Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 133 It's time for Nan Zhuoyu to be unified

Chapter 133 It's time for Nan Zhuoyu to be unified
"The token of the Dragon King?"

Chen Nuo narrowed his eyes, and said calmly: "I'll give the Dragon King a face, the sect and royal family you didn't want to stop just now can leave, and the remaining Xiaoxian!"

Murong Qingcheng's expression was stunned. She remembered correctly that Chen Nuo planned to kill the young bird at first, but now not only continue to kill, but also ask the Dragon King to remember him as a favor?
Yes, it is a favor.

If she is a rookie, she should see that the Dragon King Ling is obedient.

But a revolutionary boss like Chen Nuo, who can conquer the sky, if he gives the Dragon King order some face, then the Dragon King will remember the favor.


Zhang Xian also understood this and responded cooperatively.

A group of warriors in the Astral Realm and Yuanyuan Realm did not have the Spiritual Sea Realm. With a thought, the five transformations have been integrated into the cells of the law of aura and the resonance of the environment.

Although you can't cultivate the true essence, but the cells are integrated into the law of spiritual energy, the power is actually no worse than the various swords and punches of the true essence.

A large amount of blood sprayed out, and the rest of the people had body protection but were not sprayed, but the south gate of Qianlong City was covered with blood.


The smell of blood permeated the tip of the nose, Long Biyun's expression flashed with anger, but the next moment she controlled it and dared not speak.

"The 10-year-old Zhenlong Ancient Land is stained with blood today, Your Excellency has passed this time."

Two spatial rifts appeared outside Qianlong City, an old voice sounded, and the kind-faced, white-haired old man walked out. At the same time, Xuanhou, who Chen Nuo had met once and planned to be tied to the people's chariot, also appeared.

Both of their life and death realm kings had a close relationship with Nanzhuoyu. Qianlong City shook, and Qianlong Ancient City, which was suppressing the main dragon vein of Nanzhuoyu, was bloodied. The two of them sensed it immediately.

With a flash of Zhang Xian's figure, he immediately stood next to Chen Nuo, and Mei'er's face became serious.

"Revolution is not a dinner party. Only when the blood washes away the dirt can a new life be ushered in."

The power of Chen Nuo's martial arts will emerged, and with a pull on his head, a dragon was caught by him.

hold head high!
The pitiful, weak, and helpless dragon roar sounded.

Empress Xuan's complexion was fine, but Dragon King's complexion suddenly became serious.

"I just gave you some face, the Dragon King, so you probably want to push your limits."

Seeing the dignified expression of the Dragon King, Chen Nuo flicked the dragon's leg in his hand, without any timidity, and even turned back his momentum.

This time participating in the Qianlong Ranking competition, he discovered a very interesting phenomenon from the performance of each sect and the conversations with people around him, including what Murong Qingcheng said.

That is, these Zongmen royal families value the luck of dragon veins very much, or they are restricted and controlled by this luck.

To break through the cultivation base needs enough luck, the opportunity depends on luck, and the development of sect needs luck even more.

Whether or not luck is at its peak determines whether a sect is prosperous or not, and even determines the fate of a sect. If luck is bad, nine out of ten sects will encounter disasters.

Nanzhuoyu has not had a life-and-death king for many years, and even Xuanhou achieved the life-and-death realm by fighting in the outer domain. The reason for this is that Nanzhuoyu's dragon veins are not lucky enough.

It is different for those who play with man to conquer nature and engage in revolution. Although the development process is full of difficulties, the general trend is complete.

A dragon king who wants to be closed to death, whose misfortune and fortune are unpredictable, doesn't need to be crushed by the people's power, I will pull my dragon leg over and ask you if you are afraid.

"Dragon King."

The atmosphere froze a little, Xuan Hou looked at the ugly face of the Dragon King, and shook his head slightly.

This is Qianlong City, where even emperors are afraid of Zhenlong Valley, they can come and go shopping, but if they really want to do something, the consequences will not be easy.

Besides, today's matter itself is unreasonable. If it is reasonable, it can still be debated. It is unreasonable to compete with a revolutionary leader who has become a popular trend of the people. She has already felt the madness of these revolutionary lunatics, and has personally experienced the people. The power of oppression by the general situation did not want the old dragon king who had helped and supported him before to also fall into it.

Unless you can defeat the whole world with one person, or you can kill tens of billions of people in the entire South Zhuo domain without being hunted down by the human kings of other large domains, otherwise you should be careful.

