Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 115 After the War

Chapter 115 After the War
"Teacher, the entire royal family of the Black Dragon Empire has been completely destroyed, and all cities have been brought under our control."

In the imperial city of the Black Dragon Empire, Zhang Xian and Meier came in from the outside and handed him several storage rings.

This is the storage ring of several spiritual sea realm warriors of the Black Dragon Empire, each of which contains amazing wealth.

"This thing is useless to me, share it with Xiao Wu Xiaolin and the others."

Chen Nuo's spiritual power was swept away, a pile of spirit stones and some treasures were useless to him.

"What about our casualties?"

"Sacrificed 23 star warriors whose cells transformed three times, and 129 Baoyuan warriors whose cells transformed twice. More than 1300 people were injured. Xiao Lin just broke through four transformations and entangled the warriors of the Black Dragon Empire's Linghai realm and was seriously injured. .”

Speaking of casualties, Zhang Xian's originally excited expression fell silent instantly.

Compared with the destruction of the entire Black Dragon Empire, the death of five Spirit Sea Realm, thousands of Star Extreme Realm being beaten to death, and tens of thousands of Baoyuan Realm deaths, the losses on Chen Nuo's side are almost negligible.

But these are their own people. Zhang Xian and Meier have met almost every one of these sacrificed people, and taught them how to practice and learn.

"Their families have been arranged, and the compensation for the affected ordinary people in major cities has also been arranged. In addition, the city's security is well prepared to prevent evil cultivators or beast tides."

Chen Nuo nodded heavily, and told Zhang Xian to arrange the rest of the matter.

Because of the promotion and practice of the body transformation method and mutual rescue and assistance, and the body transformation method evolved from the root method, except for the brain being broken or the thinking consciousness being wiped out, it is difficult to die with strong resilience.

The number of people who were affected and died in the battle this time is not too many, only a very small number are ordinary people who have not practiced, and more are caused by evil cultivators or some true essence practitioners who took advantage of the chaos to burn, kill and rob.


Zhang Xian responded, and said goodbye: "Teacher, let's leave first, Meier, you stay here with the teacher."

In order to avoid the follow-up pursuit of the King of Life and Death Realm, the few of them who killed the Black Dragon Empire Spirit Sea Realm need to retreat as soon as possible. This not only ensures their own safety and the high-end combat power of the revolutionary cause, but also forms a reverse deterrent.

Their age and potential have been shown in this battle. The body transformation method can't be tracked at a long distance without the fluctuation of true energy. It can't be tracked like this. People who have the combat power of the spiritual sea at a young age are not willing to offend even the king of life and death. .

Not to mention guerrilla warfare, the killer move, no matter how powerful you are as a king in the realm of life and death, it is impossible to squat in your own sect as a nanny every day.

The disgusting guerrilla warfare, the sects of Nan Zhuoyu have experienced it in the past few years, and Chen Nuo and others believe that there will be no king of the life and death realm who would like to experience it for his own sect forces.

"Go, be careful, when you all reach the sixth transformation of cells and can fight the king of life and death in groups, then you don't have to be so wronged."

Chen Nuo patted Zhang Xian on the shoulder, signaling to be careful.

"I'm not wronged, I'm still thinking about tying Empress Xuan back to Lao Peng!"

Before Zhang Xian could finish his smiling words this time, Mei Er angrily kicked him away.


"Teacher, let's go out and see the situation."

Mei Er, who just violently kicked Zhang Xian away, became a quiet lady in an instant, and took Chen Nuo out to check the situation in the city after the war.


"Hello sir, hello Miss Mayer"

Seeing Chen Nuo and Meier coming out, a group of people on the street who were helping residents repair the houses damaged in the aftermath of the battle greeted respectfully.

These are the backbone of the revolutionary cause, and Chen Nuo, the spiritual leader, is always in mind.

"Slow down and pay attention to safety, don't be hit by bricks and stones."

Chen Nuo responded with a smile, and handed things over to a few people.

"It's okay, it's okay if you hit it, thank you sir for your skills, everyone's head is stiff."

The people around responded with a smile, and instead of slowing down, the movements in their hands were speeding up.

The sun was about to set, and a group of powerful warriors who practiced the body transformation method had no problem building the frame of the house before dark.

"Xiaorou, Xiaorou, run slowly!"

"Mother can't catch me, can't catch me, alas!"

Chen Nuo chatted for a few words, followed by Meier and continued to walk forward, when the woman's anxious shouts came from the corner of the street ahead.

Before Chen Nuo could react, a little girl who was holding a fruit in her hand and looking back at her mother but not looking at the road suddenly ran out beside him and bumped into his leg.

"I'm sorry, sir, Xiaorou didn't hurt you, did she?"

Not far away, the little girl's mother hurried up to apologize to Chen Nuo, then stretched out her hand to grab her daughter, and slapped her on the buttocks.


The little girl who was so happy just a moment ago was hit on the buttocks, and burst into tears.

Chen Nuo couldn't laugh or cry, once your cells metamorphose, your mother is still an ordinary person, so how painful would a spanking like this be?

Meier next to her was also surprised. It's not like she hasn't seen a genius who practiced the method of cell transformation, and she is even a genius, but this little girl looks like she is only three or four years old, and she has already undergone cell transformation once?

"Sir, I'm sorry, the child is a bit naughty. Just hearing her father say that she can go out and play as she pleases, she is very happy. I can't even watch it."

As soon as her daughter cried, the young woman couldn't bear to hit her anymore, and held her to sincerely apologize to Chen Nuo.

After the fall of the Black Dragon Empire, the true essence practitioners who were afraid that Chen Nuo would kill them also left one after another. Now there are only a group of ordinary people in the city and a group of revolutionary revolutionaries like Chen Nuo.

Ordinary families who are usually worried about letting their children play in the streets at will, today they simply gave their children a holiday.

Now the entire street is full of groups of children playing, and this young mother and daughter is just one of them.


Chen Nuo squatted down, and with a thought, took out a spiritual fruit from the storage ring and handed it to her.

"Big brother, please eat some fruit, don't cry, okay?"

Seeing the fruit, feeling the aura and fruity fragrance overflowing from it, the little girl stopped crying instantly, wanted to take it but didn't dare to take it, and looked up at her mother pitifully.

She has only seen this kind of fruit a few times, and it was her father who took the risk of picking it outside to sell it to the restaurant in the city, and would not let her eat it.

"Just one fruit is fine."

Seeing that the young woman wanted to refuse, Chen Nuo took the little girl's hand and stuffed the fruit into her hand.

In the fantasy world, the force value is exploding. In fact, the productivity is extremely low or no one pays attention to the lives of ordinary people.

The snacks for children in ordinary families here are not only wild fruits but also dried fruits. As for spiritual fruits or desserts, only warriors or warrior families have the resources to enjoy them.

As for other toys or children's story books, don't even think about it. Most people will not even be able to read in their lifetime.

At that time, this also caused Chen Nuo to suffer a lot in promoting the exercises. He had to improve and simplify the exercises again and again, and finally became an introduction to pure action pictures. Knowledge.

(End of this chapter)

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