Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 144 You Are Still Arranging a Navy Army?

Chapter 144 You Are Still Arranging a Navy Army?

Eight hundred hectares of Jinxiu Garden.

The tables are filled with various snacks and spiritual fruits, many of which are unheard of and unseen, and there are beautiful waiters making tea beside them.

"The Martial Arts Tea Party held every two years is to provide a gathering for everyone to exchange ideas. You don't have to be too rigid when you come here. You can enjoy tea while watching others compete. It's okay to relax."

Seeing everyone sitting down, the host of this Martial Arts Tea Ceremony, Princess Lei Jing Aoxuan, stood up, and his voice was heard clearly in everyone's ears.

"Princess Jing is right. Those who can participate in the Martial Arts Tea Party are all outstanding people. Since you are here, don't worry too much about the shade of the trees. What you need to worry about is whether you have enlightened and made progress. This is the Martial Arts Tea Party. The real purpose of holding it."

After Jing Aoxuan finished speaking, Li Xiaoyun, the host of the last tea party, also took over the conversation, with a gentle demeanor, like a handsome young man in a troubled world.

The routine opening speech was over, and the official start of this Southern Group Martial Arts Tea Party was announced. Outside the Jinxiu Garden, the things Zhang Xian wanted were also prepared.

"Zhang Shuai, the relevant brothers are ready. Once you make a move, everyone will move. In addition, these are the pieces of clothes that Chu Zhongtian was cut off from fighting a spirit-level warrior in the Spirit Sea Realm some time ago."

An extreme astral warrior who had been lurking in the minefield ahead of time took out a broken piece of clothing from the storage ring.

Zhang Xian took the clothes fragments and looked at them, the incisions were too neat.

With a movement of the fingers, there was a sound of tearing, and the pieces of clothes cut off by the sword instantly turned into torn pieces.

Then with a thought, the trace of sword intent attached to it was crushed, leaving only a trace of Chu Zhongtian's unique aura of strength.

"Come on, sister Wu Lin, get some of your aura up there. Don't make the aura too strong. Ordinary astral realm is fine."

Zhang Xian handed over the pieces of clothes to Wu Lin's "sister" who was loving and pitiful next to her.

Since we want to find a reason to start the war, we must not slander it out of thin air.

The last time the second prince of the Black Dragon Empire was caught, this time he came to the door by himself, so he had to prepare some "evidence".

Wu Lin had no choice but to take the pieces of clothes and get her own breath on them, even stained a little of her own blood, and then let Zhang Xian make it old.

This so-called breath is not a body odor, but the unique breath of true essence or martial arts will of every practitioner.

You can't smell it when you hold it on your nose, but when you sense the spiritual power, the breath on it is obvious.

The proficiency of the two people's procedures made Ye Chen next to him stunned, and Yan Chihuo and Li Daoxuan who came up were stunned.

"Ye Chen, what are you planning to do?"

Yan Chihuo and Li Daoxuan looked ignorant, they didn't dare to ask Zhang Xian and others, so they had to ask Ye Chen who was still familiar.

Seeing Ye Chen and his group come in, they knew that today's martial arts tea party in the southern region would not be able to continue, so they simply didn't go in to participate.

At this time, Wu Lin not only changed into women's clothing, adjusted her body shape and eliminated her Adam's apple, but also adjusted her body hormones. In addition, her strength has greatly improved and reached the peak of the Spirit Sea Realm. Kings who have not cultivated to the Life and Death Realm can't see through it at all. his situation.

Yan Chihuo and Yan Chihuo are not in the Star Realm, so they can't see through the real identity of Wu Lin.

"This... secret."

Ye Chen shook his head. Although war does not respect benevolence, morality and methods for enemy targets, and it doesn't matter whether it is kept secret outside the Fairview Garden at this time, he still can't explain this kind of women's behavior.

"Splendid Garden has been taken over today, and the Martial Arts Tea Party has begun, so no more entry is allowed now."

Except for Ye Chen, Yan Chihuo and Li Daoxuan, Zhang Xian and the others had no real energy fluctuations, and a group of star-level warriors outside the Jinxiu Garden stopped them simply.


Zhang Xian walked up, and the surrounding spiritual energy turned into streams of energy that passed through the hands and feet of the group of extreme star warriors. After temporarily crippling all of them and losing their fighting ability, he led sister Wu Lin into the Jinxiu Garden.

"This is the Splendid Garden of the Thunder Empire. I don't know what happened to Senior. Where did we offend Senior?"

The sudden movement stopped the discussion and battle in Jinxiu Garden. The Princess of Thunder Jing Aoxuan stood up with a serious face, and looked at Zhang Xian with a serious face.

At the same time, everyone related to Jinxiu Garden also appeared in the field, 3 warriors of the Spirit Sea Realm, one of whom was also a master of the Spirit Sea Realm.

"The purpose of my coming here is very simple. I heard that this is a gathering place for the top talents in the southern group domain. Some time ago, my sister was insulted by a young master of the Star Realm. I am looking for the murderer."

Zhang Xian's tone was very gentle, but no one dared to underestimate it.

The faint aura on the opponent's body that shakes the space has clearly shown that this is a king of life and death.

Who would be so bold to insult the younger sister of a King of Life and Death Realm?

Outside, Yan Chihuo and Li Daoxuan looked at each other. Why does this scene feel a little familiar?
When the Black Dragon Empire fell, it seems that the second prince of the Black Dragon Empire also defiled a younger sister of the Revolutionary Army.

"I don't know if the senior has any evidence clues. If that person is indeed with us, he will definitely not cover it up."

Jing Aoxuan glanced at the young warriors present, everyone looked puzzled or dazed, so she calmed down a little.