"Oh, the younger generation is terrifying."

The Dragon King glanced at Qianlong City, which was stained with blood but remained motionless, and sighed. Space fluctuations flashed, and his figure disappeared.

Empress Xuan glanced at Chen Nuo, nodded and left without saying a word.

"All sects are welcome to come and visit us."

The two life and death kings left, Chen Nuo turned around and looked at the sects at the gate of the city that were completely silent like obedient babies, and greeted Zhang Xianmeier and Murong Qingcheng with a smile to leave.


The huge flying puppet was taken out by Meier, and several people went into the puppet, which disappeared into the sky very quickly.

"Everyone, there are still some things in my sect, so I won't chat with you."

As soon as Chen Nuo and the others left, Sect Master Mo glanced at the blood-stained Qianlong City, raised his hands to hug everyone, and was about to take Mo Yan and the others away.

"Wait, Old Mo!"

But before he left, the Huoling Sect Master yelled, making everyone present tremble uncontrollably.

Lao Mo?There was a war between your two sects a few years ago, so I am ashamed to say such a title.


Sect Master Mo was even more straightforward. He stretched out his hand and pulled Mo Yan's disciples over, shaking his head: "Sorry, I don't know, you should find someone else."

Saying that, without waiting for the reaction of the Fire Spirit Sect Master, the person flew into the sky and disappeared into the sky as a black streamer.

"This old guy, he is so vigilant, so he probably wants to be the head of the country."

The outstretched hand of the Huoling Sect Master paused in the air, recalling in his mind the old guy's tacit consent of Murong Qingcheng following Chen Nuo, his expression fell into contemplation.

Although Murong Qingcheng's father and family have other people, but as the sect master, it is appropriate for his disciples to have such a relationship.


Hearing this, Prince Huoling subconsciously glanced at Lin Yun who was pursuing Murong Qingcheng before, oh, there is no more Lin Yun, Lin Yu is a member of the Heavenly Cloud Sect, and he died just now, even Sikong Sheng, a disciple of Xuankong Mountain, is the same GG it.

Among the young giants before the relationship, apart from Li Daoxuan, the bald swordsman who shaved his hair, only Prince Huoling survived and retained his original handsomeness.

"Xiao Xian, you will go over later to incorporate the Sky Meteor Sect and the Hanging Mountain. The disciples in the sect will interrogate them again. Those who have a violent personality and commit crimes will not be left behind. If they have a peaceful personality and have not committed crimes, let them modify the body transformation method and serve for another two years."

Inside the flying puppet, Chen Nuo researched while pulling the dragon's legs, and gave Zhang Xian a command.

"Do you want to modify the exercises?"

Zhang Xian didn't look too surprised, but Meier next to him didn't quite understand.

"Yes, if you want to modify the exercises, without the imprint of exercises, they will be assimilated soon. If you don't modify the exercises, it will be difficult to assimilate."

Chen Nuo rubbed Mei'er's head, and said with a smile: "After a few years, these people are assimilated, and their related exercises will be put in the school for free for those who are interested to study and study."

If you want to change the revolution for another day, you will never be able to achieve the goal by killing alone.

Killing and force as a means, as a deterrent, supplemented by relevant policy assimilation, gentle means, etc., can eliminate all contradictions, unite and rule all people together, and achieve the ultimate revolutionary goal.

"It's too profound, I can't figure it out."

Meier shook her head, these political tricks were more difficult for her than the basic rules taught by Chen Nuo.

"This thing is really useful, Xiaoxian, hurry up and go back, Nan Zhuoyu should also be unified."

Chen Nuo put the dragon legs back and gave Zhang Xian instructions.

After 10 years in this world, it's time for Nan Zhuoyu to be unified.

With a stable rear area with a population of tens of billions, and the research of more efficient means of communication for the Puppet Sect, within a few years, the southern group domain will be captured, and then the radiation can continue to spread to other large domains.


Zhang Xian responded, and with a thought, the aura energy around the flying puppet oscillated, the space was twisting and fluctuating, and the flying speed of the puppet increased nearly a thousand times in an instant.

The five transformations of the cells are not as good as the top martial artists like Xuanhou and Dragon King. They can only simply compress and change the space, and cannot use the law of aura to open the space door for teleportation.

However, simple compression is enough to change the space. Using the principle of curvature navigation, the flying puppet can slide in time and space at an equally fast speed.

(End of this chapter)

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