Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 134 The Situation Has Been Set

Chapter 134 The Situation Has Been Set

It took more than a month to go, and half an hour to come back.

When the flying puppet landed in the former imperial city of the Black Dragon Empire, the dragon legs on Chen Nuo's body suddenly sprang out, screamed a few times flatteringly, and then burrowed into the ground like a dragon entering the sea.

More than ten seconds later, hundreds of miles around the imperial city suddenly swelled with wind and clouds, and the sound of dragons and tigers faintly came from the void and underground.

Countless people in the city looked surprised, and the true essence practitioners who had gradually rushed over this year watched the changes in the world with horror.

This is a sign that the dragon veins are rising and the dragon veins are extremely strong.

Originally, the royal family of the Black Dragon Empire was located on a large dragon vein, but as the empire was breached, the dragon vein was also severely damaged. In addition, Chen Nuo and his gang of revolutionaries themselves would not understand the luck of the dragon vein even if they were determined to conquer the sky. It's been left there.

Now with the injection of the energy of this dragon vein, although it is very weak compared to the large dragon vein, it seems to activate the original dragon vein and repair the wound of the dragon vein.

After more than ten minutes, the rising energy of the dragon's veins gradually subsided, and the dragon's legs broke through the ground again and merged into Chen Nuo's body.

"Teacher, this dragon vein luck is really surprising."

Zhang Xian closed his eyes and felt it for a while. The spiritual energy in a radius of ten thousand miles was slowly gathering here, and it didn't take long for the energy of the spiritual energy here to rise to a higher level.

In addition, he also felt that his mind was more transparent, some subtle distracting thoughts were reduced, and the efficiency of cultivation and study had improved.

Although this little effect seemed insignificant to him, it was considered precious to those with lower cultivation.

"We don't pay much attention to this. The dragon-vein luck has taken effect. We will investigate the situation in various places to see if the dragon-vein luck has any effect. If it doesn't work, let's settle the score with Queen Xuan."

Chen Nuo shook his head. In fact, the human will in the fantasy world also has a similar effect. It is very difficult to develop at the beginning, and geniuses are rare.

Of course, Chen Nuo regarded this as probability and psychology.

The genius itself is there, but as the power develops and the population covered increases, the hidden genius will be discovered and excavated.

The breakthrough is faster, this is because when the power develops, everyone's state is more positive and the mood is better.

A person who is not under so much pressure and doesn’t have so many messy things concentrates on learning one thing, and another person who is running around for life and doing a lot of bad things every day learns the same thing, even if it takes the same time to learn the same content, the former’s The efficiency is also significantly higher than the latter.


Zhang Xian nodded, and took out several summons orders to order this matter.

Although Chen Nuo's research on dragon legs is sure to be effective, the specifics still depend on the actual situation.

Tiecheng, this is a small city near Wucheng. In the original book, this place was destroyed in the beast tide, and hundreds of thousands of people died.

However, because of the promotion of Chen Nuo's body transformation method, everyone joined in the practice. Although the outbreak of the beast horde caused some damage, it was finally preserved.

"After checking the news, today the Revolutionary Army will have a support teaching team coming back from the outer town together. There will be 8 to 10 people. A second metamorphosis Baoyuan Realm will take the lead, and the rest will be in the Real Condensation Realm. Let's go Ambush them outside the city."

Two people dressed in ordinary clothes, with ordinary appearance, and who were still practicing the body transformation method according to their aura were going out together.

They are all the second transformation of cells. They were moles who were originally sect disciples who switched to the body transformation method and broke into the revolutionary army.

There are many such moles, and they are just one of them. They are mainly responsible for ambushing the teaching staff who go out, and there are also moles that create public opinion and chaos.

These moles hide in the city, delaying the massive manpower and material resources of the revolutionary army, and also slowing down Chen Nuo's external expansion.

"They will come over in about half an hour. Let's go to the next dense forest to ambush."

The two went out of the city to a woods outside the city, and the leader said as he walked: "Someone saw a sixth-level monster python here a month ago, and a group of hunters came to hunt it down but couldn't find it. There is a sixth-level monster python here." Other monsters dare not come here because of the breath of the beast, so there is no need to ambush here."

Before they finished speaking, the two turned a corner, and the leader was stunned.

"what happened to you?"

The people behind followed, and at a glance, they also fell into a daze.

A huge demon python almost as thick as a bucket coiled there, and its fist-sized eyes shone with dangerous colors.


As soon as the word "running" was uttered, two beams of light suddenly erupted in the dense forest, and everything returned to calm.

In the next few days, similar things happened not only in Iron City, but also in other cities of Black Dragon Empire.

When inciting public opinion and causing chaos, a powerful hunter chasing prey happened to pass by, and the head was collected by the hunter neatly.

Some were walking on the road, and the sword energy of a strong man fighting in the distant sky flew over, and his body was cut into two pieces.

What's more, when the beast tide was triggered, the beast tide somehow rushed into his stronghold.

If the general trend of connections is crushed by absolute power, then the murderous intent caused by the luck of the dragon veins is to moisten things silently, and a silent death trap has been laid for you.

When the mice hiding in the dark came to disaster, the revolutionary army's first open war against the sect also began.

2000 star warriors whose cells have transformed three times, under the leadership of youngsters Wu Lin, Ma Xiaozhong, and Qin Yue, who have broken through to four times their cells and entered the Spirit Sea Realm, rushed to the Heavenly Meteor Sect's residence openly and aboveboard.

