Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 120 The Arrival of Murong Qingcheng

Chapter 120 The Arrival of Murong Qingcheng (Please recommend a ticket)
"So that's the reason. This day, the magic flower belongs to the wrestling collision between the spirit law and the basic rules, and the released power of fusion rules is absorbed by the spirit plant."

Every day he was recuperating the injury of martial arts will, and he went out to inspect the lives of the people every day. The rest of the time, Chen Nuo was studying the mystery of the sky demon flower and understanding temperature control, and improving the rank of chaotic martial arts will.

The days are pretty good.

After spending several months, he finally discovered the mystery of the Omen Flower.

The heart was vibrating, causing the surrounding spiritual energy to resonate, the last wound of the Martial Dao Will was finally healed, and by the way, it was one step closer.

"It's a bit interesting, I'm afraid the founder of the Heavenly Demon Dafa has entered a special area where the spiritual energy is exhausted and comprehended the basic rules, and combined with the mystery of the Heavenly Demon Flower to create the Heavenly Demon Dafa.

After all, he is a scumbag. The basic rules and the laws of spiritual energy collide and merge. In addition to some mysteries of electromagnetic force, the mysteries of the other three basic forces are also involved. This scumbag has only studied the generator force field. "

Chen Nuo carefully put away the three demon petals, and he decided not to return them to Murong Qingcheng.

The power generator girl can only take this kind of treasure orally, and can only comprehend the above mystery about the collision and fusion of electromagnetic force and the law of aura, and the mystery of the fusion of the remaining three basic forces and the law of aura is wasted.

This is pure recklessness.

Although there are not many mysteries of the fusion rules, not even a tenth of the whole rule mysteries, but this is the best introductory material for studying other basic forces.

Apart from buying it from the boss, there is no third way of comprehension like the Omen Flower, which can manifest the mystery of the basic rules in front of you and allow you to comprehend it.

"This is the case of the demon flower, and the situation of the guardian beast, the demon python, is almost the same, but who is the mother of the demon python?"

Putting away the demon flower, Chen Nuo thought of the demon python guarding the demon flower again.

In the original book, it was Qi Shaofeng, a licking dog who found the scales of the demon python, and invited the goddess Murong Qingcheng to go to the Shiwan Dashan to find the demon flower, and then was dragged by Ye Chen to save people and pretend to be coercive.

"Forget it, in a fantasy world where both energy and mechanism can give birth to children, guessing the mother of an unknown monster is more difficult than guessing why a girlfriend is angry."

Chen Nuo thought for a while and simply stopped thinking about it. Feeling the restored martial arts will, he suddenly punched out with a thought.

The whole yard seemed to be in chaos, the air was flowing and colliding in disorder, and the stone tables, chairs, and turf on the ground were instantly turned into powder and blown into the air.

The surroundings fell into a chaotic and dusty world, and the dust stopped one meter away from Chen Nuo.

Seeing this situation, Chen Nuo couldn't help frowning.

Martial arts will has improved, but the attack is not concise, killing people with lower strength than yourself is invincible, and you will be abused if you encounter the same strength or higher strength than yourself.

"It's better to be a native."

Chen Nuo sighed, Ye Chen and the others have the real essence that absorbs the energy of spiritual energy, the energy itself is condensed, and Meier and the others have reached the cell transformation three times, and the resonance control between the cell and the environment is also convenient.

He can only use the power of his mind to draw the energy of the spiritual energy, and it is difficult to condense the attack.


At this time, Mei'er's voice came from outside the courtyard, the voice fell, and the spiritual energy around the courtyard was shaken, and the confusion that Chen Nuo played was instantly dispelled.

When the dust subsided, Mei'er walked in with Murong Qingcheng, looking a little annoyed at the completely destroyed yard.

This yard took her a lot of thought to decorate.

"Uh, the Martial Dao Will's injury has healed and it's still going a step further. It's uncontrollable for a while."

Facing Meier's accusation, Chen Nuo's expression flashed a little bit of embarrassment.


Mei'er subconsciously showed a little joy when Chen Nuo said that her injury was cured, but then she snorted and turned her head away from him.

"Okay, the yard will be repaired in a few days and I will arrange it with you."

Chen Nuo rubbed Meier's hair. Since she was a child, this trick of touching the head was a must kill for Meier.

Seeing that the anger on Mei'er's face gradually dissipated, Chen Nuo immediately looked at Murong Qingcheng who came in together: "I don't know what Miss Murong is here for."

