Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 126 Chapter 125 Destroy Xu Jing

Chapter 126 Chapter 125

"Race 1 of the first round of the ranking competition, Chen Nuo of the Revolutionary Army vs. Xu Jing of the Flowing Cloud Sect!"

The so-called list of seeded players was announced, and the chief referee, Luo Jiacheng, announced the first game.

"Me? This must be on purpose!"

Chen Nuo, who was about to go back to the stands to eat melons and watch the show, stopped and had to stay where he was.

On the side of Liuyunzong, Ye Chen's expression froze as well. What the hell, Liuyunzong faced the revolutionary boss in the first match.

Xu Jing walked in front of Chen Nuo, her legs under the combat uniform were strong and slender, her eyes were bright and a little indifferent, even if Chen Nuo, who was very familiar with the human body, could tell the opponent's strength from the subtle movements of his body The physical body contains enormous power.

"I'm very interested in your exercise method, and I'm also a method of transforming and exercising the body. How about we exchange ideas and insights?"

Chen Nuo put forward the idea of ​​exchanging exercises with a chuckle. On the stage, the corners of Murong Qingcheng's mouth twitched, and the corners of Ye Chen and other people who knew him twitched.

Tens of billions of people in South Zhuoyu will know your skills. Although the power and development of the body transformation method cannot be described in bad streets, people can ask a child in a big city to buy two candies.

You trade this kind of cultivation method for someone else's unique true biography. This face is invincible.

"Beat me, 5 low-grade spirit stones, yes."

Xu Jing's face was calm and did not change much, and she agreed indifferently.

"That offends!"

Chen Nuo responded, his figure flickered, the chemical furnace and body temperature difference engine were running at full power to provide a steady stream of energy, and with a thought, martial arts will erupted.

A sandstorm has appeared!

Even the martial arts arena in Qianlong Ancient City couldn't bear this chaotic riot from the material microscopic level, and they collapsed into powder one after another and were blown up by the chaotic riot air.

On the stage, everyone looked covered in a cloud of dust, and could only vaguely see two figures fighting. Hearing the sound of fists and feet colliding, everyone was speechless.

The chief referee, Luo Jiacheng, looked even stiffer as he looked at the protruding ring which was slowly decreasing in thickness.

"A layer of energy shield floats on the ground."

Chief Referee Luo gave an order with a headache, and the dark blue light curtain around the competition platform that blocked strength and energy suddenly changed, from a four-sided light curtain to a five-sided light curtain, with an extra layer on the ground.

This extra energy light curtain, the energy needs to be supplied by them, but it’s not enough if you don’t do it. Other people’s battles are external attacks. The special defense against this kind of attack is very strong. The most is to cut a series of scratches .

But Chen Nuo comprehended the chaotic will of martial arts condensed by the temperature control, and the attack broke out directly from the material microscopic level, and disintegrated from the inside. Although the materials of these martial arts arenas are special, they cannot be stopped.

This kind of martial arts will and attack has never appeared in the million-year history of the True Spirit Continent, and the ancestors who built Qianlong Ancient City did not expect this.

The ground was blocked by a substantial energy light curtain, and Chen Nuo's sandstorm skills could no longer be effective. After the previous dust was blown away from the competition platform, the situation on the competition platform was clearly revealed to everyone. .


Chen Nuo and Xu Jing punched each other violently, the air exploded, their fists collided head-on, and blood spattered from the flesh.

The explosive attack of his martial arts will was shattered by the golden energy in the opponent's body, and could not cause substantial damage.

Similarly, Xu Jing's vigor attack was also blocked by the aura energy influenced by his martial arts will. Neither of them could do anything to the other, and they could only engage in a pure strength and pure body battle.

I have been in this world for many years, although it is very cool to hold a student's thigh, but it is also very good to have a hearty battle once in a while.

This is a great whetstone!
Chen Nuo took two steps back to vent his strength. Seeing Xu Jing's thought, his fist stopped bleeding in an instant, all the power of chaotic martial arts will was released, and the whole person continued to charge forward.

The moment he rushed up, the air was also chaotic and crazy, and the extremely turbulent airflow was raging on the competition platform, but because the surrounding energy light curtains prevented it from spreading outside, this caused the turmoil in the air inside to become more and more intense. Gradually formed a strong high frequency deafness.

