Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 116 The Arrival of Empress Xuan

Chapter 116 The Arrival of Empress Xuan (recommendation ticket requested)
"Thank you big brother."

Holding the fruit in her hand, the little girl took a sip of the rich fruit fragrance, her teardrop eyes narrowed into crescent moons, and a happy smile appeared on her face.

"Since when are you teaching children how to practice?"

Chen Nuo rubbed the little girl's head, then turned to ask the young woman.

Because the environment of the True Spirit Continent is full of aura energy, the indigenous body transformation method is to absorb aura energy for transformation, so there is no delay in development due to energy reasons, and there is no limit to the age of cultivation.

However, Chen Nuo generally recommends to start cultivation after the age of seven. At that time, children are more sensible and will not cause accidents due to the powerful power of cultivation.

"We didn't teach it at all. We plan to teach her when she is seven years old and more sensible according to what you said, sir. She watched her father practice last year and thought it was fun, so she followed the practice. The cells transformed in a daze."

"." Chen Nuo was speechless.

"." Meier was speechless.

Although I know that with such a huge population of Nan Zhuoyu, there must be many great geniuses who practice the body transformation method, but this is too powerful.

"Eldest sister, you can also practice. If you succeed in cultivation, your lifespan will increase. This will also allow you to spend more time with your children."

Chen Nuo stood up and suggested to the young woman who had no trace of cultivation on her body:

"Well, thank you sir, I'll practice with her father when I go back, so that I won't be able to see this little guy being mischievous in the future."

The young woman picked up her daughter and respectfully agreed.

After bidding farewell to the young mother and daughter, Chen Nuo took Mei Er to continue walking.

"Teacher, why don't you accept her as a student? This talent is even stronger than Mei'er. In a few years, she will definitely be a warrior in the Spirit Sea Realm."

After walking not far, Meier asked curiously.

"No, I accepted you when your parents were away, but now she has her own family and life.

When she grows up, she can come if she wants to join us. She can also live an ordinary life if she wants to, or travel around the world to enjoy life. Let her decide her own life. "

Chen Nuo explained that he is not a maniac who recruits apprentices, he will be hired as a disciple when he sees good talent, and then tied to the chariot of revolution, everyone's life should be left to them to make their own decisions.

"Teacher, you are so kind."

"No, you should say the teacher is really handsome."

Chen Nuo rubbed Meier's head habitually, his expression suddenly stopped, and both of them looked up at the sky.

Not only Chen Nuo and Meier, but also countless people in the city whose cells had undergone three transformations or who had comprehended martial arts will stopped their movements and looked up at the sky.

The mighty space fluctuations came from above the city, and a gorgeous space gate was emerging.

In the gate of space, a woman in white clothes who was about twenty years old, with blue hair like a waterfall, and legs that had been playing for ten years, came out. With the woman in white clothes walking out, the wind and air flow over the whole city instantly became quiet.

Empress Xuan, Yan Qingxuan.


Meier yelled solemnly, the king of life and death, this is beyond the limit of her cultivation.

The moment Xuanhou first appeared, Meier felt that the aura energy around her seemed to be deprived.

The original four metamorphosis cells have been integrated into the law of spiritual energy, and the spiritual energy that can resonate with a single thought is now like stagnant water, and it takes a lot of effort to draw it to a trace.

"It's okay, it came really fast."

Chen Nuo's expression changed for a moment, and then he regained his composure.

Empress Xuan appeared much faster than he initially expected.

This is the first battle of the revolution. Although the purpose behind it is to inherit the puppet sect, the internal caliber is to propagate the first battle of the revolution.

In order to preserve the peak combat power and deterrence, Zhang Xian and the others left as soon as the war ended, but Zhang Xian and the others left, and he, the spiritual leader, had to stay for a while until the situation stabilized before leaving.

Otherwise, after a hard-fought battle, all the generals and leaders would run away immediately in fear of being punished by the king of life and death. This will definitely affect the hearts of the middle and lower classes, and even the loss of hearts will make everyone lose confidence in the revolutionary cause.

"Welcome Empress Xuan!"

Chen Nuo took a deep breath and calmly shouted to the voice of Empress Xuan who seemed to be observing the situation in the city.

It's a good thing that you didn't do it the first time.

As for why he stayed, he's really good at it.

Zhang Xian and the others retreated into the dark, a group of sect empires did not dare to move, and the king of the life and death realm also had to worry about the destructive power brought about by a few untraceable peak warriors of the spiritual sea realm playing guerrilla warfare with you.

If he retired to Zhang Xian and others to stay, and several peak combat powers were taken over by the kings of the life and death realm, then those sect empires would definitely toast and drink for three hundred days.

The other is that his life-saving ability is stronger, and he can wave his sleeves without taking away a cloud and go back to the main world to hug the boss's thigh with a single thought. It is impossible for the king of life and death to hunt across the world.

"Are you their suzerain?"

Empress Xuan didn't see any movement, her figure disappeared in the air and appeared in front of Chen Nuo instantly, watching him subconsciously frowned.

The strength of this suzerain is really weak!

"We have no suzerain here, we are all brothers and sisters, brothers and sisters fighting for the same goal and dream."

Chen Nuo waved to the people around who put down their tools and were about to surround them, signaling that they should ignore it and continue working.

A group of people from the Yuanyuan Realm and the Xingji Realm want to surround and beat up a king of the Life and Death Realm. It's brave, but it's unnecessary.

"I don't know what is the purpose of Empress Xuan's coming here this time?"

Reaching out to pat Mei'er's head, Chen Nuo stretched out his hand to welcome her, and led Xuanhou to a high-end restaurant not far away in the attitude of a master.

The entire restaurant was made of iron and wood, and it was not destroyed in the aftermath of the battle. Meier wanted to follow, but Chen Nuo gave her a glare.

"I just heard that a mysterious force that wants to overthrow the Zongmen Empire has appeared in Nanzhuoyu in the past 10 years. This force has accumulated strength for many years, and finally launched an offensive against the Black Dragon Empire half a day ago. It destroyed the entire empire in less than an hour. Black Dragon Empire."

Empress Xuan noticed Chen Nuo and Mei Er's small actions but ignored him, followed him to the top floor of the seventh floor of the restaurant, and looked at him indifferently.

"Nanzhuoyu is my hometown."

"Empress Xuan, you are a huge slander."

With a thought, Chen Nuo took out a photo stone from the storage space: "We have been living peacefully all these years, and everyone has lived in peace, but this time the Black Dragon Empire is really bullying people, allowing our children to insult us. We have no choice but to fight back because our sister has not admitted nor compensated her."

As he said that, Chen Nuo poured spiritual power into the photo stone, activating the images left in it.

The light curtain appeared, and the weeping figure of Wu Lin, a girl in a skirt, appeared in the light curtain, telling the process of the day in pain.

The photo stone can also record the breath of the recording subject, but Wu Lin who understands this is really ruthless.

In addition to eliminating the Adam's apple through the body transformation method, changing the figure into a bumpy shape, and making the skin delicate like a woman, he also adjusted the hormone level in the body, inhibited the male hormone and increased the female hormone, so that all the body is exuded Looking at the girl, oh no, it is the charm and breath of a woman.

In this way, unless the cultivation base exceeds the astral realm and can be discerned at close range in reality, 10 mysterious queens will not be able to tell that this is a big guy in women's clothing based on the image and breath recorded by the photo stone alone.

 After lunch, I have to go to Guangzhou for a short errand in the afternoon. I guess it will be very late to finish my work. Today, I put the two together.
(End of this chapter)

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