"I heard that Mr. Chen has encountered some minor troubles during this period of time. Our Flying Demon Sect happens to have information on this, so we specially send it to you."

At this time, Murong Qingcheng was not as casual as when Sanjiangcheng and Wucheng met before, but with a serious diplomatic envoy attitude, he reached out and took out a jade slip of information and handed it to Chen Nuo.

A trace of surprise flashed in Chen Nuo's eyes. Looking at Murong Qingcheng who did not avoid the eyes, he nodded and took the jade slip.

In the past few months, he has really encountered a lot of trouble.

It is not his trouble, but the trouble of the development of the revolutionary cause.

The major sects of Nan Zhuoyu and the other two imperial royal families, there is nothing messy on the surface, but there are more and more small tricks in the dark.

In some remote towns with insufficient power, the incidents of volunteer teachers who travel all over the country being attacked by monsters have increased significantly.

There are more and more rumors about the revolutionary forces and the body transformation method in major cities, and there are more and more speeches boasting about the beauty of the sect and more supernatural means of the true essence cultivation method.

What's even more outrageous is whether it is man-made or natural, the frequency of animal hordes has also increased.

Although the casualties caused were not large, some people secretly increased the frequency of the outbreak of the beast horde, and connected it with Chen Nuo and the others who took down the Black Dragon Empire, and made a lot of remarks about what God can't see, what curses, etc. .

Not to mention, at the beginning of universal education, most of them are still in the world of ordinary people who are ignorant and ignorant. The effect of such curses from ghosts and gods is really obvious.

In the past, they were relatively seldom excluded. The volunteer teachers who traveled to remote towns to promote the body transformation method and revolutionary ideas, and popularized basic education and promoted high-yield crops by the way, have recently been excluded one after another.

There is no big move, but the small move behind is disgusting to death, but it is difficult to clean up the mice hidden in the dark.

This also made Chen Nuo truly understand what it means to conquer the country is easy and defend the country is difficult.

Fighting the country can be a guerrilla attack, you can fire a shot and then retreat. I am in the dark and the enemy is in the open, and my strength can be exhausted slowly.

But once the base is laid down and enters the mode of defending the country, it becomes the enemy is in the dark and we are in the light, and the situation is reversed.

No wonder Empress Xuan said that the general trend has become unshakable, but it can slow down your development speed for five or six years.

Because the fundamental way to solve this problem is to spend five or six years in-depth popularization of education, and people's wisdom will gradually open up such conspiracies and tricks, which will naturally be self-defeating.

After reading the information on the jade slip, Chen Nuo also understood the meaning of Feitian Demon Sect.

The information is true, most of them are the sects with whom the Flying Demon Sect had grievances in the past. This is considered to be an attempt to use his hand to attack the enemy, but it cannot be otherwise, it is also a gesture of favor.

Because this is tantamount to putting the handle in his hands. If he publicizes this matter, Flying Demon Sect will betray the sect's royal camp.

It has been several months, and the sect's grievances and grievances are complicated, and Feitian Mozong is also the first sect to send such information to its door.

"Have you heard of the way of luck?"

Chen Nuo casually handed over the jade slips to Meier to arrange, and told Murong Qingcheng about the opinions and solutions that Empress Xuan put forward for his current problems.

As a good leader, he will not easily completely trust the opinions of people who don't know him well.

Nan Zhuoyu's dragon vein luck may be able to solve the current predicament, but it may also be the revenge given to him by that stingy woman of Empress Xuan.

"Well, Qingcheng doesn't know much about luck, but Mr. Chen, your network luck is at its peak. If you can cooperate with the dragon vein luck obtained in the Qianlong list competition, there is a high probability that you can solve the current predicament."

Murong Qingcheng didn't expect Chen Nuo to ask her such a question, after thinking about it, she gave a not very sure answer.

"Tell me about the specific effect of the peak of the dragon's veins." Chen Nuo nodded, and then asked.

"With a strong dragon vein, you will be favored by the heavens and the earth, and there will be more outstanding people in the sphere of influence, and the parties can encounter more opportunities.

In addition, if the dragon's vein luck is strong to a certain extent, the bearer of the luck will also make people subconsciously feel good or convinced. "

Murong Qingcheng explained to Chen Nuo the effect of the peak of the dragon's veins based on his own experience and the situation recorded in the classics.


The corner of Chen Nuo's mouth twitched, making people subconsciously feel good or convinced. Isn't this just information interference?

(End of this chapter)

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