He wants to use Xu Jing, a rare opponent at the same level who has been trained in physical training, to sharpen his martial arts will and make the attacks of martial arts will more concentrated, instead of punching or sandstorms.

This martial arts will. Xu Jing's vigor spread all over his body to make a defensive posture, so as to prevent his clothes from being torn apart by accident. A trace of doubt flashed in Chen Nuo's eyes as he watched Chen Nuo rushing over.

What kind of martial arts will does this combination of cold and hot, the mixture of movement and stillness belong to? What did this guy understand to be able to condense such a wonderful martial arts will?
Not only he was puzzled, but the tens of 10 people in the stands were also puzzled by everyone except Ye Chen, Meier and Zhang Xian.


This is the second time that Chen Nuo fought with all his strength and heartily, and the first time was the battle between the urban world of cultivating immortals and Chen Beixuan.

It was different from Chen Beixuan's first battle. At that time, the field was wide in the suburbs, but now it is on the competition stage.

The competition platform looks huge, but it really limits the speed and dodging space. The two sides in the battle can only fight each other head-on.

After fighting with each other for dozens of moves, Xu Jing was hit by Chen Nuo's fist and smashed his blocking arm, and the next moment another fist smashed his own defense and hit his chest.

Although she was not injured due to the lack of remaining strength after breaking through the protection, the girl was punched in the chest, which still made her eyes flash with anger.

This man didn't have the slightest bit of male and female avoidance in a game.

Annoyed in her heart, Xu Jing no longer avoided being polite, grabbed Chen Nuo's arm and twisted it, the other elbow slammed into Chen Nuo's chest fiercely, raised her right leg to the man's vital point and raised one knee Collide!
She has already determined that Chen Nuo has no real qi protection or energy protection, except for that weird martial arts will, there is only pure physical fitness left.

"I'll go, you're really ruthless!"

Chen Nuo had a mind wave, and subconsciously turned around to avoid the knee bump, but the elbow punch to the chest couldn't be avoided.


Sternum shattered, heart thumped, lungs burst, and Chen Nuo's pupils were constricting. Enduring the severe pain, he twisted his body and raised his legs, knee bumping!
Xu Jing suffered a knee bump on her stomach, her body almost curled up, and she couldn't restrain a mouthful of blood, her body broke free and the two separated at the same time.

"Girls will admit defeat if they can't do it!"

The body was spontaneously stopping the bleeding, the wound was recovering rapidly, and a sense of disdain flashed through the fluctuations in his mind. Chen Nuo, who had faintly found the feeling, rushed towards Xu Jing without hesitation even though his injury had not fully recovered.


It seemed that she was completely ridiculed by Chen Nuo's disdain. Xu Jing, who had just suffered a knee bump on her stomach and nearly shattered her internal organs, was extremely seriously injured. Xu Jing responded with mental fluctuations, and blocked Chen Nuo's heavy punch with both hands regardless of her physical injury. , the raised knee was held down by Chen Nuo's hand, and he simply raised his head, exerted force on his neck, and slammed into Chen Nuo's forehead fiercely like an enraged lioness.

Before she could hit her head, Chen Nuo hit her stomach again with her knee, and she completely curled up and staggered back a few steps.

Wow!In the stands, Ye Chen and a group of members of the Liuyun Sect subconsciously stood up and watched Chen Nuo's fist stop three inches in front of Xu Jing. Smash it down.

"Admit defeat! Liu Yunzong Xu Jing admit defeat this time!"

Before Xu Jing could make a sound, Luo Xinglie, who was relieved, felt that his heart could not take it anymore, and hurriedly shouted to the referee team.

It's a pity that Luo Jiacheng and others ignored him. In the Qianlong ranking competition, only players are eligible to admit defeat, or one side will fall.

Xu Jing remained silent.

She has never lost so badly, and she is still in the field of physical strength, which she is best at.

"If you don't admit defeat, you will bleed to death."

Chen Nuo glanced at Xu Jing, and withdrew his fist full of regret.

He has found an opportunity. If Xu Jing can hold on for a while longer and hold on to two more punches, he will be able to condense his attack so that his power will not leak out, and he will be able to remove the title of Sandstorm.

But it's a pity, not to mention two punches, just one punch, Xu Jing would be killed on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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