Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 139 Young Man Do It Well

Chapter 139 Young Man Do It Well (23)

Xuan later left and left in a hurry, but when he came, he was directly teleported to the sky above the city, and when he left, he went out of the city first and then teleported away.

"Xiao Xian."

After Xuanhou left, only Chen Nuo and Zhang Xianmeier were left in the courtyard. Seeing the continuous gathering of dragon vein luck, Chen Nuo suddenly called out to Zhang Xian.


"Test you a question, give this country a name." Chen Nuo looked away, looking at the student who was brought up since childhood.

"Teacher, this"

Zhang Xian's eyes widened, and Mei'er couldn't react.

Let Zhang Xian take the name of the country, is this to determine the next leader?

"Teacher, Xiaoxian can't do anything about it."

Zhang Xian was stunned for a long time, and said with a wry smile: "I have decided to wait for the revolution to be completed, and then go to visit the True Spirit Continent. Would you like to show this position to others?"

"I can't do anything, you are the only one with talent, Meier, you have the deepest understanding of politics and social revolution, and it would be wrong for you to be a leader!
The constitution stipulates that the maximum consecutive term of a leader cannot exceed two terms and cannot exceed 20 years. You have been raised and taught for so many years, and now you are not willing to be a leader for 20 years? "

Chen Nuo kicked it angrily, but Zhang Xian hurriedly dodged it.

"Isn't this what you taught? You used to say that this position is actually the most boring. There are a lot of things and troubles every day. Even if you want to pick up a girl on the street, you have to guard against being a spy.

If Xiaoxian really becomes the leader, even if he retires, his status will be completely different, and he will feel uncomfortable wherever he goes. "

No outsiders were present, so Zhang Xian came up to explain with a playful smile.


"Go and call Lin Xuan, Ma Lin, Ma Xiaozhong, and Qin Yue back."

Chen Nuo was speechless, and signaled Zhang Xian to call Ma Lin and the others back.

Mel is a political idiot, and her opinion is ignored.

He can still be the first leader, but the second leader can only be selected from the core group of Zhang Xian, not for dictatorship, but for what kind of society he wants to build, for human rights equality, and for social systems. Apart from him, these people are the ones who understand the concept best among the revolutionary forces.

The rest of the people have only been familiar with big characters for a few years, and they can't understand what is equal human rights and what is a social system.

Only with the popularization of education will it be possible for the whole people to run for election in the third and fourth terms.

Knowing the location of Wu Lin and his group, they cannot teleport through space, but the speed of curvature navigation is also very fast by distorting the space. Within a few hours, Wu Lin and others were brought back by Zhang Xian.


"Teacher, I don't think so."

"Teacher, after the war is over, I will go traveling like Zhang Shuai."


Facing Chen Nuo's words, Lin Xuan, Ma Lin, Ma Xiaozhong, and Qin Yue all shook their heads, but no one was willing to take over.

Previously, Chen Nuo was the chairman of Xinsheng Pharmaceutical in Dragon Snake World, and his words and deeds influenced the whole world. He still wandered around regardless of things every day, and he didn't have the mind to care about rights and group affairs in the main world.

They were all students brought up by Chen Nuo himself, and they received education from Chen Nuo since they were young. Their personalities were greatly influenced by Chen Nuo, and they almost didn't have much desire for power.

If it wasn't for Chen Nuo being here, and it was their idea and wish to build a harmonious and equal society, otherwise they would have already flown away, watching the world with a sword and a pot of wine.

"Teacher, why don't you be re-elected for a few more years, and when education is popularized, who has the idea to run for a people's referendum?"

Seeing that Chen Nuo's face was darkened, Zhang Xian cautiously approached him to give an opinion.

"Fuck off!"

Chen Nuo kicked his eyes and worked hard to raise a bunch of bastards, but no one was willing to take over.

When playing revolution, there are not so many affairs. It doesn’t matter if he is a leader. He even treats it as a game of conquest. Seeing the power grow little by little and the people’s lives continue to improve, he feels quite a sense of accomplishment.

