Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 135 The Law of the Fantasy World

Chapter 135 The Law of the Fantasy World

"Zhang Xian, go and tell the group of sects and royal families that the suzerain and elders should come to sign an agreement, and either abide by our laws and regulations and accept the rule, or wait for us to go find them.

Don't send these princesses and female disciples here.

I'm not lewd, not a dick!Dozens of princesses and hundreds of female disciples came running over, what the hell are they trying to do? "

Today I took Meier out for a walk, and after walking a few streets, I ran into more than a dozen princesses, Chen Nuo, an outstanding female disciple of the seventh-rank sect and the sixth-rank sect, was completely mad.

How did it feel like he was the prey, not the hunter?It also prevents people from enjoying the sense of accomplishment of flirting with girls.

"Teacher, this."

Zhang Xian looked troubled.

This group of princesses and female disciples entered the country legally, and they declared to the outside world to investigate and study the situation here. They are a revolutionary army, and they follow the rules and the rule of law. They cannot be driven away without reason.

"Oh, there's nothing you can do if you're too handsome."

Chen Nuo waved his hand and took out a jade slip: "Look at this legal regulation and then copy and publicize it in multiple copies, hang one on every street in every city, no problem, then this is our law enforcement.

In addition, there is an additional information slip, which is used to collect the opinions of the people. It is in line with the socialist concept, and the premise of ensuring equal human rights can improve people's livelihood and stabilize the society, so the law can be amended as appropriate. "

"Teacher, are you done?"

Zhang Xian's face was joyful, and Mei Er's eyes lit up beside him who looked sullen and wanted to go out and kill the group of female disciples of the princess.

As a core member of the Revolutionary Army, Meier, who has been influenced by Chen Nuo's various ideas since childhood, understands how important a sound law is to establish a stable and revolutionary society, even if she has almost negative political sensitivity.

"You'll know if you look at it."

Chen Nuo nodded. This is the legal text that he memorized the constitution, criminal law and civil law of the main world, and came here to objectively modify the special circumstances of the fantasy world.

"Sir, the suzerain and the elders are looking for you."

At this time, Murong Qingcheng came in from the outside and called Chen Nuo.

"Let them in."

Chen Nuo responded, and Zhang Xian, who was preparing to go out to study this law and start publicizing it, also stayed behind when he heard this.

Not long after, Sect Master Mo of the Flying Demon Sect and several elders walked in under the leadership of Murong Qingcheng.

"Mr. Chen, Zhang Shuai, Miss Meier."

Sect Master Mo walked in, clasped his fists and saluted.

"Sect Master Mo, you're welcome. If you have anything to say, let's talk about it. We have been neighbors for more than a year."

Chen Nuo asked straight to the point, and didn't like to go round and round.

Meier was very obedient, picked up the teapot and poured each other a cup of tea, but this action made the hands of several elders of the Flying Demon Sect tremble.

A king in the realm of life and death pours tea to them who are in the spiritual sea realm or even the astral realm. Isn't it a flattery?
"We are looking for Mr. Chen because the Flying Demon Sect is planning to establish a branch in the imperial city."

Sect Master Mo thanked Mei Er, took a sip of tea, and told the purpose of the Flying Demon Sect this time.

"Establish a stronghold? Welcome, as long as you abide by our laws and regulations, welcome the Flying Demon Sect to establish strongholds in major cities."

Chen Nuo simply nodded.

It is impossible for the Zongmen forces to kill them with a single stick, otherwise the outbreak of resistance and endless troubles will be left behind.

Now the major sects of the Black Dragon Empire are equivalent to the one country, two systems of the main world. They do whatever you want in the mountain gate, but once they go out of the mountain gate, they have to abide by the rules of Chen Nuo. No harm shall be done either.

As long as these sects don't do anything and abide by his rules outside, Chen Nuo won't pay too much attention to it.

The general trend has come, and when the people are siding with him in contrast to the differences between the two sides, as long as the sect does not want to be eliminated, it can only adapt to change and completely accept the rule.

