Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 114 The sky has changed

Chapter 114 The sky has changed (recommendation ticket requested)

"Come on, brothers, cheers! Celebrate the beginning of this wonderful world!"

"Yes, yes, cheers, after waiting for several years, this day is finally here!"

In a large city near the Feitian Demon Sect, a group of people are gathering at the gate of the city to enjoy a drink. The rice wine brewed from ordinary grains is just a drink to them whose cells have metamorphosed.

But at this time, what you drink is not wine, what you drink is atmosphere, and what you drink is happiness.

In the past, the real yuan practitioners who charged entry fees at the city gates and looked down upon them without spirit stones are nowhere to be seen today.

"Brother Li Fan, why are you so happy?"

A 5-year-old girl next to her with braids didn't understand why Li Fan and his group were so happy. She took a bite of her own melon and raised her head to ask.

"It's nothing, but from now on, Xiaoru can freely enter the inner city to play, and doesn't need to be kicked out again."

The boy in linen clothes called Li Fan stretched out his arms to put Xiaoru on his lap, took out a spiritual fruit picked in the mountains and stuffed it into her hand.

"Really, my mother never let me go in before, saying that we have no spirit stones and no strength, and if we break something when we go in, we will be killed by those true essence practitioners."

Xiao Ru blinked her big naive eyes, holding the spiritual fruit stuffed by the young man in her hand. She was quite gifted and sensitive to spiritual energy, and she felt that this fruit was better.

Looking at the half-eaten melon in his hand, his little face was tangled for a while, but in the end he didn't want to throw it away but continued to gnaw it, and put the spirit fruit in his pocket for later eating.

"Really, Xiaoru will go in and play casually in the future, and no one will dare to stop you from beating you." The boy touched the little girl's head and said with a smile.

"Then I'll tell Xiaopang and the others. I heard that the streets in the inner city are less crowded and the streets are wider and bigger. We can find a deserted alley to play football in!"

With a happy smile on Xiaoru's face, she jumped off the boy's lap and ran home cheering with her own melon.

There was a cry of eagles in the distant sky, and a huge flying monster flew towards the Flying Demon Sect at extreme speed.

The gate of the city was empty without the obstruction and weakening of the city wall, and the screaming made some children here show discomfort and pain on their faces.

Hastily reaching out to cover the ears of the child next to him, Li Fan and others snorted to counteract the sound of the screaming beast.

"Shoot it down!"

A person whose cells have transformed three times is comparable to the astral realm, picked up a stone, glanced at the monster in the sky, and swung his hand violently.

call out!
The three transformations of the cells resonated with the energy of the aura, and the stone penetrated the air with force, and accurately hit the flying monster in the sky.

It only had time to let out a scream like a duck, and the head of the fifth-level monster was blown off, and it followed the inertia of motion and fell from the air along a parabola.


Murong Qingcheng jumped up from the monster, and flew down not far from the city gate with a look of anger on his face, as for the flying monster, it plunged headlong into a small hillside in the distance.

This is a fifth-level flying monster she borrowed from the Flying Demon Sect's stronghold near Wucheng, so that she can rush back to the sect as quickly as possible. exploded.

"Your bird is so loud that it disturbs the children."

The person who just threw the stone glanced at Murong Qingcheng, said that the cell environment resonated, and guided the spiritual energy to brush the ears of a group of children to eliminate the damage just now.

Murong Qingcheng's face froze, watching this scene, he said silently: "Sorry, I borrowed this flying monster not long ago, and I can't control it well."

As she said that, she took out a storage ring and threw it over, her figure flickered and ran towards the Flying Demon Sect.

"5000 low-grade spirit stones, this guy is not bad, is this Murong Qingcheng, the second disciple of the Flying Demon Sect?"

The person who just threw the stone took a look at the storage ring, and a smile appeared on his face.

This is enough for a group of children to practice for a period of time.

"It should be, according to the brothers in Sanjiang City, they also saw Mr. and Ms. Meier walking with her before.

Lao Zhang, you killed your friend's bird and asked for 5000 low-grade spirit stones from him. God bless you. "

Someone next to him nodded, and what he said instantly froze the smile of Lao Zhang who had just thrown a stone.

Sir's friend?No way!
The Flying Demon Sect is located on an extremely high mountain peak that goes straight into the sky.

When Murong Qingcheng came up from the mountain, he found that the sect master and a group of elders were all gathered together, standing outside the main hall of the sect, looking at the situation down the mountain with a solemn expression.

"Sect Master, all elders." Murong Qingcheng gave a simple salute.

"Qingcheng is back, what's the situation outside?" The Flying Demon Sect master glanced at her and asked.

"Qingcheng came all the way back and didn't stay, but along the way, I saw turmoil in several cities. In addition, there was a group of people gathering outside Feitian City under the mountain gate."

"It's not that there were turmoil in a few cities, it was because the Black Dragon Empire was destroyed by the group of revolutionaries who promoted the body transformation method. Within an hour after the incident, all cities fell, and the entire Black Dragon Empire was destroyed.

The people outside Feitian City are not gathering, but watching us.

Now that the qi is turbulent, Nan Zhuoyu's qi has not completely calmed down, and the simple secret method of hope can still see the situation, you can take a look. "

The Black Dragon Empire was destroyed?
Murong Qingcheng was stunned, and subconsciously looked outside with a simple method of gazing at the qi, and his mind was shocked instantly when he saw it.

The original luck of the Black Dragon Empire completely dissipated, replaced by a new wave of luck gathering and condensing.

What shocked her even more was that this luck was already disappearing into the void. It is estimated that in a day or two, except for those who are proficient in the way of luck, other people will no longer be able to observe the change of luck with the simple method of looking at the luck.

This proves that the situation in the entire Black Dragon Empire has stabilized. It took less than an hour from the outbreak to the end, and the whole situation stabilized after an hour.

Murong Qingcheng couldn't believe it.

According to their strength, the three royal families belong to the top level of the sixth rank, which is stronger than their sixth rank sects, and it is not even a problem to fight one against two or one against three.

Now the Black Dragon Empire was destroyed in an instant, which meant that if the group of people who destroyed the Black Dragon Empire wanted to, they could also destroy any of their sects in an instant.

No wonder the suzerain and a group of elders just watched here and did not go out. At this time, watching from the sidelines is the most fundamental way for the sect to survive.

"The stronghold over there in Wucheng sent a message back, saying that some time ago, some people captured the second prince in Wucheng, and severely injured the martial artist of the Linghai realm who was sitting in Wucheng with one move. You were there at Qingcheng, and you seem to know those few Personal, right?"

The head of the Flying Demon Sect asked Murong Qingcheng a question with a serious expression.

"Yes, two of them are friends that the disciple met during the gathering in Sanjiang City. They didn't make a move at the time. The disciple didn't know that they were one of the mysterious people who spread and promoted the method of body transformation."

Murong Qingcheng's expression changed, and he told the truth about the situation.

"This time, the reason for the other party's attack is that the second prince of the Black Dragon Empire has defiled one of their younger sisters, which must be the people you know.

Since you know them in Qingcheng, you can go to the Imperial City of the Black Dragon Empire to see the situation when you have time. "

When he said this, the master of Flying Demon Sect didn't know what expression he had on his face.


"Go ahead, if the king of life and death doesn't come out, the sky will change in Nan Zhuoyu, and even the entire True Spirit Continent."

The master of the Flying Demon Sect waved his hand, Nan Zhuoyu has changed, and their Flying Demon Sect also needs to adjust to the new era, otherwise they may be the next Black Dragon Empire.

(End of this chapter)

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