Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 138 I am more hospitable

Chapter 138 I am more hospitable (13)

"Empress Xuan, long time no see."

Chen Nuo also noticed the movement in the sky, and with a thought, the dragon vein luck and human will that had been vigilant to give her a good look if Xuanhou made any rash moves instantly calmed down.

As a leader, he still has a little authority.

"You guys are crazy! Do you know what this is doing!"

Empress Xuan appeared in front of Chen Nuo in a blink of an eye, questioning in a groggy tone.

At almost the same moment, Meier and Zhang Xian also appeared in the yard, looking vigilantly at the angry Empress Xuan, fearing that this woman would attack Chen Nuo.

"I'm more hospitable, calling for the aura energy and dragon vein energy from the world to come and be a guest."

Chen Nuo ignored Empress Xuan's anger and shrugged indifferently.

The world here does not refer to the consciousness of the world, but a set of laws of operation of the law of spiritual energy. The energy of spiritual energy circulates through the dragon veins. Now he is using the method of deceiving the sky to deceive the energy of the dragon veins of heaven and earth, and the energy of spiritual energy. Consciousness doesn't matter.

When the aura energy decays, the heaven and earth here will also decay and die, and the world enters the next mode, the material universe mode like the main world.

If you just lied to the world, and didn't lie to the consciousness of the world, there is no need to make such a fuss.

After traveling through several worlds and conducting comparative studies, Chen Nuo already has a good understanding of the development of the world, the mysteries of the world, and the study of the boss.

World awareness is the real source of a world, and source power is the driving force of the world.

Those so-called laws of heaven and earth are just the rules that dominated the world in a certain period.

In the era of extraordinary aura, the prehistoric way of heaven and the laws of heaven and earth here are the dominant rules in this period.

When the aura energy decays and the world enters the period of the material universe, the way of heaven and the laws of heaven and earth relying on the existence of aura will also decay, and the basic rules that were originally covered up, that is, the basic forces such as electromagnetic force and gravity, and thermodynamics will be completely revealed. Become the dominant rule of the material universe period.

Of course, the law of heaven and earth and the way of heaven have only decayed and retreated, and they have not died out yet, but even the spiritual energy is gone, it doesn't matter whether it dies or not.

This is like a fuel engine without oil, no matter how awesome it is, even a 12-cylinder diamond-studded engine is useless.

The revival of spiritual energy means that someone refuels the engine, and the laws of heaven and earth or the way of heaven wake up again.

When the material universe is heat-death, the world will enter a new period. Chen Nuo has only one guess as to what rules in this period will be the dominant rules of the world. He will not know until the boss heat-death enters menopause.

In the words of the system, now the era of supernatural aura in the boss's youth has passed, and he is still a young adult, and he is still far from menopause.


Seeing Chen Nuo's indifferent look, Empress Xuan almost didn't go mad with anger.

You let tens of billions of people jointly use the method of deceiving the sky to defraud the aura of heaven and earth and the luck of dragon veins. Is this still hospitality?
The entire southern group domain is shaking, and even the dragon veins of the entire True Spirit Continent are screaming, you are too hospitable.

"Yeah, hospitality, look at how happy these dragon veins are."

Chen Nuo pointed to the sky, and the sound of dragon chant was still cheering telepathically. These dragon veins were like a little girl whose legs were limped by her sweetheart. She didn't know how happy and joyful she was.

Empress Xuan was silent for a while, then shook her head: "Do you know that you will become public enemies of the True Spirit Continent, and even the world hates you!"

"Miss Yan, if I don't do this, after Nan Zhuoyu is unified, we won't be public enemies of the mainland?
As for the disgust of heaven and earth, I'm sorry, man will conquer heaven, human will will crush, and the backlash of heaven and earth just now has passed.

Then operate according to the laws of heaven and earth, and it is legal for me to survive the catastrophe. Now I am not disgusted by heaven and earth, but favored by heaven and earth. "

Chen Nuo pointed to the luck of the dragon veins that had spontaneously gathered to form new dragon veins. According to the scale, this should be the largest dragon vein in the Nanzhuo Region or even the Southern Group Region.

The law of heaven and earth has no consciousness, it has its own set of operating regulations, unless it is forcibly inserted into the plug-in by the Hedao, otherwise it will follow the operating regulations.

The revolutionary forces will conquer the sky, and the backlash that deceived the world has been suppressed just now, so this behavior is now legal.

I arrested the dragon's energy, and I deceived the world's dragons, but I was still favored by the dragon's luck.

With such a big legitimate dragon vein, no one will believe that we are not favored by heaven and earth.

As for the public enemy of the mainland, may I ask if there was any landed and rich man who didn't criticize the revolution behind his back?
Even if you surrender, after a few decades, when you get old, you will come back to recall the past: I think our family was also a local wealthy family, with dozens of servants, grandpa and three-bedroom concubines in their teens, all of which were harvested by tenants under our name due to the drought. No, they couldn’t pay the land rent and sent their daughter over to repay the debt. Her body is so tender. I blame this revolutionary revolution.

Empress Xuan was helpless, looking at the dragon veins that were converging in the void and underground, seeing the gathered spiritual energy, such a huge dragon vein energy, even if they were kings of the life and death realm, they would not dare to provoke them, if they did it rashly, they would suffer Heaven and earth backlash.

"What do you want to do?"

Empress Xuan looked at it for a while, then turned to look at Chen Nuo: "I can stay and bring Xuanzong here."

"Three days later, the dragon veins were formed, and Nanzhuoyu was unified! Next, we will continue to move to other regions. Our skills and revolutionary ideas have spread to several regions around Nanzhuoyu. They have no ability to resist."

Chen Nuo briefly talked about the next strategic plan, the revolution is a conspiracy, and the general trend has become irresistible.

The rear of Nan Zhuoyu has stabilized, and the next thing is to use more advanced revolutionary concepts and a more complete system to gradually erode it.

He was not surprised by Xuanhou's choice. This group of cultivators did not have enough luck to break through. They relied on the luck of the dragon's veins to achieve today, but their development was also restricted by the luck of the dragon's veins.

If it is said that he chose to stand on the side of the people before, it was the idea and character of Empress Xuan.

Then move Xuanzong here this time, and stay here, and that will involve benefits.

With such a huge dragon vein, no king in the realm of life and death would dare to mess with it. Coupled with the foreseeable future development of the revolutionary forces, the luck of the dragon veins gathered here will become larger and larger. If she joins now, she will definitely get a share of luck and fortune. The advantage is that in the future, the cultivation base can make breakthroughs and progress faster.

For a woman like Xuanhou who is extremely talented and has already stood at the top of the world, the information interference of dragon veins and luck has lost its effect.

He didn't think he could be shocked, so Empress Xuan willingly surrendered and became a flute boy under her seat.

Besides, he doesn't have the luck of the dragon veins, and he doesn't have the charm of the tiger's beard of the son of luck, which makes beautiful women fall in love with him.

Although controlling the dragon's legs, coupled with the huge dragon veins generated by the leader's status can also affect one or two, but in fact, even the dragon's legs just follow him, rather than blending into the blood to become his luck.

A dragon vein spirit is unwilling, so he needs to forcibly refine and integrate.

Second, he was afraid that he would integrate the dragon vein luck into his body, and the boss would give him a bad review when he went back.

Absorbing a little spiritual energy is nothing, you take away even the dragon vein luck, and nine times out of ten you will have to pay for it at the final settlement.

He has seen through the boss of the main world, and regards every bit of source power as a treasure.

I can't wait for his employee to work hard abroad to make money, and then he has to bring all the foreign exchange home without spending a penny.

(End of this chapter)

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