Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 129 The Championship Showdown Comes

Chapter 129 The Championship Showdown Comes (33)

"Ye Chen, do you understand?"

Liu Yunzong, Xu Jing looked at Ye Chen who looked shocked rather than blank, and asked curiously.

"I see, I also know the principle, but I didn't expect to be succeeded by him."

Ye Chen gave Chen Nuo a complicated and admiring look.

The principle of generators, the cutting of magnetic lines of induction, no one in the fantasy world has studied this and no one understands this, so the reason why Murong Qingcheng transformed into a power generator girl is undoubtedly Chen Nuo.

Before Sanjiang City saw Murong Qingcheng's Heavenly Magic Force Field, he recognized that it was a combination of electromagnetic field and aura energy. He also thought about whether the Heavenly Magic Force Field could be improved and evolved into a power field or a super electromagnetic gun, or Use Murong Qingcheng's magic power field data to create a new method.

But unfortunately not.

Because this involves the fusion of basic electromagnetic force and the law of aura, it needs trial and error to perfect.

The interference of aura energy on the experimental data is like the sophon in "Three-Body Problem" blocking the technology of the earth's humans. He can't get accurate data at all, let alone improve it.

Ye Chen did not expect that Chen Nuo succeeded.

What you can't do yourself, someone else can do.

This is undoubtedly a blow to the proud state of mind of a swordsman, and Ye Chen, who is easy-going but not very convincing.

"Sir, 6 seconds!"

A smile appeared on Murong Qingcheng's face. This was the first time she fought as a power generator girl. She was a little skeptical at first, but now she is really convinced.

"Go back and practice hard, the rotation speed of the magnetic field is too slow, it can't be called an explosion at all.

You just met the illiterate Li Daoxuan, if it were Ye Chen, he would let go immediately, and you have nothing to do. "

Chen Nuo glanced at Murong Qingcheng who was a little proud, and said in a blow.

If the generator girl wants to fight, the rotation speed of the magnetic field must explode instantly. Before the enemy reacts, the magnetic field line cutting has been carried out countless times, and the voltage and current burst out, which can kill the blow.

A cultivator's tolerance to electric shocks is much higher than that of ordinary people. If the magnetic field rotation cannot explode, then she is suitable to be a humanoid power supply, not a combat power generator.

"Sir, a swordsman will not drop his sword at will." Murong Qingcheng hesitated for a moment, reminded.

"Then you met someone who used a sword as a tool to cut people, but didn't practice swords?"

Chen Nuo reprimanded him unceremoniously.

The voice was a little loud, and the people next to him looked over, and some young and talented licking dogs wanted to cut him even more.

".I'll go back and practice hard."

Murong Qingcheng was reprimanded like a little daughter-in-law, and sat down next to her aggrieved.

She has only practiced for less than a month, and she still has to learn and understand a lot of electromagnetic knowledge that seems to be dizzy. She is already very happy to be able to knock down Li Daoxuan, who was stronger than herself before. Still have to be scolded.

Li Daoxuan, who was unconscious on the stage, was carried down. The electric injury on his body was easy to treat, but the hair that was blown up by ionization and curling was probably difficult to treat.

Either have an afro, or shave and grow bald.

"The next match, Chen Nuo vs. Tuoba Ku."


A layer of energy light curtain appeared on the ground of the martial arts stage, and Chen Nuo didn't want to kill people any more when he treated this differently.

"You are very strong. You don't need that weird low-temperature attack. Let's use boxing and martial arts will to fight with all our strength. I will admit defeat after one battle."

Seeing Chen Nuo coming up, Tuoba Ku looked expectantly, and said boldly and straightforwardly.

In this almost closed competition arena, if Chen Nuo really wanted to attack with low temperature, he would be unable to resist like Yan Chihuo.


Chen Nuo nodded. Tuoba Ku, who has super defensive power and uses fists and feet instead of knives, is his favorite opponent's fighting style.

"That's offending! Savage Fist!"

Tuoba Ku broke out with all his strength, and his true energy soared into the sky. Chen Nuo crazily surged out of the boxing strength inherited from the king, and every punch had the power to break mountains and rivers.

Chen Nuo's eyes lit up, and he quickly threw out two punches one after another. There was no sandstorm, and the air was no longer turbulent.

The strength of Tuoba Ku's first punch stagnated, and before he could break through, another riot broke out.

The quick stop and move, although not as direct as the chaos mixed directly, but the attack is more concise and pure.

Tuoba Ku's punch exploded unsteadily, and his true energy raged across the arena.

One wanted to go all out for a hearty battle, and the other wanted to continue to familiarize himself with and perfect his perception. The two collided head-on, the air was bursting, and they were fighting frantically.


After fighting for hundreds of punches, the two separated.

The clothes on Chen Nuo's upper body were torn, revealing a few huge wounds that were being repaired quickly, but his eyes were shining brightly, obviously he had gained a lot.

