Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 125 Weak and Helpless Poor Dragon Vein Qi

Chapter 125 Weak and Helpless Poor Dragon Vein Qi (45)

Chen Nuo shattered the zhenqi shield of a warrior at the beginning of the Baoyuan Realm with one punch, and kicked it to end the last knockout match. When he returned to the stands, Mei Er came over to complain to him.

"Teacher, I heard someone nicknamed you "Sandstorm"!"


Which bastard got the nickname!

Chen Nuo suddenly had the urge to kill someone.

Isn’t it because the attack is not concise enough, the martial arts will affect the spiritual energy and the attack leaks out, causing the air to be disordered, and the soil, bricks and stones on the surface are scattered into powder and thrown into the air.
"Sir, the preliminary ranking of the potential dragon list is out, and you are 72nd."

At this time, Murong Qingcheng, who was dressed in purple, came over, and sat down beside him under the strange eyes of everyone.

"What about you?"

Chen Nuo didn't care at all, and asked back.

"No. 71." Murong Qingcheng answered truthfully.

Most of the contestants were from 50 to 58 stars, and the two rounds of knockout rounds did not put any pressure on Chen Nuo and Murong Qingcheng.

From the beginning, Chen Nuo implemented the instant kill to get points, and when the strength was equal, he simply gave up if he didn't want to play so tired, and he would not pursue any winning streak like Ye Chen.

Under his influence, Murong Qingcheng has also become a salty fish, as long as he can advance, as for other Buddhist schools.

"71. Your master is watching you."

Chen Nuo pointed to Sect Master Mo of the Flying Demon Sect who was looking at him with a dark face from a distance. I don't know if he had an illusion, he felt like the eyes of his ex-girlfriend's father in the main world N years ago.

Ma De, I didn't sleep with your disciple, what do you mean by looking at me like this.

Originally, Murong Qingcheng had obtained the Heavenly Demon Flower in advance, and with the understanding of the electromagnetic field given by Chen Nuo, his strength has far surpassed Mo Yan, the great disciple of the Flying Demon Sect, and he can even compete with Sikong Sheng, who was number one in the previous Qianlong list.

Sect Master Mo was already thinking in his heart that this year's Qianlong Ranking Competition, the Flying Demon Sect would make a big splash, and his disciples were great, so he, the Sect Master, would also have a bright face.

However, under the influence of Chen Nuo's sandstorm, after two rounds of knockout rounds, the 71st place in Murong Qingcheng's Buddhist family completely made him feel ashamed.

The Flying Demon Sect has gained a lot of limelight, but this is not the limelight he wants.

"It's okay, I'll just get a good ranking in the final."

Murong Qingcheng was a little uncomfortable being looked at by his suzerain's dark eyes, but he also agreed with Chen Nuo's statement in his heart.

If fame can bring you actual benefits, then it’s okay to pursue it. If it brings only false fame, then why bother.

A streak of victories, in Chen Nuo's eyes, is a false reputation, and in Murong Qingcheng's place, it may even be a curse.

After all, there are so many cultivators in the True Spirit Continent, and there are quite a few people who are cultivators and psychopaths. These people are not afraid of death or sixth-rank sects, but they like excitement.

A beautiful woman, compared with a beautiful woman who has won consecutive victories in the potential dragon list and is admired by everyone, the latter is obviously more exciting and attractive than the former.

Otherwise, why would the female boss and female president be so popular.
"All irrelevant people leave the arena, and all 72 players on the Qianlong list stand on the competition stage to accept the baptism of dragon vein energy. Don't panic when the time comes!"

Luo Jiacheng has presided over the Qianlong Ranking Competition for many times, he is very familiar with this competition, and he also knows the mysteries of Qianlong Ancient City.

swish swish
Chen Nuo, Ye Chen, Sikong Sheng and a group of people flew onto the stage, and everyone stood together in twos and threes with those with better relationships.

Ye Chen and Xu Jing stood in the distance, and Murong Qingcheng stood next to Chen Nuo. Before he could carefully observe the mystery of Qianlong Ancient City this time, 72 people with more than [-]% of the younger generation had visions, one by one. The dragon-shaped phantom opened its teeth and danced its claws, and appeared on them roaring upwards.

These dragon-shaped phantoms range from big to small, clear and fuzzy, majestic and weak. Among them, the phantoms of Sikong Sheng and Li Daoxuan are the most prosperous. There was an inexplicable pressure.

"Is this the energy of the dragon veins?"

