Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 140 Teacher, I caught a 1 Youmo Lord

Chapter 140 Teacher, I Caught a Nine Nether Demon Lord (33)

The name of the country was finally determined by Chen Nuo, Han, simple and clear.

The National Founding Ceremony did not take place either, and it was planned to be held after completely ruling the southern group domain.

No one objected to Chen Nuo's proposal. After experiencing the fate of the dragon's veins, Chen Nuo said that the sun will come out from the west, and everyone will believe that the sun will come out from the west tomorrow.

"Qingcheng, Miss Yan, you said that you have reached the pinnacle of the world all of a sudden, what should you do if you feel that life is boring?"

Chen Nuo, who was used to being a hands-off shopkeeper, lay on a chair in the yard, looked at Murong Qingcheng and Xuanhou who were studying hard, and suddenly sighed.

More than two months have passed, and Zhang Xian, Wu Lin and others have gone out to fight, and to clean up evil cultivators and sects that do not obey the law. Ye Chen has also been arranged to send a troop to Outland.

Although Chen Nuo is still a rookie in Baoyuan Realm, no one can refute that he is now the No. 1 real power in the True Spirit Continent.

Being tricked into belonging to the number one main dragon vein in the entire southern group has already taken shape, coupled with the monstrous human will, the top kings will be suppressed.

Maybe there are emperors who can withstand the backlash of dragon veins and forceful invasion, but this price is not something any emperor can bear, and they are not stupid if they don't have enough benefits.

Furthermore, the emperors of the True Spirit Continent may not necessarily know the power of Chen Nuo's revolutionary army.

Every time Empress Xuan sensed the situation here, she rushed over immediately. One was that she was related to Nan Zhuoyu, and the other was that she was part of the Revolutionary Army camp.

Other kings in the realm of life and death, and even emperors, take place in places such as plane battlefields or major ancient ruins, and they may not come back to the True Spirit Continent once in a hundred years.

There is no emperor in the southern group, so the movement made by Chen Nuo will not be affected by luck and be perceived by them.

After a while, Zhang Xianmeier and a large group of people have already transformed their cells six times out of ten, and they are already able to fight two moves with the emperor, and even a group of people can kill them directly.


Murong Qingcheng, who had already broken through to the star realm and was studying the theory of relativity, looked up at Chen Nuo with a resentful expression on his face.

If you are bored with your relationship, then think of a way to torment me.

Not long after she finished learning the materials related to electromagnetism, she took a bunch of data files on gravitational space-time for her to study and research.

What time and space determines the movement of matter, and matter determines the twist and curvature of time and space, such a hard-to-mouth and incomprehensible description, who came up with it?

What made her feel even more horrified was that, according to the theory of relativity given by Chen Nuo, she studied it for half a month, calculated according to the formula that she finally understood, and came to a conclusion that almost made her cry out.

Will the True Spirit Continent be a black hole in the future?

God knows how heartbroken Murong Qingcheng, who just understood the concept of a black hole, forced the girl to take the postgraduate entrance examination, and after confirming this conclusion again and again, was right.

"These rule theories are astonishing. I never thought that under the laws of aura, there are actually such huge rules."

Empress Xuan put down the jade slip of information in her hand, her eyes sparkled with brilliance, obviously she had gained a lot.

She has a feeling that if she studies for a while longer, she will be able to formally break through to the level of the emperor.

"But are you sure that the spiritual energy will decay in the future, and the whole world will enter the material universe, which is the world described by these basic rules?"

"you guess."

Chen Nuo ignored Empress Xuan's question, and replied two words perfunctorily.

After this woman moved Xuanzong from Tianwu domain to establish a Zhenxuan school, she came here every day to collect study materials, and she didn't even say a word of sir, and she didn't even serve a cup of tea.

It's not like he's shaking m, he's full and he's going to reply and answer questions.


Empress Xuan rolled her eyes, got up and walked into the room, brought out a cup of tea after a while, and brought it to Chen Nuo respectfully.

"Sir, have some tea, please."

The voice is soft and soft, provocative. Xuan Hou usually looks high and indifferent like sexually indifferent, but suddenly she is cute and gentle, and her lethality is instantly explosive.

However, in the face of this gentle killing attack, Chen Nuo did not take the cup, but looked at Empress Xuan vigilantly: "You didn't spit in it, did you?"

Empress Xuan's breathing became heavier all of a sudden, her chest was throbbing, and her wrist was shaking as if she was going to cover the cup on Chen Nuo's head.

