Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 131 Defeating Ye Chen in Three Moves

Chapter 131 Three Moves to Defeat Ye Chen (23)

"Ye Chen, how about three moves to determine the outcome?"

The two walked onto the competition stage, Chen Nuo looked at Ye Chen and smiled softly.

In the stands, everyone's reaction was calm, and they didn't show much excitement about this championship battle.

There are really too many climaxes ahead, even the attacks from Baoyuan Realm far surpassing the ordinary Spirit Sea Realm, they think that even if a King of Life and Death Realm emerges next, they can face it calmly.

"Senior, if you are the strength you have shown before, you will not be my opponent."

Ye Chen sized Chen Nuo a few times and shook his head.

Chen Nuo's body doesn't have a trace of aura. Once his spiritual strength is restrained and his martial arts will not burst out, he looks like an ordinary person.

He couldn't see the details, but if Chen Nuo's strength was as good as he showed before, he wouldn't be his opponent.

After all, he mainly practiced swords, and the true qi attribute of the kung fu was moderate, unlike Yan Chihuo, whose true qi was sluggish when he was hit by a low temperature.

"Try it."

With a thought in Chen Nuo's mind, the power of the mind has exploded, and the will of martial arts is also affecting the energy of the spiritual energy.

"it is good!"

Ye Chen's eyes flashed, he still wanted this champion.

After the words fell, the air around Ye Chen was tearing, and the strong wind scattered, like a peerless sword about to be unsheathed.

The Xinghen sword was out of its sheath, and the powerful [-]% sword intent came out through the body. The sword light flashed, and it stabbed at Chen Nuo's shoulder with a sense of immortality!

"Don't hold back!"

Chen Nuo yelled violently, and punched Ye Chen's sword.

Before the fist got close, the skin was cut open by the sharp sword energy and sword intent. Feeling the sting of the fist, Chen Nuo's accumulated martial arts will erupted.


boom!Ye Chen's Sword Intent, Immortal Artistic Conception, and even the Star Mark Sword seemed to have taken a stimulant at the same moment, and instantly became violent.

Unable to sustain the sudden violent change, Ye Chen's sword intent suddenly dissipated, and the Xingshen sword almost lost its grip and left his hand.

Ye Chen's sword move was shattered, his stomach was severely punched in a circle, and his eyes that flew upside down flashed a trace of horror.

This. The artistic conception of fastness?

No, it's not the artistic conception of speed, it's movement interference!
He knew that Chen Nuo's will to martial arts was condensed from temperature perception. This was the interference of thermal movement from the microcosmic to the macroscopic level.

If Chen Nuo's movement intervention was only for a moment in the battle with Tuobaku before, then it would be just a moment now.

"Senior and great talent."

Ye Chen flew upside down tens of meters and stabilized his figure with his feet, a trace of sincere admiration flashed in his eyes.

In a fantasy world that is more suitable for practicing the laws of spiritual energy and cultivating idealistic artistic conception, it is undeniable to admire the basic rules and the profound meaning of the temperature of matter.

"I just didn't succumb to circumstances."

Chen Nuo looked at the hard-to-heal injury on his fist, chuckled lightly, and didn't explain much.

Although he is considered half of the krypton gold party, the source of these krypton gold is earned bit by bit, thinking about various plans and measures every day, educating Meier Zhang Xian and the others to implement reforms bit by bit.

He couldn't absorb spiritual energy when he came here. It was also because he was slowly studying the relationship between the mind and spiritual energy. He risked his mind being strangled by the sword intent of the king of Tianzhuxia, researched and understood the mystery of martial arts will, and condensed his own martial arts will based on temperature perception. There is a way to improve strength.

These are all what he deserves.

Nine years of farming may seem like a sentence, but the details of the process cannot be expressed in words.

From the time he slapped the resignation letter on Yang Jianzhong's desk, he never surrendered to the environment.

"Did not succumb to circumstances."

Ye Chen was stunned for a moment, and a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

This may be the gap between the two.

"Senior, I've offended you. I'm afraid I won't be able to completely control the damage in the next move."

After all, Ye Chen is not an ordinary person, he quickly stabilized his mind, the star marks sword pierced the air, and the fierce sword force erupted instantly.

"Sky Broken Clouds, five fusions!"