However, the revolution will stabilize and become a country, and the amount of affairs will increase several times at once, so he doesn't want to be the leader. He is too tired, and no minute or second will belong to him.

"Are you sure you don't have any thoughts? After passing this village, there will be no such shop, and you can speak up boldly if you think about it."

Chen Nuo was silent for a few seconds, and glanced at the few people present.


"Not interested in."

Zhang Xian and the others quickly shook their heads.

Although the term of office is only 20 years at most, which is a very short time for their thousand-year lifespan, but once they sit in that position, even if they retire, their status will be completely different, and they will not be at ease in the future.

"Go, call Ye Chen over." Chen Nuo thought for a while, and simply pulled Ye Chen over.


A trace of happiness flashed across Zhang Xian's face, and his figure flickered and hurriedly left the yard to find Ye Chen.

He almost thought that no one wanted this position, and Chen Nuo was going to force it on him.


A few minutes later, Ye Chen, who was shopping with the people of Liuyunzong on the street, was invited back by Zhang Xian, came in and greeted Chen Nuo with fists, and looked around the yard.

A group of bigwigs from the Life and Death Realm or the Spirit Sea Realm were looking at him curiously. They were all the core figures of the Revolutionary Army, which made him suddenly feel ominous.

"Have you found a place for the Liuyun Sect to set up a school?"

It was rare for Chen Nuo to be tactful, and he didn't get down to business right away.

"Thank you senior, I have found it."

Although Ye Chen didn't understand what Chen Nuo meant by looking for him, he still answered respectfully.

"In this way, after the unification of Nanzhuoyu, the revolutionary cause will definitely go to the outer domains. Most of us here are from mud-legged backgrounds. Most of them have just learned to read and write. They have almost no understanding of the concepts of human rights equality and social harmony. They can lead and manage The troops are short of manpower.

Now that you Liuyunzong have chosen to join us, then you come here to help command an army and be responsible for attacking the outer domain. "

Chen Nuo told Ye Chen's arrangement, he must not say that he intends to let him be the next leader, otherwise the brothers will not understand and refuse to accept, and Ye Chen's management leadership ability also needs to be tested.

He will choose a few more people from the revolutionary army who have a deeper understanding of human rights equality and social concepts to make unified arrangements and sharpen them. Who will fall on the head in the end depends on the performance of Ye Chen and others.

As for whether Ye Chen and the others will refuse, and whether they will be willing in their hearts, well, there is a saying in ancient Huaguo that if you add a yellow robe to your body, you can't help yourself.

Besides, people are subject to change, and now Ye Chen is supposed to be some kind of leader, according to his personality, he probably won't be willing.

But step by step to arrange positions, let him change his mind step by step, and finally know that he has been listed as the next leader candidate, maybe he will be very happy and excited.

He didn't play this kind of strategy with Zhang Xian and others whom he raised and brought up, and he wouldn't think so much about others.

"Senior, I am holding Yuanjing and commanding the troops, this"

Ye Chen was completely dazed and dumbfounded.

When he came in and saw such a group of revolutionary core figures in the yard, he knew that Chen Nuo would not find him a trivial matter, but he did not expect it to be such a thing.

He has heard about the foreign troops of the Revolutionary Army. The Baoyuan Realm is still farming at home, and only when the cells have reached the Star Extreme Realm where the cells have undergone three transformations can they form troops to expand outward.

He is in the Yuanyuan Realm, commanding a team of warriors in the Star Realm?

"I am Baoyuanjing, and I am still the leader of the revolutionary army. Whether we can lead the army here is not about force, but about wisdom. It is an understanding of the revolutionary concept of a human rights equality society."

Chen Nuo looked at Ye Chen and encouraged him: "If you become the commander of the army, the development of Liuyun Sect will be better, but please remember not to violate the law."

He wasn't worried about Ye Chen's strength at all. This guy was also a coward, and he would reach the king of life and death within seven or eight years of cultivation.


Ye Chen was speechless, even the Liuyun Sect was pulled out, so he could only nod and agree: "Thank you senior, I will try my best."

"That's right, young man, if you work hard, you will have a bright future."

Chen Nuo patted Ye Chen's shoulder, with a boss smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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