Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 130 Electromagnetic Gun

Chapter 130 Electromagnetic Gun (13)

There was an uproar.

Baoyuan Realm [-]% sword intent, and this immortal artistic conception, this is a rare real dragon in Nanzhuoyu in a thousand years, and it is likely to break Nanzhuoyu's dilemma of not being able to appear as a king of life and death for many years.

After the uproar, everyone fell silent again.

They remembered the last words left by the peak star who studied the secret method of qi, was ruined by luck backlash, and then sacrificed to the sky by Zhang Xian.

Man can surely conquer the sky, but what if he encounters the sky itself, which is composed of the will of hundreds of millions of people?

The heaven and earth luck of the dragon's veins can kill the dragon, but how to break the will of the people of the people's veins?
"In the next round, Chen Nuo will be all over Murong!"

The chief referee Luo Jiacheng understands everyone's thoughts, but for him, the most important thing right now is to preside over the Qianlong ranking competition.

As for where everyone will go after the game, it all depends on personal choice and fate.

Anyway, he seems to be in his [-]s, but he has lived for hundreds of years. In addition, he has no children and no daughters, so what happens to the future world has nothing to do with him.

"Qingcheng, how about spanking whoever loses?"

When the two came to the stage, Chen Nuo was still joking cheerfully.


Murong Qingcheng was already speechless to Chen Nuo's thick skin, so without saying a word, he directly took out a few steel balls the size of longan from the storage ring.

Steel ball?

I haven't taught electromagnetic guns yet!
Chen Nuo's face couldn't help changing, and Ye Chen, who had just stepped off the stage, also stood up.

"That. Qingcheng, we have something to talk about. Why don't you go back to the Flying Demon Sect and find Sect Master Mo to test this move. He has never seen this and opened his eyes."

When Chen Nuo saw the steel ball in Murong Qingcheng's hand floating up, he immediately followed his heart.

"Sir, Qingcheng is not lazy about the knowledge you teach, but he is working hard to learn it seriously. This is a situation that Qingcheng discovered in an accident. Please advise."

Seeing Chen Nuo like this, Murong Qingcheng smiled sweetly, and the steel ball suspended in front of her disappeared instantly, no, it wasn't missing, it was because the speed was too fast for her eyes to keep up.

In just two seconds, Murong Qingcheng's body seemed to be surrounded by several fiery red hula hoops. This was the trajectory left by the high-speed movement of the steel ball and the air, which became red after friction.

Murong Qingcheng was still adjusting the force field, the air within the force field was repelled by the magnetic field to gradually form a vacuum, and the fiery red trajectory disappeared.

Without the hindrance of the air, the acceleration of the steel ball was instantly increased, and under the impetus of the magnetic field, it carried out a crazy orbital acceleration.


Chen Nuo swallowed. If it wasn't for the boss behind him, he didn't feel the killing intent in his heart. He knew what was going on, and he would have given up now.

This woman didn't want to win the game, but she was thinking about what she had just reprimanded and scolded her just now, and now she is here for revenge.

There were 10 people in the stands, watching Chen Nuo and Murong Qingcheng standing opposite each other on the competition stage, one of them was smiling sweetly, the other was swallowing saliva as if they were very nervous, and everyone fell into a daze again.

"Everyone squat down!"

In the stands, Ye Chen saw a fiery red hula hoop appearing around Murong Qingcheng again, and this hula hoop was more colorful and bigger than the original one, so he hurriedly shouted to everyone in Liuyunzong.

This is because the speed of the steel ball is too fast and gradually exceeds the magnetic constraint of Murong Qingcheng's force field. This is like holding a rope and swinging it in circles. The slow circle is small, and the fast circle is large.

Before Xu Jing and the others squatted down as promised, on the competition stage, an energy light curtain suddenly shattered completely, and several trails with white shock waves dragging the fire in front of them reached a place a hundred miles away from Qianlong City in an instant. Huge mountains soaring into the sky.

Rumble boom!

Three huge gaps were blasted in the center of the mountain, and the rock and soil melted into magma. With a rumbling sound, the upper half of the mountain collapsed directly.


The whole place was silent.

This attack strength, astral realm?No, the general spirit sea realm is not that strong!
What happened to this year's Qianlong list?
If someone told them before that a person in the late stage of the Baoyuan Realm had an attack stronger than that of a real person in the Linghai Realm, they would definitely call someone yellow and wake him up, but now, the facts are in front of them, and no one can refute .

