Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 141 A teacher like me can’t be found in all the heavens and myriad worlds

Chapter 141 A teacher like me can’t be found in all the heavens and myriad worlds (12)

This is?

Atomic fission!

The spiritual power felt that high-energy rays and protons and neutrons suddenly entered the body, and Chen Nuo's eyes suddenly widened.

Isn’t Mei’er in my family practicing the method of body transformation? What she absorbs is the energy of spiritual energy, and what is integrated into the cells is the law of spiritual energy. How is it related to the basic rules?
What surprised Chen Nuo even more was that Meier took out a piece of ordinary soil, mainly composed of silicates.

The relative atomic mass of this thing is much lower than that of iron.

All elements lighter than iron undergo fission, and the energy of opening the nucleus is higher than the energy released by the fragmentation of the nucleus. This is an atomic reaction that absorbs energy, and generally only occurs when the energy level of a supernova explosion explodes.

Now Meier can release energy by fissioning a piece of soil, which means that what she has mastered is not superficial material fission, but a kind of rule control.

As a metaphor, the neutrons and protons that make up the atomic nucleus belong to a bunch of lovers who love each other and hug each other every day.

Ordinary nuclear fission belongs to forcible dismantling, but Meier makes the couple of neutron and proton change from love to hate, and they separate without forcibly dismantling them.

"How did you discover this ability?"

Chen Nuo's eyes were full of surprises.

Originally, he thought that the way out after the six transformations of the cell transformation method required a breakthrough in martial arts will, but he didn't expect Meier to give such a surprise, that is, the basic rules of matter.

The essence of nuclear energy is the binding force inside the nucleus, which is part of the strong interaction force. The ratio of matter to energy conversion is generally 3 or 4%, and the highest is no more than 10%.

But going one step further to the truly strong force, the force that binds quarks together inside neutrons and protons, would blow off the charts in an instant.

70% of the mass of a proton comes from the strong interaction between quarks inside the proton. At that time, a stone weighing half a catty was randomly picked up on the ground and thrown out. This is a big Ivan.

"I don't know, after I broke through to the six transformations of the cells, I sensed that there is a huge amount of energy in the matter.

Thinking of the physics knowledge you taught, teacher, I wondered if I could release this energy, but I didn't expect it to be successful.

Meier speculates that this may be the characteristic of our practice, just like before the cells can be integrated into the law of aura to mobilize and control the law of aura. "

Seeing Chen Nuo's surprise, Mei'er also showed a happy smile on her face, and told her guess.

"The characteristics of the practice?"

Chen Nuo fell into thinking, Zhang Xianmei'er's cultivation is different, they are aboriginals who can absorb spiritual energy to transform.

After three transformations, the cells can resonate with the aura energy of the environment, drive the flight, guide and affect the aura attack.

After four transformations, the cells began to integrate into the spiritual law of heaven and earth, and can resonate with the spiritual law to launch attribute attacks, which is no worse than the esoteric martial arts of the true essence cultivation method.

After five transformations, the aura rioted hundreds of miles away with a thought. At this time, the attack that affected the law of aura reached the mastery of profound martial arts.

Six transformations, the connection between love and killing according to the law of aura and the basic rules, it is also reasonable to touch and integrate into the basic rules.

Chen Nuo thought about it for a while and simply gave up. He was the one who created the body transformation method, but in fact, after the third transformation, the cultivation rules were all perfected by Mei Er and Zhang Xian.

He only gave a deduced framework for the whole exercise, and because the specific situation has nothing to do with the spiritual energy, he can't carry out detailed perfection.

Picking up a stone from the ground, Chen Nuo gave it to Meier.

"Feel it, can you feel the material energy at a deeper level than this nuclear energy?"

A deeper physical energy?
Mei Er blinked her eyes, closed her eyes and focused her attention. For a moment, Empress Chen Nuoxuan in the yard, including Murong Qingcheng, felt a strange and regular fluctuation on Mei Er's body.

After a while, Mei Er opened her eyes and nodded.

