, a flash of contempt flashed in his eyes, facing the figure of the black dragon flying over at a high speed with its teeth and claws, it did not retreat but advanced!

When the fist and the dragon's claw collided, the small half of the black dragon's body formed by the profound martial arts was directly shattered.

The next moment, Zhang Xian opened his palm, and the cells influenced the law of spiritual energy to form a huge spiritual energy palm, grabbing the black dragon's neck like grabbing a chicken and twisting it.


The material-like object broke, and the black dragon's head was twisted off directly, and its figure collapsed instantly.

 Sorry, I was called out by a friend for supper, so the update is late (ˊoo`)
(End of this chapter)

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