"Just kidding, kidding."

Chen Nuo took the cup, shook his head and said, "You can use the spiritual energy to make a sword move casually. Some of the spiritual energy is transformed into light. Light does not belong to spiritual energy, it belongs to material energy. Let the basic laws govern."

The decay of aura energy into material energy was not only told by the boss, Master World, but also confirmed by him through experiments.

No matter what kind of spiritual energy attack, ice attribute, fire attribute, sword move, etc., some of the spiritual energy energy will be transformed into energy that affects temperature, affecting the thermal movement of molecules, or transformed into light or electromagnetic waves.

Not to mention there are other spells such as creation out of thin air, rebirth from a drop of blood, repairing and accelerating plant growth, etc. These are direct examples of the transformation of spiritual energy into matter.

"After the aura decays, what will the world be like? Where should we practitioners go?"

Empress Xuan thought about it carefully, her expression suddenly became heavy.

"Miss Yan, I don't know how many years later it will be. At that time, your tombstone has already turned into ashes in Xuanzhi's tomb. Do you still need your concern?"

Chen Nuo glanced at Empress Xuan, this woman is too worrying.

After finishing speaking, he ignored whether the other party was angry or not, took a sip of tea, and enjoyed the afternoon.

The Revolutionary Army has nothing to do with him.

His current goal is to sit in the rear area, wait until basic education is popularized, higher education is opened, and the entire revolutionary cause and social changes can no longer be reversed after the enlightenment of the whole people, then he can leave.

Empress Xuan was really not angry, but looked at Chen Nuo with a strange expression.

"Teacher, teacher, I caught a sneaky person."

At this time, Meier's voice approached from outside, and after a while, the girl ran in with a middle-aged man's hair dragging her hands.

Is this the top king of life and death?
Chen Nuo looked at the middle-aged man who had been beaten half to death by Meier and was completely suppressed by the luck of the dragon veins and human will, and had no ability to resist.

My Meier is so powerful, beating the top king of life and death?
"Nine Nether Demon Lord!"

At this moment, Empress Xuan's exclamation sounded from the side, causing Chen Nuo to stand up.

Jiuyou Sect, this is considered to be the first-class sect of cultivators in the Southern Zhuo Region and even the Southern Group Region. Even if it is broken by the human king, the remaining latent power is still not to be underestimated.

During this period of time, 10 out of 8 of the evil sects that Wu Lin and the others cleaned up were related to the former Jiuyou Sect.

Such a leader actually ran to the capital of the Han Empire and was beaten up by Meier and captured alive?

"Is he the Nine Nether Demon Lord?"

Meier has also heard of this name, and said with a surprised face: "Just now, Meier went out of the city and saw that he wanted to enter the city but was impacted by the dragon's luck. The dragon's luck can identify people who attack people with malicious intentions." , I beat him up and brought him back when I saw it.”

"Wait, Mel, did you catch him outside the city?"

Chen Nuo seemed to have sensed some extraordinary information.

Although dragon vein luck and human will are useful in the entire territory, the real power is still in the city, especially the capital city here.

At first, he thought that the other party ran into the city like a sand sculpture to do things, and was directly suppressed by the luck of the dragon veins and the will of humanity, and then was beaten to death by Meier picking up monsters.

Unexpectedly, Mei Er actually said that she was outside the city.

"That's right, this Nine Nether Demon Lord is really weak."


The corner of Xuan Hou's mouth twitched.

Back then, she and the Dragon King chased and killed the Demon Lord of the Nine Nethers and escaped, but now the Demon Lord of the Nine Nethers is weak in Meier's opinion, so what is she?Chicken?

"When did it break through to six metamorphosis?"

Chen Nuo guessed something, pulled Meier who was already taller than his shoulders, rubbed the girl's head and asked in surprise.

"After that big dragon vein was formed, the speed of cultivation increased a lot at once, and it broke through the day before yesterday."

Mei'er hugged Chen Nuo's arm and said happily, "In addition, I also discovered a secret."

"What secret?" Chen Nuo was a little curious.

"This is it."

With a thought in mind, Meier took out a small piece of ordinary soil from the storage ring, her expression seemed to be sensing something, and a second later, her fingers tapped on the soil, as if something had been pried.

A large amount of light and heat erupted from Meier's palm, and the temperature of the entire courtyard rose by more than ten degrees in an instant, and the convection with the cold air outside caused a strong wind.

(End of this chapter)

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