Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 142 Sir, Do You Have a Physical Problem?

Chapter 142 Sir, Do You Have a Physical Problem? (twenty two)

Time is passing by, after offering sacrifices to the Heaven of the Nine Nether Demon Lord, who wanted to enter the capital of Han, and discovering Meier's breakthrough, more than a year has passed.

"Qingcheng, come here for a sip of milk."

Chen Nuo, whose appearance didn't change a bit, went back home as a shopkeeper, and suddenly called out to Murong Qingcheng, who was studying hard.


Murong Qingcheng rolled her eyes, walked to Chen Nuo's side, stretched out her hand, and slowly injected the true energy into Chen Nuo's body.

In an instant, the cells in Chen Nuo's body were undergoing three transformations as if they had been hungry for ten days and eight nights.

The cells re-divided and transformed, and Chen Nuo felt numbness coming from his body. He shook his head and looked at Murong Qingcheng, whose temperament had changed a lot in the past year.

"Qingcheng, do you want to be an official? I will give you a chief scientist who will be responsible for the formulation and control of Han's scientific research strategic plan."

When Murong Qingcheng's true essence was exhausted, a fine layer of sweat appeared on her fair forehead, and after the day's milking was over, Chen Nuo suddenly asked.

The development of scientific research is the driving force of civilization. Of course, the technology here is puppetry and various formations. Chen Nuo has never found a suitable candidate for the control of this moment.

The woman Empress Xuan was worried, she was too powerful to manage, Zhang Xian and his group were all thinking of throwing their burdens down, so they didn't worry at all.

After looking around like this, the most suitable candidate is Murong Qingcheng who has been with her for more than two years and has a thorough understanding of what science is and what is the concept of scientific development.

"Not interested in."

Murong Qingcheng's expression froze, and suddenly his mind moved, and his true energy circled around Chen Nuo's body.

"Hey, what are you doing, peeping!" The sudden peeping made Chen Nuo jump up subconsciously.

"Sir, do you have a physical problem?"

Murong Qingcheng was silent for a while, looked at Chen Nuo and asked.


Chen Nuo's face turned dark immediately, a woman asked a man if he had any health problems, what the hell!

"No, I'm asking if you have any business. You have handed over more and more things in the past two years. Everyone thinks you."

At this time, Murong Qingcheng also realized that the question just now was full of ambiguity, her face was stained with a blush, and she hurriedly explained.

"You guys are really crazy, cooperating with me to be lazy and wondering if I'm going to die."

Chen Nuo waved his hands angrily, but he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

The observation skills of this group of people became sharper and sharper than each other. Murong Qingcheng discovered the abnormality, so Zhang Xianmeier and others must have discovered the abnormality earlier.

"Zhang Xian, Wu Lin, and the others will jointly attack Leiyu, the strongest domain in the southern group domain, in the next few days, and Mei Er also passed there yesterday.

After this battle is over, the southern group domain will completely fall into our hands. Before she went over, she told me to keep an eye on you. "

Murong Qingcheng looked at Chen Nuo, his eyes flashed, and he said what Mei Er said before he left.

Naturally perfect body cannot absorb even a trace of spiritual energy. This is an extreme case. According to the records of True Spirit Continent, such people generally die in their teens.

Chen Nuo's health, coupled with the fact that he has accelerated the formulation of the framework of various departments in the Han Dynasty in the past two years, and handed over more and more things, this situation is easily misunderstood.

"You are in the star realm, why are you still so nervous as a person who has not yet completed three cell transformations?"

The cell division and metamorphosis in the body produced a large amount of metabolic waste, which made Chen Nuo feel a little tired, and subconsciously yawned after speaking.

Before he could recover, the fragrance entered his nose, and a pair of slender and fair hands massaged his temples.

"Use a little force."

Murong Qingcheng's massage made Chen Nuo snort comfortably, squinted his eyes and said lazily: "Qingcheng, there is no Zongmen Empire in Nanzhuoyu, and you warriors have no more free and unrestrained lives. Have you ever thought about regretting it?"

"Life is good now. The suzerain played chess with an old man in the south of the city a few days ago, and the two had a dispute over it. He was beaten up by the genius son of the old man's five-time cell transformation. He refused to admit defeat and ran away the next day. Go find someone to play chess with."

Standing behind Chen Nuo, Murong Qingcheng shook his head and said with a smile: "Human rights are not equal, so there is no freedom, there is no guarantee of life, when you go out, the strong respect you, and when you meet a strong person, you will be beaten, killed or even insulted.

The suzerain was beaten up a few days ago, and the other party even lost money. If he was killed in the past, no one would speak for him, and we even had to bear the humiliation and apologize, let alone return the next day. Dare to admit defeat and continue to find someone to play chess.

People don't suffer from poverty and anxiety. Compared with the current life, as long as they were normal people in the past, they would not miss it. "

"That's good, that's pretty good."

Chen Nuo smiled, yawned, closed his eyes and rested, letting his body dispose of the metabolic waste produced by cell division and metamorphosis as soon as possible.