That person should not be here.

"My younger sister is also considered a warrior in the extreme star realm. Although she is not as good as that villain, the fierce resistance still left a little bit of the villain."

With a thought, Zhang Xian took out the piece of clothing stained with Wu Lin's blood from the storage ring.

For the last time, all the warriors in the Astral Realm were present, and Zhang Xian did not deliberately shield the perception of others. Under the induction of the warriors, everyone sensed the breath on the piece of clothing.

For a moment, the audience was silent.

Li Xiaoyun, son of Tianshu, looked at the piece of clothing, then at Wu Lin, a delicate and beautiful girl with red eyes beside Zhang Xian, and turned to look at Chu Zhongtian who was completely confused.

"Brother Chu, you"

The aura on the pieces of clothes was already very weak, it must have been a while, but everyone still clearly sensed the aura of Gangyuan belonging to the spirit body of Chu Zhongtiangang and the aura of fresh blood of the girl Wu Lin.

There are many romantic places in the True Spirit Continent. As a top-notch genius in the southern group domain—Gang Lingzi, why bother to play such a thing.

Well, although this kind of thing is indeed more exciting, don't look for the younger sister of the king of life and death.

"It's not me! This is slander and frame!"

Chu Zhongtian, who has always been fearless, violent and even arrogant, shouted hastily.


I devote myself to practicing martial arts, and regard beauty as disaster, how could I do such a thing.

However, in the face of his defense, the people around him, even Mr. Tianshu, were silent, and the eyes of some women were even more disgusting.

Although they didn't believe that Chu Zhongtian would do such a thing, the aura on the pieces of clothes could not be faked, especially the unique aura of the Gang Spirit Body, you are the only one in the entire True Spirit Continent.

"It's really not me. I fight with people every day. I have fought and killed 13 spiritual warriors before and after. It's normal for my clothes to be broken. This is a false accusation. How could I, Chu Zhongtian, do such a thing!"

Facing the silence of the people around him, Chu Zhongtian became anxious. He didn't want to take the blame.

"Senior, this."

Jing Aoxuan looked hesitant, and Li Xiaoyun and the others looked a little loose. The situation Chu Zhongtian said is indeed possible.

"Whether it's a frame-up or not, he doesn't care. I think this is the place of the Thunder Empire, and I don't care too much for the sake of the Black Thunder King.

Ask him to come with me to see if he did this, and ask the elders of his sect to explain the important person to me. "

As Zhang Xian said, his mind had already noticed the faint fluctuations in the space.

With a thought, he protected the pieces of clothes in his hand, and at the same time, the spiritual energy around Chu Zhongtian froze instantly, pulling him towards him.

Before Chu Zhongtian was pulled over by him, the space suddenly vibrated, an attack pierced through the space and burst out red, the energy of the spiritual energy rioted, and the power leaked out, causing the entire Jinxiu Garden to shatter.

Breaking Zhang Xian's aura confinement, protecting Jing Aoxuan and a group of young warriors, the middle-aged Black Thunder King and another King of Life and Death of the Thunder Empire appeared in front of everyone.

Spatial fluctuations continued to flash, and the suzerain of a fifth-rank sect in the Thunder Empire, the master of the Seven Star Pavilion where Li Xiaoyun was, and the master of the Raksha sect of Chu Zhongtian also appeared in front of everyone.

The five kings gathered together, and Zhang Xian was the six kings, and the scene escalated instantly.

"The virtuous king came to the minefield, why use such means to embarrass a young man."

The Black Thunder King saw that the pieces of clothes in Zhang Xian's hands were intact, a trace of regret flashed in his eyes, and then he looked at the calm Zhang Xian.

Wise King!

Jing Aoxuan and the others looked at Zhang Xian, who looked like a teenager, and were stunned. Although they had never met Zhang Xian, they had already heard the name of Zhang Shuai of the Revolutionary Army.

The sudden shattering of the Jinxiu Garden outside and the appearance of the Black Thunder King and others, the crowd who were about to exclaim, also stopped their voices in an instant.

Is the revolutionary army going to attack the minefield?

Thinking of the rumors during this period, everyone subconsciously raised this idea.

"Sage king? That's a good title."

Zhang Xian glanced at the five Black Thunder Kings, raised the pieces of clothes in his hands, and suddenly raised his voice, everyone in the city could hear: "No one can imitate the unique aura of the Gang Spirit Body, your disciple insulted me!" Sister, you are covering up at this time, is this attitude declaring war on us?"

"Damn it, it's really Gang Yuan's aura, this Chu Zhongtian is really going against the sky."

"Don't talk, I have been to Nanzhuoyu, and I heard that the second prince of the Black Dragon Empire in Nanzhuoyu defiled his sister and then declared war. This matter is deep."

"The water is deep. Who doesn't know that the revolutionary army is unstoppable. After that dragon vein is formed, even the top kings can't get close. Such strength still requires tricks?"

"Yes, when the revolutionary army comes, I will open the city gates for them, there is no need."

"I heard that King Xian is only 19 years old. He is the king of life and death at such a young age. Such a talent must be extremely arrogant. It is impossible for such a person to play tricks. Otherwise, wouldn't that mean that Empress Xuan might also be a despicable and shameless villain?"

"Sigh, knowing people, knowing face but not knowing heart, I didn't expect Chu Zhongtian to be such a person."

The people around felt the breath of the fragments of clothes in Zhang Xian's hands. From the beginning, some people were suspicious, and almost all believed Zhang Xian later.

This one-sided public opinion made the black thunder king and the master of the Rakshasa sect, the five life and death kings, look at Zhang Xian's face suddenly darkened.

It's fine to use this method, but you still arrange a navy?
(End of this chapter)

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