Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 117 I Tied Empress Xuan to the Revolutionary Chariot

Chapter 117 I Tied Empress Xuan to the Revolutionary Chariot (Please recommend a ticket)

The folk customs of the True Spirit Continent are fairly conservative. Watching the young girl Wu Lin in the light curtain telling about the atrocities committed by the second prince of the Black Dragon Empire, combined with the news sent when the war started, Empress Xuan believed it a little.

Of course, I don't believe Chen Nuo's words that everyone has been living peacefully and peacefully, but I think that Chen Nuo and the others have long thought about it, but there has been no excuse. This time, the second prince of the Black Dragon Empire will be included in the history books even if it is given to Chen Nuo and the others. Excellent excuse.

After all, everyone is not a fool. If they hadn't been prepared for a long time, it would be impossible to destroy the entire Black Dragon Empire in an instant.

After watching the image of the photo stone, Empress Xuan didn't know what to say.

It may be true that the girl Wu Lin was defiled by the second prince of the Black Dragon Empire, but it is also an excuse, a legitimate excuse, an excuse that leaves others speechless.

The teacher is famous, and the slogan of Chen Nuo and his group is revenge. Although this revenge seems a bit big, but if you really want to blame it, you can only blame the Black Dragon Empire for giving such a reason to the enemy.

Empress Xuan sighed inwardly, looked at Chen Nuo who looked calm and without a trace of fear, and questioned, "It's okay for you to take revenge, but it's too much to destroy an empire because of personal hatred."

"I didn't destroy the Black Dragon Empire. Empress Xuan, how did you see that I destroyed the Black Dragon Empire?"

Chen Nuo looked at Empress Xuan with a strange face, as if saying that in broad daylight, everyone outside the balcony is watching, even if you are the king of life and death, don't frame me for no reason.

"It's meaningful to open your eyes and tell nonsense?" A trace of anger flashed in Xuanhou's eyes.

Even the luck of the Black Dragon Empire has been completely shattered, the entire royal family has been wiped out, and all the cities have been defeated by you. If the Black Dragon Empire has not been destroyed, then what is the collapse of the empire?
Affected by Xuanhou's emotional changes, the surrounding air seemed to stagnate, and the spiritual energy seemed about to explode.

"It is true that we have not destroyed the Black Dragon Empire. The empire under your feet, Empress Xuan, is called the Black Dragon Empire. How can you say it is destroyed?"

Chen Nuo felt a little uncomfortable to breathe, so he hurriedly explained.

The Revolutionary War has just been won, and the name of the specific country has not yet been determined. He is planning to choose an auspicious day after the situation stabilizes for a while before confirming.

At this time, the name of the Black Dragon Empire is still hanging there.

This woman can't stand being teased at all.


Empress Xuan looked at Chen Nuo, it seemed that no one had dared to argue so much in front of her for a long time, or it had been a long time since she had seen such a cheeky person like Chen Nuo.

"The True Spirit Continent is vast and boundless, and there are countless human races. The population of the Black Dragon Empire, one of the three great empires of Nan Zhuoyu alone, is nearly [-] billion."

"Empress Xuan, in this empire with a population of tens of billions, who can represent the empire itself? Is it the royal family of the Black Dragon Empire? Or these people?"

Faced with Xuanhou's increasingly unhappy expression as if he was about to slap him to death, Chen Nuo was not at all afraid. Instead, he pointed to the busy city outside, pointed to those pairs of eyes, and shouted out this must-kill question loudly.

This is the most acute contradiction between the feudal social structure and the modern human rights social structure.

It is like a sharp knife, piercing into the core of every social structure, dismembering and dissecting them!

In a feudal society, the king represented the country, and the king and his ministers had to die, and all the ministers were like this, let alone the common people.

In modern society, human rights are equal. Wealth and class may not necessarily be the same, but human rights must be equal. No one has the right to deprive another person of life for no reason.

No matter which one you choose, it represents a completely different thought, and represents a completely different social system and social structure.

Empress Xuan's expression froze, looking at the countless eyes looking at her outside, she unexpectedly felt an almost endless pressure, which made her a little out of breath.

She suddenly understood that when Chen Nuo asked this sharp question in front of so many people, at this special period when the entire Black Dragon Empire had just been conquered and occupied and was rebuilding after the war, she had no choice but to answer it.

If you don't answer, there will be countless subpoena orders and subpoena secrets to spread the situation here in the next moment, and everyone will default that she chose the first one.

Once it is considered that the imperial family and the sect are the representatives of the world, and that ordinary people should be plundered by the imperial family and the sect, then her reputation will instantly stink and she will be cast aside by everyone.

Even her state of mind couldn't bear being scolded by tens of billions of people pointing at her spine.