A head fell back on Murong Qingcheng's lower abdomen. Murong Qingcheng, who was massaging Chen Nuo, froze suddenly. Looking at Chen Nuo who was resting on his body with his eyes closed, he hesitated for a moment and suddenly stretched out his hand to pinch Chen Nuo's nose. Looking at the way the mouth opened, there was a smile on his face.

With a thought, a chair not far away was pulled over by the magic force field, and Murong Qingcheng sat like this, allowing Chen Nuo to lean on him more comfortably
Leiyu, the strongest domain in the southern group, Zhang Xian, Wu Lin and others all gathered, even Ye Chen from the Star Realm was among them.

Compared with two years ago, although Ye Chen at this time can still see that he is practicing swords, but if he was a free and easy swordsman before, he is now a swordsman guarding one side.

"Zhang Shuai, the news that we are going to attack Leiyu is probably known. In addition to the 2 kings from the Thunder Empire and 1 life-death king from another fifth-rank sect in Leiyu, the master of the Rakshasa sect and the master of the Seven Star Pavilion are also here. .

The opponent currently has 5 Kings of Life and Death Realm on the surface, but it is not sure if there are any in the dark. "

Wu Lin, who was at the peak of the Linghai Realm, told the latest situation in Leiyu with a worried expression.

After all, no matter how you look at it, Zhang Xian and Meier are the only kings in the realm of life and death on their side. As for Empress Xuan, she can be stationed at the rear, and it is hopeless for everyone to ask her to help in the battle.

In the past two years, no real life-and-death king battle took place. Wu Lin and the others did not have a clear concept of Zhang Xian's strength.

Even so, in the face of Zhang Xian's initiative to make a strategic adjustment to attack Leiyu in one fell swoop, Wu Lin Qinyue and the others who faintly sensed that Han Du Chen Nuo had been sharing the burden did not refuse.

"Ye Chen, what do you think?"

Zhang Xian nodded, looking at Ye Chen, whose strength was the weakest in the Star Realm.

"Is Miss Meier coming over?" The obviously mature Ye Chen asked a key question.

"I'm coming."

"Last year, I heard Zhang Shuai say something in the chat. If you can fight two top-level kings in the life and death realm, it should be no problem for this kind of mid-level high-priced king to fight three. If Ms. Meier's strength is not worse than Zhang Shuai, you will be able to win this battle." can fight.

We have the upper hand at the Spirit Sea Realm and the Extreme Star Realm. As long as you and Ms. Meier delay the opponent's King of Life and Death Realm, and win the battle at the Spirit Sea Realm and Extreme Star Realm, then we will win the war. "

Ye Chen rationally analyzed that the king of life and death is not invincible, or that there is no invincibility in this world itself.

As long as intelligent life lives in this world, you will have weaknesses.

A few years ago, Chen Nuo was at the Baoyuan Realm, and Meier was at the Linghai Realm. The tens of millions of people in the city were not enough to kill Xuanhou with two moves, but they were still able to force Xuanhou to submit and tie her to the chariot.

Now as long as the king of the life and death realm, the spirit sea realm and the astral realm level are quickly ended, and the knife is placed on the necks of countless princes, princesses and concubines of the Thunder Empire, then this battle will be a victory.

It is impossible for these kings in the realm of life and death not to care about the lives of their descendants and their families. If they really didn't care, then they would not stand up to stop the revolutionary army that has become a trend.

As for the immorality of this tactic, the war still talks about benevolence and morality to the enemy, which is a fool to oneself.


Zhang Xian was quite satisfied with Ye Chen's performance. Looking at the clear sky in front of him, streams of light falling on Lei Ze City outside the city, he suddenly said, "Lei Ze City in Lei Yu is very lively today. What's the situation?"

"This is one of the core cities in the southern group, and it has always been very lively."

Ma Xiaozhong took a piece of grass in his mouth and thought for a while: "Oh, today seems to be some kind of martial arts tea party gathered by the top talents in the southern group. We can participate even if we are not old. Zhang Shuai, why don't we go in for a stroll?"

"The top talents in the southern group are gathered. How dare they hold a party at this time?"

Zhang Xian and Qin Yue looked at each other in disbelief.

"What dare not, the news that we are going to attack Leiyu, even the life and death kings of Leiyu can't be completely sure, let alone these young people.

Almost every one of these top geniuses has a king of life and death, with a deep background.

Not to mention that our revolutionary army has a good reputation and hardly disturbs the lives of the residents. Even if it were changed to the style of the Jiuyou Sect in Nanzhuoyu, it would not want to provoke them, so there is no reason to dare to hold it. "

Ma Xiaozhong thought about it, and he roughly guessed the situation.

"That's a good thing."

Zhang Xian's eyes lit up, he looked at Wu Lin, and suddenly said:
"Xiao Wu, why don't you change your clothes?"

 There are only two updates today, this dungeon world has come to an end, so we need to take care of the ending ideas
(End of this chapter)

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