Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 121 I have contracted the next Qianlong list

Chapter 121 I have contracted the next Qianlong list
At this time, Chen Nuo finally understood why Empress Xuan said that he won a good ranking in the Qianlong list and that getting Nan Zhuoyu's dragon vein luck could solve the current predicament.

The essence of emotional dragon vein luck is information interference.

Life perceives the outside world through the information received through the senses. What information you get, you see the world in your eyes. This is also the essence behind the story of the brain in a vat.

Why is it that the protagonist, who is favored by heaven and earth and has strong luck, kicks a baby when he kicks a stone when he goes out.

In fact, this stone itself is a treasure, but other people saw it and ignored it because of information interference, only the protagonist passed by and kicked it on a whim.

The protagonist is a loyal hero, and then he repays his favor to follow. One is that this person is loyal, and the other is that his thinking has been disturbed.

If it were a passer-by, no matter how loyal the hero is, he would not follow Shi Lezhi, but wrote an IOU in a hurry, today you saved my life, and I will pay you a hundred taels of gold in three months to repay your kindness.

If you bump into someone on the street, you will become a beautiful young lady, and you will be secretly in love when you bump into it.

Brother, you are very lucky, if you don’t bump into her, she will bump into you involuntarily, and then you will help her up when she falls down. When she sees your acne-prone side face, her heart beats and her heart is on you .

It's all the same about outstanding people and more opportunities.

Talented people are there themselves, but they planned to farm at home at the beginning, and their wives and children lived a peaceful life on the kang. However, due to luck, they dropped the hoe and picked up the knife and walked into the rivers and lakes.

Opportunities have always been there, but the strong information interference of your luck made you walk past them unconsciously, and the words of your bad luck would be regarded as stones in front of you.

This is the same reason that people in suits and leather shoes in the main world will make people subconsciously feel that they belong officially, except that the dragon vein luck effect is more advanced and more subtle.

Except for those with strong will or strong cultivation, rookies can't resist the information interference brought by this kind of dragon vein luck.

The trend of his revolution has been achieved. The masters of the royal family of Nanzhuoyu sect are stared at and dare not move. Facing the interference of the information of dragon veins and luck, the active little fish and shrimp will probably choke to death if they really drink water, or walk on the road It was eaten by the monster that suddenly jumped out.

In this way, he won the rank of Qianlong list and obtained the luck of the dragon veins, which can indeed solve the predicament as Xuanhou said.

Thinking of this, Chen Nuo wished he could have a study of Dragon Vein Luck to verify his conjecture.

"Mr. Chen, are you planning to participate in this year's Hidden Dragon Ranking Competition?"

Murong Qingcheng looked at Chen Nuo thinking, and asked curiously.


"Then we almost need to leave. There are less than 3 months before the competition. In addition, the outcome of the competition is uncertain. Mr. Chen, your strength."

Speaking of the latter, Murong Qingcheng hesitated for a moment, for fear that Chen Nuo would massacre the sect if he lost the match because of his lack of strength.

"You don't have to worry about it, I'm not someone who can afford to lose a game.

You don't have to rush there so quickly, I have flying puppets here, just go to Qianlong City with us half a month before the competition. "

Chen Nuo waved his hand. After knowing that the Qianlong Ranking competition might solve the current predicament, he made arrangements. He has never been a person who sticks to the rules.

"Okay, Mr. Chen, please."

Murong Qingcheng did not hesitate to agree, she had accepted the mission of the sect and came to understand the specific situation, even if Chen Nuo didn't say anything, she would stay here for a few days before leaving.

For the next two months, Murong Qingcheng found a restaurant to live in, and every day he was not practicing or going out for a walk, and occasionally came to ask Chen Nuo some questions about the electromagnetic field.

Chen Nuo was not idle either. Although he was more inclined to be a spiritual leader in the revolutionary cause, and Zhang Xian and others dealt with more specific affairs, besides cultivation, there was another crucial thing that only he could accomplish. That is a perfect law.

