Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 119 Chen Nuo, You Should Go Out and Pretend

Chapter 119 Chen Nuo, You Should Go Out and Pretend (Please recommend)
"What advice do you have?"

Empress Xuan was silent for a few seconds, and asked Chen Nuo for his opinion. This was officially placing Chen Nuo on an equal footing.

"Suggestion, it's very simple."

Chen Nuo smiled: "Let all the major sects and royal families, like me, fully disclose the exercises, not only to make them public, but also to make them as simple and understandable as possible.

Just like the body transformation method you just saw belongs to the ninth improved version, any five or six-year-old child can understand the schematic diagram of the above movements.

As for the True Essence cultivation method, I'm sorry, I understand the principle, but I can't understand the specific cultivation techniques, let alone other children or ordinary people who have never been in contact with cultivation. "

You are born with perfect physique, and your aura energy doesn't fit at all, so of course you don't understand it.

After placing Chen Nuo on an equal footing, Empress Xuan didn't put on the goddess chart anymore. After rolling her eyes in a humane manner, her face became serious.

"It's so hard, it's almost impossible."

Yes, it is too difficult.

Everyone will beat you to death for a skill, boxing, swordsmanship, etc., or spirit stones that sell for tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands or more, how can it be free and completely open, and it has to be improved to be simple and easy to understand.

"Then you can't blame me."

Chen Nuo shrugged indifferently, if he doesn't make public or improve, then he will be eliminated, and if he doesn't accept the rule that doesn't comply with the new legal system, then he will be the landlord and rich man!What's the trouble with hesitating.

Empress Xuan saw Chen Nuo's attitude and meaning, but said nothing, but looked at the sky flickeringly and frowned.

"There shouldn't be any other kings of life and death coming here, but you have completely exposed your target this time, and attracted the vigilance and attention of the Quartet. Judging from your luck, your general situation has become impossible to be destroyed, but the delay and interference You can still develop in five or six years.”

Chen Nuo and his team's revolutionary battle this time was considered a success, but the base they had laid down this time also came into the sight of the entire Southern Zhuo Region and even the Southern Group Region.

In the past, the forces were scattered and integrated into the masses, and the various sects did not have specific targets to suppress. Now they have broken through and occupied the Black Dragon Empire as a base, so this is a good target for suppression.

Those Zongmen royal families are not good at frontal sex, but they are doing something in the dark, and it is no problem to delay the development.

"Can you see that there won't be any other kings in the realm of life and death coming to trouble me?"

Chen Nuo curiously asked, what is the way of luck and the method of hope, he has always been puzzled.

"Cultivators are in harmony with the heaven and the earth, and every thought and movement will cause fluctuations in the environment's luck. This can be distinguished from your current luck response. Few people in the True Spirit Continent can block my induction."

Speaking of the latter, Empress Xuan was a little proud.

Every thought and movement will cause fluctuations in the luck of the environment, so this is because the cultivator is in harmony with the world, and the information distributed causes changes in the environmental information, which is finally reflected in the luck of the environment, but what the hell is this luck?

Chen Nuo murmured inwardly for a while, and asked Empress Xuan for advice, "I wonder if there is any solution to this?"

It has only been 10 years since he came to this world and developed for so long. If it is delayed for five or six years now, the price will be too high.

Without the irresistible King of Life and Death looking for trouble, it would be impossible for him to give up this base area he had laid down, because it would not only lose his interests, but would also be a blow to the morale of the revolution.

He is preparing to stabilize this base, making it the cradle of the revolution, the center of the revolution, exporting a steady stream of power for the revolutionary cause, just like Yan-an in the main world back then.

"When the stability of luck improves, it will be reflected in reality, and there will be more outstanding people in the sphere of influence, and more opportunities will be encountered.

Your general trend has been achieved, and the luck of your connections has reached its peak, but the luck of the dragon veins of heaven and earth is not enough.

This year's South Zhuoyu Qianlong Ranking Competition is about to start, and you can participate before you are over age.

