Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 118 The Speechless Empress Xuan

Chapter 118 The Speechless Empress Xuan (please recommend)

Empress Xuan came down from the restaurant, looked at Chen Nuo, and with a thought, the surrounding spiritual energy gathered on him to help heal the injury.

"Your body."

A hint of surprise flashed in Xuanhou's eyes. She was born with a perfect body that could not absorb any spiritual energy. How did such a strange creature reach the Baoyuan state?

Mei Er came running over from a distance away, seeing Chen Nuo's appearance, hurriedly helped him up worriedly, and looked at Queen Xuan angrily.


Chen Nuo shook his head with a leaky mouth, the chemical furnace was turned on, and the thermoelectric generator brought by the temperature control rules was also continuously providing body energy. The internal organs were recovering rapidly, and the gums were also itching and wriggling to grow new teeth.

However, there is nothing to do with the injury of martial arts will, it will take a few months to heal.

It took a few months to recuperate to tie a king of life and death into a chariot, and earn blood!
Chen Nuo silently recited Zhou Shuren's Ah Q Dafa in his heart, looked at his dusty and blood-stained clothes, and waved his hands happily to the surroundings.

"Empress Xuan, wait for me to change clothes, talk?"


Empress Xuan looked at the angry Meier and the group of revolutionaries who subconsciously took up weapons to surround Chen Nuo when they saw Chen Nuo's injury, a trace of amazement and solemnity flashed in his eyes.

These people are crazy!
Ordinary sect disciples saw the King of Life and Death Realm, even if they killed their suzerain elders, most of them would not dare to say a word, but here a group of people saw that Chen Nuo was injured but wanted to come up and chop her up.

This somewhat subverts Xuanhou's three views.

Walking into a temporary courtyard in the inner city, Chen Nuo came out with a change of clothes and a pale face.

He didn't live in the imperial palace left by the original royal family of the Black Dragon Empire. He planned to use that place as a tourist attraction, allowing anyone to visit for a fee.

"Is this the exercise you promote to the whole people?"

When Chen Nuo came out, Empress Xuan took a jade slip in her hand, on which was engraved the words of the 9th edition of the Body Transformation Method, and Meier beside her was staring at her.

This is the second time she has seen this body transformation method. The last time she saw it was six years ago. Someone in the Central Tianwu Region attached this exercise along with the latest information from Nan Zhuoyu.

In the past few years, through the practice experience of Meier and Zhang Xian, and after many improvements, the version of the exercises in her hands is now more concise and easy to understand, and it is more convenient for people to understand and practice.

"How does Empress Xuan feel?"

"You can call me Yan Qingxuan, instead of calling me Empress Xuan all the time."

Empress Xuan Yan Qingxuan put down the jade slips and shook her head: "The exercises are very good, very suitable for popularization and promotion, but there is no way forward after the cells have transformed six times."

"I'll call you Miss Yan."

Chen Nuo rubbed the sullen Meier next to him, and said with a smile: "There is no way ahead for the six transformations of cells, but there will always be someone who breaks through and finds a way out for tens of billions of people.

The six transformations of cells in this exercise are already equivalent to the king of the life and death realm. Could it be that the true essence cultivation method can guarantee that everyone will reach the life and death realm? "

It is not that there is no way out after the cells have metamorphosed six times, but this way does not work.

The spiritual energy consumed by the body transformation method is higher than that of the true essence cultivation method. If you want to practice seven times of cell transformation, the spiritual energy you need to absorb will increase exponentially. This belongs to the environment that restricts development.

Of course, it cannot be said that the practitioners of the body transformation method consume more spiritual energy than the practitioners of the true essence cultivation method. In fact, this situation is the other way around.

Before the three transformations, the battle was purely based on physical fitness. After the three transformations, the cells and the environment resonate to attract the external aura energy attack. From the beginning to the end, the body transformation method has no real energy. The consumption of fighting is tired and sleepy. Rest and sleep will be OK , It is not necessary to repeatedly absorb spiritual energy to condense true essence in the body like the true essence cultivation method.

The image is likened to the original internal combustion engine, which has low manufacturing cost, but needs to drink gasoline all the time.

The law of body metamorphosis is a more high-tech engine, which is expensive to manufacture, but does not need to drink gasoline but absorbs heat from the environment.

True essence cultivators and cell metamorphosis practitioners of the same level, everyone fights one hour a day according to the frequency of one battle a day, so that both of them can live for 500 years, and the spiritual energy consumed by the latter is actually only ten thousandth of that of the former one.

Coupled with the concept of civilized practice, everyone does not advocate fighting, and there is no robbery or murder, fighting every day, which should actually be less than one in a million.

This is also the reason why Chen Nuo was able to promote this practice, otherwise everyone would be a spiritual energy harvester, and he would have received the scourge package and been struck by lightning long ago.

We invited you here to help the development, and then you get the reward kickback to get out, not to let you come to harm.

"Are you trying to break the inheritance of the true essence cultivation method?"

Empress Xuan looked at Chen Nuo like a torch.

Tens of billions of people practice body transformation, which will inevitably form a mainstream trend, which will lead to the decline of other exercises.

After all, when everyone around you is practicing the same technique, and everyone is talking about the first transformation of the cells, the second transformation, you are silently studying what is the practice of Qi Condensation, True Qi Turning into True Yuan, True Yuan Transforming into the Sea, it is too lonely and lonely up.

If it really got to that point, it would be very difficult for the sect to recruit another disciple.

What makes Xuan Hou feel helpless is that this body transformation method belongs to hooligans.

Practitioners of true essence can switch to this practice and integrate their true essence into cells for transformation, while those who transform their bodies cannot cultivate true essence.

Because once the cells are cultivated, they will be like hungry wolves. I will swallow a little of your true essence, and I will eat a lot of you.

This is tantamount to establishing a reverse barrier, only allowing the body transformation method to invade the true essence cultivation method, and not allowing the true essence cultivation method to invade the body transformation method, it is pure hooliganism.

"Miss Yan, how can the survival of the fittest be called severing the inheritance?
If the true essence cultivation method is really eliminated, it can only prove that it cannot keep up with the development of the times, and it will be abandoned by people.

I have never prohibited people from practicing the True Essence cultivation method, but it is a pity that they have no money, no spirit stones, and cannot worship the sect. Obtain an introductory exercise.

They have no cultivation methods, and the cultivation methods of true essence that they can find are either crude, or full of mistakes that will lead people to go mad and die, and there are even some evil cultivation methods that destroy emotion and righteousness. To get started, parents, wives and children must be killed first. "

Facing the oppression brought by Xuanhou's gaze, Chen Nuo was not afraid at all, and laughed softly: "Now the Black Dragon Empire is ruled by our revolutionary forces. On the premise of abiding by our laws and regulations, I welcome all major sects to recruit disciples. Various cultivation techniques have been handed down from various sects.

But people will compare, no one will be a fool.

On the one hand, it is concise and easy to understand, with fewer bottlenecks, free learning and free careful teaching.

On the one hand, I can’t even understand the mystery, there are a lot of bottlenecks in Qi training, condensed true energy, and you have to do hard work to enter the sect. If you want to ask questions, you have to be curated by the elders.

I think people make the choices they want.

If the true essence cultivation method is cut off from inheritance, the reason is not me, but you, or some of your sects and imperial families. "

Empress Xuan opened her mouth, a little speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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