Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 123 Chapter 122 Who takes the lead?

Chapter 123 Chapter 122 Who takes the lead? (25)

The second level is the card-winning level. The passers-by who participate in the competition have to pass through the attacks of rays of light, and pass through the long and wide passageway to get the jade card behind.

Every ray of light is comparable to a full-strength strike at the peak of the early stage of the Baoyuan Realm, and the attack angle and attack interval are constantly changing. After so many years of competition on the Hidden Dragon Ranking, there are generally only three ways to pass this level.

One is to use extremely fast speed to find the loopholes and dodge them, the other is to rely on the defense of the true energy shield to carry them one by one, and the third is to rely on attacks to blast away Xiaguang and attack slowly.

The difficulty of the first is comparable to hell. If you can't dodge and be bombarded by several rays of light at the same time, you can't bear it even in the late Baoyuan state. Most people choose the second and third methods.

When Chen Nuo walked slowly to the front of the second level, Ye Chen and Murong Qingcheng had disappeared, and the booming sound of the collision between the Xiaguang and the true energy shield was deafening, and hundreds of contestants in the wide and long passage were already suppressed by the Xiaguang. I can't move an inch.

Among the hundreds of people, there are men and women. Although the men are not as handsome as him, the women are more beautiful than the other. The aura environment in the fantasy world plus cultivation makes it difficult to look ugly.

"Is it enough to get the sign?"

Chen Nuo didn't rush in, and carefully looked at the rule board standing at the entrance of the checkpoint. It didn't say that he had to endure Xiaguang's attack to get the board.

"It seems that people in the fantasy world are still too simple to see such obvious loopholes."

Looking at the jade plaque tied with a rope nearly a thousand meters away, with a thought, the rope of a jade plaque snapped.

Intermediate temperature control level 1 has a temperature limit of [-] degrees Celsius. Although it is used to attack because the energy density is not concentrated and cannot break through the defense of the true energy shield, it is extremely simple to burn the rope.

A tiny high-speed whirlwind rolled up the jade tablet, and flew towards Chen Nuo quickly against the edge of the passage to avoid the sun's rays.

It's fine to get the brand, and then take the attack foolishly, which generally has a problem with IQ.

"Look, there's a sign flying!"

The people who were under the attack of Xiaguang in the passage saw the flying sign, and one of them shouted, and the next moment he was thrown out by the Xiaguang attack because of distraction, and lost the qualification for the competition.

A group of people looked at the sign with flickering eyes, and their figures were about to move under the attack of Xiaguang, as if they wanted to snatch it.

Seeing this scene, Chen Nuo thought, a whirlwind blew up under their feet, blowing the trousers, blowing the dress, bang bang bang. Disturbed by the whirlwind, they who were struggling to support were instantly bombarded by the rays of light go out.

Reaching out to catch the sign, Chen Nuo looked around, but couldn't find the way to the third level. It seems that the developer never thought that someone would take the sign like this.

"I've passed!"

Chen Nuo threw the jade token and shouted.

Outside, the suzerains and elders of countless sects peeked at each other, and the younger generation couldn't react, so it was the first time they had seen the card holders in so many years.

Can't you pass this way?The referee has not been selected yet.
Countless people are confused.

Mei'er and Zhang Xian's eyes have already turned to the suzerains of the seven sixth-rank sects including the Feitian Demon Sect. There is also Luo Jiacheng, the previous chief referee. It seems that if they say that Chen Nuo is not good enough, Then go up and beat them up.

"This... The previous referee, Luo Jiacheng, was fair and strict, and he was unselfish. This time, let him be the best. Referee Luo, let's see if this is considered a pass."

As if feeling the deadly eyes of Meier and Zhang Xian, the Flying Demon Sect Master Mo, whose sect is located in the Black Dragon Empire, felt a little guilty, and hesitated for two seconds to put forward his opinion, and selected the chief referee and the referee team in advance.

As the head snake of the Black Dragon Empire, he did recognize Zhang Xian and Mei Er, but he did not say anything.

Don't look at the presence of the suzerains of the seven major sixth-rank sects, the seven masters of the spiritual sea can besiege, but the ghost knows whether the remaining few spiritual warriors of the opponent will also stroll around.

Once the siege can't be killed and escape, their entire sect will be finished later, and once they attack here, all the outstanding juniors of their sect will also die.

As a qualified and excellent suzerain, Mo suzerain has never been a reckless man, he chooses wisely.


"I agree too!"

"Senior Luo is indeed an unselfish person, and I agree."

One suzerain agreed, and no one objected.

"Thank you everyone for looking up to me, Luo, since Sect Master Mo recommended it, then I will take it on.

Of course, everyone can rest assured that the Qianlong Ranking Competition is a great sacred event in our Nanzhuoyu. Whoever cheats for personal gain will be backlashed by the luck of the dragon veins, so even if the disciples of the Flying Demon Sect lose, they will lose. I am grateful for the suzerain recommending me for selfishness and fraud. "

Luo Jiacheng, an old man in his 70s, walked out with a smile: "From the rules of the second level, as long as the player gets the sign, he will pass. Three levels, but this rule needs to be revised next time.”

Amendment next time?

The eyes of everyone who hadn't passed the second level lit up, someone slammed a sword qi to cut through a distance of a thousand meters, cut the rope and the jade tablet fell down, and then, there was no more.

They can cut the rope, but they can't get the jade medal.


Just two seconds after being excited, everyone withered
"I come!"

A man with a sturdy figure went in and came back within tens of meters. Knowing that he couldn't pass the Xiaguang attack, he was so heartless that he tore open a hole in his clothes and pulled out the silk threads of the clothes.
After a while, all he had left was a pair of safety pants, revealing a burly upper body with chest hair and thick hairy legs. The jacket and pants were dismantled and spliced ​​into a thousand-meter-long silk thread.

With a flick of zhenqi, the silk thread avoids Xiaguang from the edge of the passage and passes through the hole of the jade tablet with a whoosh. Then with a shake of the hand, zhenqi precisely controls the silk thread to bind the jade tablet and pull it back.

"1 low-grade spirit stones and a jade card for customs clearance, the speed required!"

This man who is very self-aware and already shameless is wearing safety pants, holding a sign and hawking, and fighting is not allowed when passing through the barrier. He is worthy of being snatched.

As he spoke, he swung his sword energy and continued to cut the rope, tied it with silk thread, and within a short while he took 5 jade tokens.

He is not greedy, he understands that if there are too many spirit stones, there will be a risk of being hacked to death by the big boss, and if there are too many spirit stones going out, he may be robbed, so if he takes 5 yuan within the bottom line of the big boss and within the range of his strength, he will simply take the silk thread. destroyed.

It is not allowed to take things from the storage ring during the process of breaking through the level. Now other people want the brand, they must attack through Xiaguang, or ask him to buy it, or strip themselves shamelessly.

Oh no, he has a sturdy figure and his clothes are relatively loose. It is not enough for the others to strip off by themselves. It is estimated that two people will have to strip off to make up enough.


Outside, everyone looked at the mouth twitching of the sturdy brother who was only wearing safety pants and peddling the pass jade card. Why do they feel that this year's Qianlong list competition has changed, who is leading it?
 The fifth update is on the shelves today, and the remaining three updates are still in the code, and they will be released together in the evening
(End of this chapter)

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