Chen Nuo looked at the little dragon that emerged from Murong Qingcheng's body, stretched out his hand to grab it, passed his finger through it, and touched it with spiritual power, but the other party wanted to bite you.

"Yes, this is the Dragon Vein Qi I obtained last time."

Murong Qingcheng nodded, she ranked above 30 in the last session, compared with those of Sikong Sheng and the others, the dragon-shaped phantom is like a baby dragon.

With his psychic power fully withdrawn, Chen Nuo looked at Sikong Sheng's biggest phantom in the shape of a dragon, and let the hormones and nerve impulses in his body change naturally. How the hell would I feel happy and excited when I saw a man?
With a thought, the sage mode dispelled this feeling, and Chen Nuo continued to watch.

The martial artist's telepathy is so powerful, Sikong Sheng was a little scared by Chen Nuo, and he couldn't help shrinking his neck.

After watching it for a few minutes, Chen Nuo became more certain about his previous guess. This dragon vein luck is a kind of information interference.

With the root of his body, he is very aware of every slight change in his body, he doesn't deliberately control it and let it take its course, watching Sikong Sheng's damn emotions will come out strangely.

If you look at other places, it will be much lighter, and even take two steps back to open the distance, and the feeling will be much lighter.

"Give me a dragon vein luck, I have studied it thoroughly to play an information war with you!"

hold head high.
As soon as the thoughts and ideas in Chen Nuo's mind came out, there were bursts of faint dragon chants suddenly coming from the abyss between the martial arts arenas.

This is the sound felt by the soul, not the sound caused by traditional air vibration.

Dragon-shaped airflows rushed out from the abyss, poured into everyone's bodies, and then came out and suspended outside the body. Oh no, one person's dragon-shaped airflow did not enter the body, but circled foolishly.

"Sir, you"

Everyone in the audience looked at Chen Nuo, and Murong Qingcheng next to him looked even more strange.

The ancient city of Qianlong has a history of 10 years, and this situation has never happened in countless Qianlong ranking competitions. This is the first time I have seen such a situation where the energy of the dragon veins refuses to enter the body of the Qianlong ranking contestants.

Looking at the dragon that couldn't land due to the failure of the landing gear of the plane, and kept circling above his head but refused to come down, Chen Nuo had countless words of mmp flashing through his mind!

He probably guessed what was going on.

Because he is not from this world, the aura energy here has nothing to do with him, and the energy of the dragon vein here has nothing to do with him.

"Get down for me!"

Seeing the dragon hovering for more than ten seconds and refusing to come down, and even thinking about fleeing back, Chen Nuo felt ruthless in his heart, his spiritual power exploded, his martial arts will exploded, and he pulled down forcefully wrapped in the energy of this dragon vein.

The body has nothing to do with aura, but through research, Chen Nuo has confirmed that the power of the mind can affect the energy of the aura, and the will of martial arts can also affect the energy of the aura.

I worked so hard to participate in the Qianlong Ranking Competition just for you, why do you want to go back after you come out?Don't even think about it!

hold head high!
With a tragic dragon cry, the weak, helpless, and pitiful dragon vein energy was forcibly pulled into his body by Chen Nuo without the slightest ability to resist, and he forcibly recognized his master, turning into a dragon-shaped phantom and floating outside his body.




The whole audience was silent, everyone was stunned by Chen Nuo's violent behavior.

hold head high!
At this time, the dragon-shaped phantoms on everyone's bodies were stable, and outside Sikong's body, the dragon-shaped phantoms that had reached eight feet two feet after the replenishment of the dragon's veins suddenly roared into the sky, and immediately, the dragon-shaped phantoms of Yan Chihuo, Li Daoxuan and others also They roared one after another, and Bingling, Mo Yan, Ye Chen and others also called out one after another.

hold head high!hold head high!hold head high!
As if stimulated by the roar of these dragons, the phantom in the shape of a dragon that was forcibly bound by Chen Nuo swam around Chen Nuo, screaming incessantly, revealing a trace of flattery and flattery towards Chen Nuo in his voice .

Dragon veins have spirits, so frightened into a dog's leg.
"Well, it seems that the ranking competition should start, who and who is the first match?"

There were at least hundreds of thousands of people who came to watch. Chen Nuo was a little embarrassed to be stared at by so many people. His spiritual power grabbed the dog's legs and slapped the phantom of the dragon, reminding the referee that the final ranking match should begin.

(End of this chapter)

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