In an instant, Ye Chen's pupils were almost dyed a shining blue, and the Starscar Sword turned into a blue lightning bolt, slashing at Chen Nuo at a high speed.

At the moment when the lightning burst out, the immortality in the sword intent was poured into the sword move.

Facing Ye Chen's almost full-strength burst of sword moves, Chen Nuo's eyes flashed, and his martial arts will exploded without holding back, and he punched with all his strength.

In an instant, most of the time of the martial arts stage seemed to have stagnated. The flow of air, the extremely galloping Ye Chen and his sword moves, and even the flashing electric light all stopped at this moment.

In this stagnant world, Chen Nuo's figure flashed and appeared in front of Ye Chen in an instant. With a punch, he was still stagnant and his sword moves were bombarded by external forces. The entire structure and artistic conception were instantly destroyed and destroyed. Dispersed into countless streaks of terrifying lightning sword energy, it exploded in lasing.

boom!In an instant, the energy light curtain of the competition arena was pierced with countless holes, a large amount of lightning sword energy leaked out, and the entire competition arena instantly turned into a blue hedgehog.

The sword energy attached to Ye Chen's immortal artistic conception is difficult to destroy, but it doesn't mean it cannot be destroyed.

bump!With a kick from Chen Nuo, Ye Chen was kicked and hit the light curtains around the competition stage, and blood was constantly spilling from the corners of his mouth.

"My God!"

"What happened to the weird stagnation just now!"

"Is this time pause?"

In the stands, the audience who thought there would be no more climax finally couldn't restrain the excitement and horror in their hearts at this moment, they all stood up and looked at the competition stage.

Just now half of the martial arts arena seemed to be stagnant in time, and Ye Chen's movements and sword moves seemed to be slowed down countless times, which completely shocked them.

Although it only lasted less than half a second, they had never heard of such a weird situation, even the battle of the king of life and death.

Sikong Shengyan Chihuo and the others were a little dazed, while Ji Xueyan and a group of young women in the stands had brilliant eyes.

Young, handsome, and powerful, the teacher of several spirit sea warriors in the Revolutionary Army, coupled with his profound knowledge and strength training, not to mention a group of core figures in the Revolutionary Army, it is said that Murong Qingcheng, who was originally weaker than Li Daoxuan and others, only After a few months, the attack power of the spiritual sea realm also broke out.

In an instant, many young women in the stands who were extremely talented or had a prominent background and were confident in their appearance all had hunting goals in their hearts.

On the competition stage, Chen Nuo looked at the scars cut by the burst of sword energy on his body. Because of Ye Chen's immortal artistic conception, the repair of the wound cells was suppressed and it was very difficult to repair.

With a thought, the Martial Dao Will shattered the remaining sword intent, and the wound quickly stopped bleeding and healed.

At this time, Ye Chen wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and returned to the competition stage.

"Senior, the last move."

Seeing that Chen Nuo's injuries recovered almost instantly, Ye Chen's eyes flashed with wonder, his mind sank into the sword intent, and his state of mind instantly entered a state of no waves in the ancient well, where terrifying power was accumulating like the tranquility before the storm.

call out!
Ye Chen's stored power seemed to last for a long time, but in fact, the third sword came out in less than half a second, and the sword energy struck Chen Nuo extremely quickly like a cold light.

So fast
Unlike the previous two swords, Ye Chen's third sword attack was almost completely restrained, without a trace of sharpness on the outside, and only through the induction of spiritual power could one detect the terrifying energy contained in this ordinary sword move.

"Motion disorder!"

A gleam of light flashed in Chen Nuo's eyes, and the chaotic martial arts will erupted in an all-round way, and the fists came before the attack of the martial arts will.

Ye Chen, who was stabbing towards him with a sword, trembled, and the qi that protected his body was confused and then shattered.

Without the protection of the body's true qi, the bones and flesh on his body suddenly cracked and torn. Some parts of his arms and body were crushed, and some parts were simply torn apart.

Ye Chen's sword move was self-defeating, and the chaotic sword energy exploded, smashing the sword energy with one fist, and finally stopped a foot away from Ye Chen's face.

The fist wind blew Ye Chen's hair, swallowing the blood gushing out of his mouth, Ye Chen endured the pain all over his body and cupped his fists to admit defeat.

"I lost."

(End of this chapter)

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