"Can you take a look at the detailed laws and regulations? All I hear outside are eight honors and eight disgraces, and eight prohibitions. There is no detailed and perfect legal text."

Mo Zongzhu, who had expected it for a long time, asked to see the specific laws and regulations.

"That's fine, I just finished it these few days."

Chen Nuo simply took out 4 jade slips from the storage ring, Zongzhu Mo and the two elders, including Murong Qingcheng.

To be honest, he didn't think the Flying Demon Sect could agree to this complete set of legal regulations.

After all, fighting and killing, you come and go, and the behavior of fighting at any disagreement is almost a behavioral habit for these true essence practitioners.

All of a sudden, self-discipline cannot be achieved by relying on a law, but it needs long-term publicity of the theory of civilized practice to gradually improve.

Zongzhu Mo and Murong Qingcheng took the jade slips, their true energy permeated in, and a large amount of information emerged in their minds, and their powerful spiritual thinking was quickly flipping through these information.

It's very detailed, and there are almost notes at the end of each article.


"Perfect, a little bound, but happy."

There was light in Murong Qingcheng's eyes, she was amazed by this law, and there was a flash of yearning in her eyes.

Although she is already in the Yuanyuan Realm and is about to break through to the Star Realm, and is still a disciple of the Great Sect, she doesn't feel very safe when she goes out.

As a beautiful woman, there are too many evildoers in this world. The cultivators who burn, kill, rob and rape are not controlled. Maybe someday she will be targeted by a powerful cultivator when she goes out.

In this way, the world described by Chen Nuo's law undoubtedly moved her heart and made her yearn for it.

On the other side, Sect Master Mo also roughly read the law, and put the jade slip on the table with amazement in his eyes.

"Mr. Chen, the law is enforced by people. How can you ensure that the law enforcement officers will not be eroded over time, and the law enforcement officers themselves violate the regulations?"

In response to this law, Mo Zongzhu took the lead in raising a question of doubt.

"Sovereign Mo, you haven't noticed one of the constitutional provisions: Members of the Public Prosecution Law and Public Law Enforcement, the martial arts will must be related to the law and justice."

Chen Nuo chuckled and said, "This is a regulation written in the constitution of the general outline of the law. No one can violate it, including me. I think this is enough to guarantee it."

Once a martial artist violates his own ideals and martial arts, his heart will be dusty. At the least, he will not be able to make any progress in his cultivation, and at the worst, he will die if he goes mad.

This alone is enough to guarantee the fairness of the public prosecutor's law and public law enforcement.

As for being selected for public security or public law enforcement positions, it is impossible to re-condense one's martial arts will and not want to be bound by the four words "just according to law".

As the will of martial arts changes, so will the aura of the warrior.

In this way, the people around and the people who eat melons will see, oh, so you have become a second-to-fifth boy of the revolutionary cause.

This is equivalent to completely accepting the supervision of the people, and there is no room for evading loopholes.

"There are very few people in the True Spirit Continent who practice martial arts related to justice and order." Sect Master Mo frowned.

"It's okay. I train these personnel myself. Our comrades are paid wages. The wages of public security and law enforcement are higher than those of other positions."

People with cell metamorphosis can also condense martial arts will, Chen Nuo has long planned for this.

Isn't it just an ideological education, which is a basic skill in dragon slaying. Without this trick, such a huge revolutionary cause would not be possible to develop.

"Since this is the case, there is no problem with our Flying Demon Sect. We can abide by and accept this law, and even the entire mountain gate can be opened."

Sect Master Mo and the two elders of Feitian Demon Sect exchanged opinions for a while, and finally accepted Chen Nuo's legal regulations.

The Flying Demon Sect couldn't get away from the Black Dragon Empire, so instead of making a fuss about it, it's better to simply make a good impression.

"Then we welcome the arrival of the Flying Demon Sect."

Chen Nuo smiled, and the first role model appeared.

With Feitian Demon Sect as a leading example, the remaining sects in Nan Zhuoyu believe that it will not take long to completely surrender and accept the rule of the law.

(End of this chapter)

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