In the stands, Xu Jing was in a daze, Ye Chen sighed, Sikong Sheng's face was stiff, Flying Demon Sect Master Mo's expression was excited, Mei'er and Zhang Xian who had already stood up sat down again.

Those who understand Heavenly Demon Dafa understand that Murong Qingcheng is invincible at the same level.

Not to mention Li Daoxuan's weird attack before, people at the same level can't do it quickly if they want to break through the magic force field. After waiting for a few seconds, who can stop such an attack?
"Referee, I admit defeat."

Looking at the collapsed mountain in the distance, Murong Qingcheng was a little amazed at the attack power of this move, and then simply shouted to the referee to admit defeat.

Her knowledge and application of electromagnetic fields were all taught by Chen Nuo, and she still couldn't beat the teacher with something taught by others.

"Uh uh, good! This battle Chen Nuosheng!"

Luo Jiacheng was stunned before reacting to the announcement of the result of the match.

"Sir, Qingcheng didn't disappoint you, did it?"

At the end of the competition, Murong Qingcheng walked up to Chen Nuo, smiling like a kid showing off after winning the little red flower in the exam.


Chen Nuo praised, patted Murong Qingcheng on the shoulder, and said seriously: "It seems that you have good talent, but you know too little.

For example, the orbit of the steel ball can change along the Hohmann transfer trajectory, which can minimize the influence of gravity and maximize the energy efficiency of acceleration.

In addition, you can also learn more about the concept of the environmental magnetic field, combine your own celestial magic force field with the environmental magnetic field to reduce resistance, and even leverage the energy of the environmental magnetic field.

What I taught you casually before was too crude, and I was a little sorry for your talent. It seems that I have to rearrange the learning tasks for you, study hard, and don't bury your talent. "


Murong Qingcheng thought of the ecstasy of comprehension and research, the formula data that made people dizzy, and the smile on his face froze instantly.

It was so painful to teach casually before, but now you study hard, wouldn't that kill you?
You did it on purpose.

Chen Nuo said that the arrangement will be arranged, and after returning to the stands, he took out an information jade slip and gnawed in his mind the provincial library and several university libraries, including the magnetic field-related knowledge and literature on HowNet. copied in.

Under Murong Qingcheng's terrified and even desperate eyes, Chen Nuo handed the jade slip to her with deep words, and said that she would regularly check the progress of her studies, and if she did not complete the progress, there would be some punishment waiting for her.

Seeing Murong Qingcheng's terrified face like a scumbag of a classmate encountering a pile of test questions, Chen Nuo nodded in satisfaction.

Let you scare me with a railgun!
"System, find the boss to buy me a middle-level temperature control level 3, the source power is enough."

Seeing the end of the remaining rookie battles of this round, Chen Nuo simply activated the authority once and started krypton gold.

"Enough, the intermediate temperature control is upgraded from level 1 to level 3, the source power is 20, and the temperature is -160 degrees Celsius to 5000 degrees Celsius."

The voice of the system sounded in Chen Nuo's mind. In an instant, Chen Nuo felt that his temperature control ability had improved qualitatively. Of course, what he valued was not this, but the temperature control perception.

The martial arts will, condensed by temperature control perception and spiritual power, frantically absorbs these perceptions like a sponge at this moment and continuously improves and condenses.

This kind of martial arts will increase, and the spiritual power is fluctuating. Mei'er and Murong Qingcheng next to him immediately noticed the strangeness of Chen Nuo.

Meier frowned, and the fluctuations emitted by Chen Nuo were limited to two meters around, so that no one outside could feel it.

"Next match, Ye Chen vs. Chen Nuo!"

When Chen Nuo's breakthrough in martial arts was over, the referee also announced the official start of the championship final between Chen Nuo and Ye Chen.

"There is still a lot to realize that I have not integrated into the will of martial arts, but it should be enough."

Chen Nuo opened his eyes, and the air flow around him seemed to be a little messed up, and he walked towards the competition stage.

He relied on studying the nature of the world and working hard to earn krypton gold to improve his strength. Ye Chen achieved today through the talent plug-in that merged the soul achievements of the two worlds.

This will be a battle to study the krypton gold party and the talent cheat party.

(End of this chapter)

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