She is not an evil cultivator, her psychology is not abnormal, and she will not be happier the more people scold her, and there is no Lu Shu card system.

Answerable. This is simply a taboo question that cannot be said on the face of it.

To answer the royal family, she will be abandoned by countless civilians and the middle and lower classes, and will be spurned by countless people.

Answer the people, then she will be vigilant by the imperial families and sects of the True Spirit Continent. This is tantamount to betraying her current camp, and it is tantamount to being forcibly tied to the revolutionary chariot by Chen Nuo.

This man is simply crazy!
Yan Qingxuan, Empress Xuan, looked at Chen Nuo, who only had strength in the Baoyuan Realm, but had no fear in front of her, the king of the Life and Death Realm, and finally couldn't help cursing in her heart.

This is being forced to go to Liangshan.

Standing on the top floor of the restaurant, she could clearly see pairs of eyes outside. These were civilians in the city, some were still holding tools and materials for house repairs, and some were still holding children.

In addition to these civilians, there is also a group of revolutionaries without the slightest fear. They have taken out photo stones and summons orders for the revolutionary cause, and are waiting for her answer.

Even the gang of revolutionaries had already counted silently in their hearts. If she didn't say anything within the time limit, the summons in her hand would fly out with a whoosh, helping her make the first choice by default.

Unless she destroys here now, oh no, destroying doesn't work either.

Leaving aside whether killing civilians or killing tens of millions of civilians is not in line with her character, she can't do it if she wants to kill tens of millions of people here in an instant.

Just now when Chen Nuo yelled out loudly, these revolutionaries had already told each other all over the city, if she missed a few and let the subpoenas fly out, then the end of the matter would still be the same.

This is not a lunatic, this is a group of lunatics, or a lunatic who stands for the righteousness of the people and gathers a monstrous trend.

This group of lunatics had just overthrown the Black Dragon Empire. At this time, under the leadership of the leader Chen Nuo, and the general trend of the people, they forced her to make a choice. No matter which choice she made, it was not friendly to her.

"I now regret that I didn't shoot you to death immediately."

The atmosphere became more and more solidified, and the summons warrants in the hands of some revolutionaries were already exuding aura fluctuations. Yan Qingxuan, the Empress Xuan, looked at Chen Nuo and said suddenly.

"After Xuanhou finishes answering this question, if you still want to, I will personally give you the head."

Chen Nuo said with a light smile without the slightest fear.

When Yan Qingxuan began to question too much, he knew in his heart that the other party was going to pursue trouble, even if it didn't kill you, it would definitely not be much better.

After all, there is a difference in strength, and a king of the life and death realm generally doesn't care about the thoughts of a group of Yuanyuan realm and Xingji realm.

Don't care about the thoughts of a group of Baoyuanjing Xingjijing, what if it is changed to tens of billions of people in Nanzhuoyu, hundreds of billions of people in True Spirit Continent, or the general trend of the entire people?

In order to protect himself and save himself, Chen Nuo simply stopped being polite and directly forced the other party to the Liangshan Mountain.

If Yan Qingxuan answered the first choice and chose the imperial family and the sect, the situation would not be worse than starting to pursue trouble.

If he answered the second choice, Chen Nuo was confident that Empress Xuan would not pursue it any further, then the crisis would be over.

After all, he is the spiritual leader of the Revolutionary Army. It is impossible for her to deviate from the camp of the imperial family and sect and choose to stand on the side of the people, and then come to trouble the Revolutionary Army.

"I, Yan Qingxuan, have never admired anyone in my life. You are the first, and you are still in the Yuanyuan Realm."

Empress Xuan Yan Qingxuan looked at Chen Nuo, took a deep breath, and said quietly:

After the words fell, Chen Nuo smiled brightly. Not only did the crisis end, but he even tied up a king of life and death.

call out!call out!call out!
The beams of information formed by countless summoning orders and secret methods of summoning flew in all directions, spreading what happened here and Xuanhou Yan Qingxuan's choice throughout the entire Nan Zhuo domain.

These messages and images will completely confirm the choice of Queen Xuan Yan Qingxuan, and confirm that she has chosen the side of the people's revolution.

When the subpoena order and the secret method of subpoena subsided, and the photo stones in the hands of a group of revolutionaries dimmed, the wall of the iron-wood restaurant suddenly shattered.

A figure crashed into the wall and flew out, falling heavily hundreds of meters away.

Chen Nuo, who fell on the ground, rolled a few times, couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood with a few teeth in it, bursts of tingling pain came from his mind, his martial arts will was also severely injured, and he would not heal within a few months.

Ma De, this woman really holds a grudge.
 2700 words per chapter. The author who was still like this before it was put on the shelf, I guess I am the only one. The saved manuscripts on the shelf are full of tears

(End of this chapter)

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