As long as you get a good ranking, you can get the dragon vein luck of Nan Zhuoyu, your luck will increase greatly, and your revolutionary forces will also benefit.

With the blessing of strong luck from people and dragon veins from heaven and earth, it is impossible for others to play tricks or delay your development. "

Empress Xuan glanced at Chen Nuo and gave a suggestion.

"Is it okay for Meier to participate? If possible, it seems more appropriate for her to participate."

Chen Nuo thought about it and agreed with Empress Xuan's opinion.

As a revolutionary leader, although he follows the principle that man will conquer nature, he still has to respect the way of luck in the fantasy world.

A person with great luck will kick out a baby when he kicks a stone when he goes out. If he helps someone on a whim, he will be a loyal hero and then repay his favor and follow him. If he bumps into someone on the street, he will also be a beautiful young lady who disguises himself as a man and comes out to play. What the hell? As soon as I hit it, my heart secretly promised.

As long as the luck of the revolutionary forces increases, whoever wants to play tricks on him behind the scenes will fall to his death nine times out of ten.

But since it was a competition, Chen Nuo felt that it would be safer to hug Meier's thigh.

As for his age, it is cheating, except for testing the soul, otherwise he is 20 years old in ten thousand years.


Empress Xuan's expression finally couldn't hold back anymore, you asked a martial artist in the Spirit Sea Realm to participate in a competition with a group of Baoyuan Realm?
What about the face?

"This year's Hidden Dragon Ranking, you can only participate in Baoyuan Realm, and only you, the leader, who has obtained dragon vein luck can play the greatest role."

Zai and Xuanhou, who had been refreshed by Chen Nuo, didn't want to stay any longer. After speaking, they stood up, and the space door appeared, stepped into the space door and disappeared in front of Chen Nuo and the other two.

If she stayed any longer, she felt that she would be tricked by this cheeky revolutionary leader at any time.

"Teacher, did she leave just like that?"

Mei'er was taken aback when she saw Empress Xuan leaving just like that.

Although she doesn't like this woman, she also understands that if there is a king in the realm of life and death guarding her, the pressure of the revolution will be tens of times less.

"It's normal. Although she chooses the people, we still can't represent the people of the True Spirit Continent."

Chen Nuo wasn't too surprised that Empress Xuan left.

The True Spirit Continent is vast and boundless, with the four directions of east, west, north, south and north plus the central Tianwu domain.

Nanzhuoyu is only a backward domain among dozens of domains in the south, and it has only established a general trend in Nanzhuoyu, and the base is only the Black Dragon Empire. It is impossible for Xuanhou to stay at this time.

"The development of the revolutionary cause can only rely on the strength of others, and the real foundation still depends on oneself.

She will really join us when we rule the southern group domain and start marching to other large domains. "

Chen Nuo felt the dissipating spatial fluctuations in the courtyard, glanced at the sky, and ordered: "Spread a message, the Empress Xuan and the leader of the Revolutionary Army had a pleasant conversation, and Xuanzong and the Revolutionary Army have formally established a friendly alliance.

In addition, in order to build a harmonious world in an all-round way, Empress Xuan intends to promote the major sects and royal families to disclose the true energy cultivation methods, so that everyone can practice the true energy exercises for free! "


Meier nodded obediently, and went out to carry out Chen Nuo's order.

After Meier went out, Chen Nuo sat on the chair and took out the demon flower that Murong Qingcheng had borrowed, observing and studying the mysterious patterns on it.

"My current strength should be able to fight against Murong Qingcheng, a power generator girl, oh no, it's a fight.

In this way, besides Murong Qingcheng, my opponents in this Qianlong ranking competition should only be Li Daoxuan from the Ruthless Sect, Yan Chihuo from the Fire Spirit Sect, Sikong Sheng from Hanging Mountain, and my fellow Ye Chen."

Thoughts flashed in Chen Nuo's mind, and he was inspired by the lines on the Heavenly Demon Flower. If you want to pretend to be aggressive in the competition, you must have strength.

(End of this chapter)

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