Only he who has studied the dragon-slaying technique and studied the entire set of laws before traveling the world can formulate a law that is suitable for the situation in the fantasy world, makes human rights equal and the society harmonious.

"Teacher, it's time for us to go to Qianlong City."

Two months passed in a flash, Meier found Chen Nuo in the room thinking about whether the romantic place should be legal or not in the fantasy world, and signaled that she was going to leave.

She was no longer surprised by the teacher's state. During this period of time or even the past few years, except for daily research and management affairs, as well as the current practice, Chen Nuo almost spent the rest of the time repairing the first perfect law in the fantasy world.

"It's Murong Qingcheng."

Throwing the information jade slip into the storage ring, Chen Nuo stretched and asked about Murong Qingcheng's situation.

This state of research and thinking did not make him tired, but he felt happy in it. After all, life span is endless, and there must be several pursuits in life.

"Already waiting outside."

Mei'er took Chen Nuo out, and she had a good attitude towards Murong Qingcheng, who consciously lived in a restaurant outside and didn't usually visit Chen Nuo when he had nothing to do.

They won't be like a group of unmarried girls in the surrounding city. After knowing that Chen Nuo is not very angry and putting on airs, they often dress up and find excuses to come to visit.

She is a master of the Spirit Sea Realm whose cells have transformed four times and doesn't ask for advice. Instead, she goes to ask Chen Nuo, who is unable to absorb the energy of spiritual energy, or is it Chen Nuo whose cells have transformed twice?The ambition to be her teacher's wife should not be too obvious.

"Mr. Chen."

Walking out of the yard, Murong Qingcheng was already standing outside, and when she saw Chen Nuo come out, she yelled.

"Come on, let's go."

Chen Nuo nodded, and Meier next to him took out a flying puppet from the storage ring, which was one of the largest and fastest puppets unearthed by the main rudder of the puppet gate.

The three entered the inside of the puppet as if they were flying, and Meier stuffed a high-grade spirit stone to activate the flying puppet. The inhalation valves opened one after another, and the air flow spurted out from the abdomen. The flying puppet advances extremely fast.

Because of the blocking of the energy shield, the interior of the flying puppet is very quiet, and the outside scenery can be clearly seen through the porthole polished by the transparent spar.

"This puppet technique is really amazing."

Murong Qingcheng looked at the clouds passing by outside in an instant, the speed was already more than 20 times the speed of sound.

"It's amazing."

Chen Nuo nodded. He knew the flight principle of the flying puppet very well, Sir Niu's second law, which is also the flight principle of the earth's jet plane.

However, the earth plane uses compressed fan blades, which use fuel combustion and motors to compress and accelerate the airflow. The puppet technique here uses a unique structure and aura pattern to use aura energy to compress the airflow at high speed. Among them Mysteries are worth studying.

However, the inheritance hall of the main rudder of the puppet gate has not yet been excavated. After dismantling three puppets worth hundreds of thousands of spirit stones and failing to research the mystery, Chen Nuo had to wait for the inheritance jade slips to be excavated before researching.

"A lot of people went to Qianlong City."

As time passed day by day, the flying puppets gradually approached Qianlong City, and Chen Nuo could already see streams of light and figures constantly being passed below. These were people who went to Qianlong City to watch or participate in the competition.

"The Qianlong list competition is held every three years, and it is the most watched event in Nanzhuoyu. It is said that this year's Qianlongmai's luck has exploded. This year's Qianlong list competition is a once-in-a-thousand-year event."

Murong Qingcheng looked at a black spot in the sky, which was the ancient city of Qianlong. It opened every three years, and every opening was a grand event in Nanzhuoyu.

"Then the next Hidden Dragon Ranking Competition, I will contract it."

Chen Nuo smiled with a very natural tone.

Next to Murong Qingcheng's expression froze, she understood the meaning of Chen Nuo's words, ruling Nanzhuoyu, does not mean that she has contracted the Qianlong list competition.

 Add an update to the public chapter, and ask for support tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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