Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 124 This Man's Attack Is Poisonous

Chapter 124 This Man's Attack Is Poisonous (35)

The third level is to jump over an abyss tens of meters wide. In the center of the abyss, there is mental interference and strong gravity absorption.

This level is not difficult for Chen Nuo, the will of martial arts resonates with the energy of spiritual energy, and he flies over quickly.

"Sir, you."

Seeing that Chen Nuo finally passed the third pass and climbed up to the south gate, and Murong Qingcheng who had witnessed the situation of the second pass just now walked up, he suddenly didn't know what to say.

For Nan Zhuoyu, the Qianlong Ranking competition is a sacred event. In the past, no one would think of finding loopholes, but after Chen Nuo's shameless follow-up at the beginning and the sturdy brother, Murong Qingcheng has already thought of diving into the future. The situation of the dragon list competition.

In the future, the most troublesome thing for the referee team may not be to ensure the fairness of the referee, but how to formulate a perfect rule that will not find loopholes.

It is illegal to practice favoritism, but it is not illegal to take advantage of loopholes in the rules.

"It's okay, I will be contracted for the future Qianlong ranking competition, and no one can find my loopholes."

Chen Nuo heard what Murong Qingcheng didn't finish, and waved her hands with a chuckle.

There is no loophole, and the rule that "all interpretation rights of the competition belong to the organizer" cannot be filled.

The two stood very close to each other, and Murong Qingcheng's words and expressions revealed a hint of intimacy when they talked with each other. This scene immediately attracted the eyes of many people at the Nancheng Gate, envious, puzzled, and even jealous.

After all, Murong Qingcheng belongs to the second disciple of the sixth-rank sect. He combines talent, strength, background, and beauty. He is the perfect partner in the hearts of many warriors. Said that this close standing together had a great time talking.

Not far away, Lin Yu, the chief disciple of the sixth-grade sect, and Mo Yan, the chief disciple of the Flying Demon Sect, looked ugly, but they didn't say anything, let alone Shi Lezhi stepped forward to provoke them.

They recognized Chen Nuo, the beauty is not bad, but no one would lay down their lives and sects for the beauty.

The news that Murong Qingcheng went to the imperial city of the Black Dragon Empire in the past few months has already spread, and because of this, the Flying Demon Sect has encountered some doubts, and Chen Nuo has also been known to everyone.

Of course, he didn't know that he was the leader of the revolution. This identity was only known to the core figures such as Zhang Xianmeier and Xiao Wu of the revolutionary army. What he knew was another identity he announced to the public, Mr. Teacher.

The students' respect for the teacher is the best identity cover, no one will say anything or doubt anything.

In the fantasy world that advocates cultivation and strength, except for Murong Qingcheng and Ye Chen who probably guessed about Chen Nuo's situation but dared not tell the outside world, no one else would think that a person in the Yuanyuan Realm can become a person with multiple spiritual sea realms. The leader of the warrior force.

After more than ten minutes, with the ear-piercing sound of friction, Yuelongmen Sanguan sank.

The south gate is closed, and the side gates on both sides of the gate are open. As long as warriors of Baoyuan Realm and above can come in to watch the battle, but only those who pass through the gates of the three gates can participate in the competition.

"With less than 700 people, almost 80% have been eliminated."

Chen Nuo took a glance. He saw no less than 3000 young people outside the city just now, but only less than 700 passed the three tests. The elimination rate is really high.

"Most of them are casual cultivators, and their skills and strength are not enough. Most of the sect disciples have come in." Murong Qingcheng explained to Chen Nuo.

"That's why revolutionary changes are needed, isn't it?" Chen Nuo replied with a smile.

Murong Qingcheng's expression froze. As a disciple of the sixth-rank sect, Chen Nuo said that what she said just now is indeed the type of standing and talking without back pain.

"There is an attack power test column in the city, do you want to go and have a look, sir?"

Attack power test column?

There was a trace of curiosity in Chen Nuo's eyes, not the curiosity about his own attack strength, but the curiosity about the test column itself.

"Then let's go and have a look."

Beckoning to Meier who came in, the girl ran over with a smile, and Zhang Xian was responsible for finding a place to live.


Meier came over, and naturally squeezed in between Murong Qingcheng and Chen Nuo, and held Chen Nuo's hand.


Murong Qingcheng, who was next to him, felt Meier's ostracism, felt a little speechless, and introduced to Chen Nuo: "The attack power test column here is calculated according to the number of stars, and the full star of Baoyuanjing is 60 stars. It is possible to break through if you understand the strong will of martial arts. This limit reaches 61 stars in the extreme star realm.