"Can feel a little bit, but not clearly and don't know what it is."

"It's good if you can feel it. If you don't know it, you can still improve. If you don't know what it is, you can learn it."

A smile appeared on Chen Nuo's face, which made Mei'er suddenly have a bad feeling.

"Teacher, what do you want to do?"

The girl looked at Chen Nuo vigilantly with her beautiful eyes, and Mei'er suddenly realized that she seemed to have done something stupid.

Chen Nuo didn't talk nonsense, took out an information jade slip from the storage ring, and copied into it the literature related to quantum chromodynamics and gauge field theory that he hadn't studied yet.

If the humans in the main world already have a thorough understanding of nuclear energy, then the research on the mysteries inside hadrons is still in its infancy.

But it's okay, compared to the main world, the VLCC is needed to collide proton beams, so that a little bit of data inside the hadron can be harvested.

Meier can directly sense the interaction force field inside the hadron, which is already a hack. The research materials of the main world will be completed for her to get started, and the rest can be studied by herself.

"The teacher gave you part of the original mystery of the world. This is your ability to feel the deeper level of matter. It belongs to the strong interaction force of matter."

Under the bewildered eyes of the girl, Chen Nuo took her white and delicate hand, and put the jade slip into her palm with earnestness.

This is one of the most powerful tomes in the world, explaining part of the world's origin.

The main world’s price for controlling the strong interaction force is 3 million source power, so this study of powerful quantum chromodynamics and gauge field theory must be worth more than 1 million source power.

For a moment, Chen Nuo felt that he was the most generous, friendly and handsome teacher in the world.

Like me, I don't hold anything back at all, and I am afraid that I will not be able to find a mentor who will give me everything for the future of my students.


In the yard, Murong Qingcheng's throat rolled in fear, and her footsteps moved lightly, away from Chen Nuo.

Looking at the jade slip of information in Meier's hand, Xuanhou's scalp felt a little numb.

This kind of rule is completely different from the law of aura, and it belongs to a line of data, a series of formulas, and a mystery of the rules that are all explained by mathematical language. Although she is very interested in discovering a new world, she is also eager to learn.

As for Mei'er, she was completely stunned.

She heard from Chen Nuo what the strong interaction force was. At that time, she heard that it belonged to the mystery inside the hadron, and it had completely entered the quantum level, so she was very wise not to continue to ask.

Unexpectedly, after hiding for several years, I still couldn’t hide in the end. What kind of quantum chromodynamics and gauge field theory are these, are they researched by humans?
"Teacher, I think the six times of cell transformation are very powerful. I am proficient in this atomic nucleus and can defeat the emperor. Meier is already very happy and satisfied. Can we not learn this?"

Mel blinked, trying to look more pitiful.

She wanted to withdraw her hand and not want this jade slip, but Chen Nuo held it tight, so she didn't dare to use too much force for fear of accidentally hitting Chen Nuo out of GG.

"Mei'er works hard, the blue is better than the blue."

Stretching out his hand to put Meier's fingers together to hold the jade slip, Chen Nuo encouraged her.

As for the look on Meier's face about to cry, he automatically understood that it was about to cry with excitement, because he had obtained some of the mysteries of the origin of the world, and it belonged to the kind of excited feeling that he would die soon after hearing the truth.

"Meier will send a copy of the information on this jade slip to Zhang Xian later. You have broken through to six transformations. That kid should have been earlier, but you didn't even report when you broke through."

"And Xiao Lin, Qin Yue and the others told me last time that our dragon vein has formed, which is helpful for improving cultivation. It takes about two years to break through to six transformations. Xiao Wu said later that after three years no problem.

Tell them not to be lazy, remember the time you said, and I will trouble them if anyone who has not broken through by then will get a copy of this material and study it carefully after breaking through six transformations. "

The jade slip was handed over to Meier, Chen Nuo rubbed the girl's head habitually, and ordered to send Zhang Xian a copy of the jade slip.

As soon as these words came out, Mei'er's mood immediately improved.

That's great, I'm not alone
(End of this chapter)

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