This is an extraterrestrial meteorite with a radius of tens of miles, and the main hall of the Sky Meteor Sect is located on it.

"Kill! Destroy the Heavenly Meteor Sect!"

"The Linghai Realm will not stay! The Star Realm and the Baoyuan Realm proclaim their true energy and true energy, and they can live by disarming and surrendering!"

Wu Lin, who had been transformed into a man, roared angrily, and the aura of the Spirit Sea Realm on his body exploded, and he rushed in at the head of the pack, behind him.

Qin Yue and Ma Xiaozhong, who were wearing blue dresses, were not to be outdone. They were looking for a breakthrough to the spiritual sea realm even more than Wu Lin, and they burst into it with a burst of momentum.

Behind the three of them, 2000 Star Realm warriors whose cells had transformed three times also rushed into the range of the Sky Meteor Sect, and carried out a crushing massacre on all those who did not surrender.


Before Qin Yue and Ma Xiaozhong could catch up, Wu Lin who rushed up first found the two remaining Supreme Elders of the Meteorite Sect.

The long knife in his hand slashed across the sky, and the surrounding spiritual energy resonated, and in a one-to-two posture, he chopped off the profound martial arts moves played by the two spiritual sea level elders of the Sky Meteor Sect, and sent the two of them flying horizontally , Blood was already overflowing from the corner of his mouth in the air.

"Little Wu who is robbing monsters like this is not gentle at all, but she is still a cute girl Wu Lin."

Behind her, Qin Yue muttered in a not-so-small voice, ignoring Wu Lin's completely darkened face, and dodged to catch up.

The delicate fist blasted out, and the strength of the peak of the spiritual sea realm exploded. The two spiritual sea realm warriors who hadn't stabilized their bodies in the air were suddenly blasted, and their broken bodies fell from the air.

This was just an ordinary Spirit Sea Realm. Wu Lin, who was at the Realman Realm level, slashed hard, and then met Qin Yue, the peak master of the Spirit Sea Realm, with a full punch, killing both of them on the spot.


The corners of Ma Xiaozhong's mouth twitched, and countless MMPs rolled in his heart, did I just come to watch the show?

The Heavenly Meteor Sect is over.

Seeing this, the other watching people around had this thought in their minds.

"The development of this group of revolutionary troops is too fast. There was no Spirit Sea Realm before, and five people suddenly appeared a year ago. Now there are two Kings of Life and Death Realm and I don't know how many Spirit Sea Realm. The Star Extreme Realm of the army, this kind of power is really terrifying!"

A casual cultivator at the peak of the Star Realm who was watching the battle saw that the Sky Meteor Sect was almost shattered, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and looked horrified.

"Fast? How do I feel that this is normal, I expected this situation a few years ago.

There are tens of billions of people practicing their technique in the whole Nanzhuoyu, and there are also tens of billions of people who want to join them.

Now such a few strong people are considered average. I believe that within three years, they may form a legion in the Spirit Sea Realm, and the kings in the Life and Death Realm will form a team to rule other large domains. "

Next to him, another polite-looking Astral Realm martial artist shook his head and commented, he had expected this scene a long time ago, not only he saw it, but many people saw it, but it was useless to see it.

The general trend has become tens of billions of people, which is simply unstoppable, and the only effective means are differentiation or alternative rule.

Separation is impossible. This is the peak period of the development of the revolutionary army, and the cohesion and centripetal force cannot be described in words. Killing the leader and finding a way to replace the rule of the Qianlong City massacre was just a few days ago.

This is the scariest part of the dragon slaying technique. It doesn't plot with you, but directly plays with you. If the general trend is successful, then it will be invincible.

"Hey, let's all be more peaceful in the future. This is the territory of the Ice Crystal Empire. I didn't expect the revolutionary army to attack the Sky Meteor Sect, and the royal family of the Ice Crystal Empire didn't move at all."

"Can there be some news? The unmarried princesses of the Ice Crystal Empire went to the Black Dragon Empire the day before yesterday. Why do you want to make any news?"

A still young warrior cursed angrily. Watching the battle of the Skyfall Sect that quickly came to an end, he thought of the laws and regulations circulated within the Revolutionary Army. For a moment, he seemed to see that the life of free and unrestrained life was far away from him. .

"No way, the Ice Crystal Empire still has three unmarried princesses. They are all talented and beautiful. Among them, the eldest princess is 3 years old and in the late stage of the Star Realm. Will this also succumb to this kind of political marriage?"

"How do you know that people are submitting, rather than being curious and voluntary? To be accurate, the eldest princess went there voluntarily."


The corner of the person who asked the question twitched, mmp, the difference in life, compared to it, it would be infuriating.

Several figures flew over from the nearby city at high speed.

"Urgent report! Urgent report! Great news, the revolutionary army's life and death realm kings were dispatched, the sixth-rank sect Xuankong Mountain was breached, and the four great spiritual sea realm elders were killed on the spot! All the blood left by the two life and death realm kings were destroyed captive!"


"The Hanging Mountain is also destroyed?"

Everyone present was startled. The various sects and royal families in Nan Zhuoyu, if you want to ask, the sect with the deepest background belongs to the Hanging Mountain where two kings of the life and death realm appeared in history.

Now that even the Hanging Mountain has been breached and destroyed, the situation in Nanzhuoyu has been settled!
(End of this chapter)

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