As for the image of Tuoba Ku on the other side, it was even worse. His clothes on his upper body were completely shattered, and there were several fist marks on his body that were obviously frozen to death and scalded by a branding iron. There was also a fist mark where the flesh and blood collapsed into a blood hole.

"I surrender."

Seeing Chen Nuo who was recovering quickly, Tuoba Ku, whose true energy was almost exhausted, had no choice but to admit defeat.

These injuries of cooling frostbite and heating scald are not a problem, the real disgusting person is Chen Nuo's martial arts will.

With a punch, the body is stagnant, and the true energy is like a dead machine, and the body is violent, and the true energy is violent.

Although it was only for a moment, it was enough for Chen Nuo to kill him if he wanted to kill him. In addition, this feeling of disconnection between body and mind was even more terrifying.

Not to mention that a bitch like Chen Nuo also likes to use one punch to stagnate and one punch to riot interleavedly. It is considered powerful if the body does not collapse in this way, and it is considered tough if the spirit is not crazy.

The Dragon Leg swallowed Tuoba Ku's Dragon Vein Qi and became eight feet three, Chen Nuo and Tuoba Ku walked out of the competition stage.

"Your body blood is very strong. Although this boxing method fits your blood, it wastes the potential of your body. I think it is more suitable for you to practice body transformation."


You really want everyone to practice your skills.

Tuoba shook his head bitterly: "No, I'm afraid I'll be beaten to death by the ancestor when I go back to practice the exercises."

"That's a pity."

The two separated and returned to their seats.

"Teacher, the next battle is between your fellow villager and that Sikong Sheng." As soon as Chen Nuo sat down, Mei Er, who had watched the play for a few days, reported the situation.

After the battle between Chen Nuo and Tuoba Ku ended, the next battle was between Ye Chen and Sikong Sheng. The winner competed with Chen Nuo and Murong Qingcheng for the championship.

No one knows who will be the champion, unlike the previous ones, it was almost clear at this time who was the champion in the past, but this time, Murong Qingcheng who killed Li Daoxuan in a weird way, Ye Chen has been winning consecutively from the knockout round to now, the same winning streak In addition, Sikong Sheng, who was number one in the previous Qianlong list, and Chen Nuo, the revolutionary boss.

No one knows who the champion will be in the end.

"Sir, who do you think will win?"

Seeing Ye Chen and Sikong Sheng walk up to the competition stage, Murong Qingcheng asked curiously.

"My fellow countryman, kill Sikong Sheng instantly." Chen Nuo was very sure.

"This is... True Yuan!"

"No, it's half a step of true essence! You start to condense your true essence in the Yuanyuan state, no wonder Sikong Sheng is so strong!"

"As soon as half a step of true energy is released, no one below the astral realm can stop it!"

On the competition stage, Sikong Sheng's body exploded for a while, and a terrifying true energy erupted, which was also mixed with a part of broken light visible to the naked eye, like gems or diamonds, extremely condensed.

This is the true essence that can only be condensed in the extreme astral realm. If this part of the true essence is part of the true energy, it is called half-step true essence.

Murong Qingcheng stared blankly at the true energy on Sikong Sheng's body, then turned to Chen Nuo and asked, "Sir, is Ye Chen going to kill Sikong Sheng now?"

"How about a bet?"

Chen Nuo looked at Ye Chen still calmly, this kid is even more aggressive than him.

"What are you betting on, sir?"

"Ye Chen killed Sikong Sheng instantly, and you will be my assistant for three years, responsible for contacting the major sects. Ye Chen did not kill Sikong Sheng instantly, so I will give you the complete improved version of Heavenly Demon Dafa."

Chen Nuo looked at Murong Qingcheng and made a bet, saying it was a contact, but in fact this was already considered a revolutionary vanguard.

He would do it at the end of the Zongmen's Qianlongbang competition. There is a Murong Qingcheng who grew up in the Zongmen environment and knows the situation of the various sects in Nan Zhuoyu. This can save a lot of time to inquire about information and explore the situation.

"Okay, Qingcheng agrees to Banglong!"

Murong Qingcheng hadn't finished speaking when the air suddenly rioted, but the light curtain of the martial arts stage couldn't bear the sharpness of the sword intent, and a gap was cut out, and the berserk energy and residual sword energy rushed out from the gap
Murong Qingcheng's eyes were dazed, she looked at Sikong Sheng who was lying on the ground covered in blood with his protective essence torn apart, and then looked at the light curtain of the martial arts stage that hadn't been closed for a few seconds.

"Ye Chen, is this [-]% sword intent?"

"Yes, it's still the Immortal Sword Intent."

There was also wonder in Chen Nuo's eyes. He had given Ye Chen three sword-shaped grasses in Sanjiang City before, and it seemed that Ye Chen had increased his sword intent from [-]% to [-]% as he guessed.

This is a swordsman who is extremely talented in sword practice.

(End of this chapter)

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