Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 122 Meeting Ye Chen Again

Chapter 122 Meeting Ye Chen Again (15)

"Teacher, Zhang Xian has arrived early."

Qianlong City entered the line of sight, and Meier's strong vision had already seen the figure in front of the city gate. At this moment, the corner of her eye suddenly flashed, and she stretched out her finger to point to a stream of light that was surpassed outside.

"Teacher, isn't that Ye Chen?"

As Meier said that, with a thought, the flying puppet decelerated rapidly due to the reverse jet flow, and then turned and landed close to it.


At this time, Chen Nuo also saw clearly the figure in that stream of light.

"Ye Chen!"

With an aura shield blocking the strong wind, Chen Nuo opened the porthole and shouted.

Feeling that he was going to be late, Ye Chen, who was rushing to Qianlong City at a high speed, almost overturned in the air, looking at Chen Nuo in the huge flying puppet with a dazed expression.

What is this fellow revolutionary doing here?
Before the Black Dragon Empire was destroyed in an instant, Chen Nuo had already left a deep impression on Ye Chen.

He knew very well that although he had a feeling of fellow countryman, the big bosses who were involved in the revolution would not take it too seriously. If necessary, he might even pull him, a disciple of the sect, to sacrifice to heaven on the spot.

"Ye Chen, long time no see."

Murong Qingcheng also came to the window and smiled at Ye Chen.

The last time at Shiwan Dashan, because of Chen Nuo's electromagnetic field comprehension strength leap, he got the Demon Flower, but he still encountered the cannibal vine, and had a friendship with Ye Chen in joint operations.

Murong Qingcheng?

Ye Chen frowned subconsciously.

If disciples from other sects were with Chen Nuo, it could be said that they didn't know Chen Nuo's identity as a revolutionary leader, but Murong Qingcheng, could it be that the Flying Demon Sect of the Black Dragon Empire had already shaken hands with the revolutionary army?
In an instant, Ye Chen had a deeper impression of Chen Nuo's power in the Black Dragon Empire.

"Senior, did you come to Qianlong City to watch the competition?"

Now that they have met, Ye Chen doesn't try to avoid them, the two sides maintain a relatively static speed, chatting while flying in the air.

"No, I'm here to participate in the competition." Chen Nuo shook his head and replied with a smile.

Both sides use the communication method of spiritual fluctuations. This is also the default communication method for warriors in battle and extreme speed flight. It is fast, clear in meaning, and free from interference from the external environment. not see.

Ye Chen crashed into a cloud, and the corners of his clothes that flew outside the zhenqi shield were wet with thick water vapor, and almost fell off.

Your big brother who is engaged in revolution is still here to participate in this kind of competition played by young people. Do you want to be so foolish?

The flying puppet arrived at Qianlong City and landed on the ground. Chen Nuomei'er Murong Qingcheng came out. At this time, Zhang Xian, who had arrived early to change his appearance, came up and called out teacher.

Now Ye Chen was completely confused.

Others couldn't recognize Zhang Xian who had changed his appearance. He recognized him when he heard the voice when he met him in Wucheng before, plus Mei Er who was obediently following Chen Nuo.

You came to the competition and brought two warriors at the peak of the Spirit Sea Realm. Are you planning to perform a revolutionary battle live if you fail the competition and fail to get a ranking?
"Ye Chen!"

The elder of Liuyun Sect at the gate of the city saw Ye Chen's figure and hurried over with a cry.

"The south city gate opened, Xu Jing and the others went in. Why are you still dawdling here when you come here? Who are these?"

Liuyun Sect Master Luo Quelie called Ye Chen, and subconsciously asked when he saw Chen Nuo next to him.

"Uh, a friend I met through experience."

Ye Chen didn't know how to introduce, so he had to use the name of a friend. A friend is a basket, and everything can be put in it. As long as you have met or haven't met, you can be considered a friend.

"Sir, we are late, the city gate has already opened, Sikong Shengyan Chihuo Li Daoxuan and the others have all entered."

Murong Qingcheng glanced around, the south gate of Qianlong City had already been opened, and the crowd still outside did not have any familiar figures from the previous competition.

Sikong Sheng was number one in the previous Qianlong list, and he was only 20 years old when he was at the peak of Baoyuan Realm. Yan Chihuo of the Fire Spirit Sect and Li Daoxuan of the Ruthless Sect were also not bad in strength, and they were all popular contestants for the championship.

"Then let's go in too."

Chen Nuo nodded, beckoning and walked forward.

If you want to participate in the potential dragon ranking competition, you have to go through the three gates of the city gate, pass through the light curtain, get the token in the Xiaguang attack, and cross the abyss similar to the gravity environment of Wucheng, and you have to endure the spiritual attack .

"Sovereign, elder, I have also passed."

Seeing Chen Nuo and Murong Qingcheng go in, Ye Chen also bid farewell to Luo Xinglie and the others and chased after them.

"Hey, when did Ye Chen reach the late stage of Baoyuan Realm!"

As soon as Ye Chen left, several people in the ranks of Luo looked at his back, only to realize that Ye Chen had broken through to the late stage of Baoyuan Realm at some point.

How long has it been? When I went out to practice, I was only at the early stage of Baoyuan state. How long did it take to reach the late stage of Baoyuan state in a year? This progress is too terrifying.

Luo Xinglie and the others looked at each other, with shock in their eyes, and infinite surprise and expectation.

With Ye Chen's strength, he will definitely be able to get a good ranking. The dragon vein luck at the bottom of Zhenlong Valley must have a share of their Liuyunzong, and it must be a considerable share.

"Senior, I went first."

Walking to the third gate of Yuelongmen, Ye Chen had already seen Xu Jing and others of Liuyunzong, and greeted Chen Nuo with fists, his figure flickered and rushed towards the blue light curtain as if there was nothing, without seeing any attack , the body directly passed through the light curtain and entered the second level as if it could pass through the wall.

"Damn it, isn't this guy's body a physical entity?"

"Pass through directly, this."

The surrounding young generation and some accompanying elders of the sect were stunned. When other people entered, even Sikong Sheng had to attack and blast a hole before entering. Ye Chen was like a ghost passing through a wall without any attack. Really surprising.

"It seems that Ye Chen is quite afraid of Mister."

Murong Qingcheng's eyes also flashed a hint of surprise at Ye Chen's performance, but she was also puzzled seeing Ye Chen's avoidance of Chen Nuo.

Since the two call each other fellow villagers, this shouldn't be the case.

"He is afraid that I will sacrifice his revolution to heaven."

Chen Nuo shook his head, he could see what Ye Chen was thinking, but he didn't bother to say anything, he was not a murderer, he had never killed a single person in this world.

"In fact, if you get in touch with your husband more, he will find that your husband is a very good person."

Murong Qingcheng remembered what he had seen and heard in the imperial city of the Black Dragon Empire during this period, and smiled at Chen Nuo: "Sir, Qingcheng has also entered first."

Speaking of which, the Heavenly Magic Force Field opened, blasting a hole in the blue light curtain, and his figure flashed in.

"Hey girl, what does it mean for a crazy person to suddenly issue a good card?"

Chen Nuo looked at the quickly repaired light curtain, shook his head and thought, waved his hand and punched out!
As if the glass was shattered, everyone outside the south gate of Qianlong City looked at the blue light curtain that was completely shattered under Chen Nuo's punch, and their expressions were dull and speechless.

"The attack is still not concise."

Chen Nuo, who was going to make a hole to go in, saw that the hundreds of square meters of light curtains were chaotic and shattered, so he walked in helplessly, leaving behind a group of bewildered people.

(End of this chapter)

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