Generally, by comparing the number of stars, everyone can see the size of a person's attack power. Of course, it does not rule out that someone hides their strength.

The competition will probably start tomorrow. First, there will be a 12-group knockout match with all the participants. 12 people will be selected and merged into 6 groups. The 6 groups will then have a second round of knockout matches to determine the top 12 points. The 6 people in these 12 groups will be the Qianlong list 72 people were selected into the Qianlong list for the final ranking.

The final ranking is also generally called the battle of snatching. The 72 people on the Qianlong list will all get the dragon energy of the main dragon vein of Nanzhuoyu. The winner will plunder a part of the dragon vein energy of the loser. "

"Dragon Vein Qi."

Chen Nuo nodded, his goal this time is this thing.

"Star 61, star 61 is on! It's Yan Chihuo from the Fire Spirit Sect!"

"Another 61 stars, it is Sikong Sheng from Hanging Mountain!"

"The 60 star has turned purple, who is this burly young man?"

Chen Nuo and the others came to the attack power test column, and before they got close, they heard exclamations from there.

"Qingcheng, didn't you say that 61 stars are rare?"

Chen Nuo looked at the group of Sikong Sheng who attacked the test one after another in the crowd, and was a little speechless. Are these people forming a team to compete for beauty?
Although Wu Cheng's comprehension and Tianmohua's comprehension strength improved a little, but because he was never needed to fight, Chen Nuo didn't have a clear concept of his own strength.

Now this group of people is competing to explode in the front, if it's his turn to hit an embarrassing 50+ stars, wouldn't it be embarrassing and forced?
"Uh, sir, why don't you try to attack me first, this will give you a rough idea of ​​your own strength."

Murong Qingcheng next to him gave a suggestion. In a few months, she had a certain understanding of Chen Nuo's personality, and guessed where Chen Nuo's embarrassment was.

"Attack you?"

Chen Nuo glanced at Murong Qingcheng's graceful figure, then shook his head: "Forget it, I'm afraid I'll blow you up."


When you said you were blowing up, can your eyes not be so open and aboveboard?

"Senior, Miss Murong."

At this time, there was an embarrassing and unwilling voice from behind. Looking back, it was Ye Chen and Xu Jing, a group of people from the Liuyun sect.

Seeing Chen Nuo here from a distance, Ye Chen actually didn't want to come over, but this time he was with Xu Jing, Luo Hanshan, Zhu Mei and several brothers and sisters, so it was not easy to avoid alone, so he had to come over and say hello.

"Ye Chen, go try it?"

Chen Nuo pointed to the attack power test column and suggested.

"Senior, how many stars are you?" Regardless of the curious gazes of Xu Jing and others beside him, Ye Chen still kept the title of senior.

"I haven't tried it yet."

"Then I'll try it first."

Ye Chen nodded, and walked in through the crowd. Seeing other people playing, he really felt a little itchy.

Without taking off the sword, a bright yellow mountain phantom emerged from the condensed true essence in the fist, and then hit the crystal chip that was subjected to the attack test fiercely.

With a thunderous sound, the spars on it lit up like a marquee, until they reached the 60th and turned red.

"Another 60, what's the situation this year, so many talents."

"I haven't seen this person before. He looks like a swordsman. With a sword, he might be able to reach the limit of 60."

People around talked a lot, and Chen Nuo, who had been observing and sensing with his spiritual power just now, came to a conclusion about his own attack power after comparing it—it was similar to Ye Chen's explosion just now.

"So, I should be around 60?"

Before he could go up to play, Xu Jing of Liuyun Sect followed Ye Chen up.

With a powerful punch, 60 spars lit up, and another 60, and the people around were already numb.

It was Chen Nuo's turn to go up, the burst of martial arts will affected the spiritual energy, boom!

The air was chaotic, and the loose trouser legs and dresses of the onlookers were all blown up, revealing a pair of big hairy legs and white long legs. The attack power leaked out, and a small layer of bricks and stones on the ground was scattered and broken into dust from the microscopic level. blow up.
The wind slapped the face with dust, and poured it between the legs and the inside of the clothes. Except for Murong Qingcheng, who had been prepared for a long time, everyone around was dumbfounded.

In the gray dust cloud, 60 stars light up.

This person's attack is poisonous!
(End of this chapter)

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