Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 145 We Didn't Lose Injustice

Chapter 145 We Didn't Lose Wrongly

"King Xian, your younger sister is very clear."

"Master of Rakshasa!"

The head of the Raksha sect looked at Wu Lin, a weak girl standing behind Zhang Xian, and wanted to point out his identity with an ugly expression.

Chu Zhongtian is a member of his Rakshasa sect. If his reputation is really confirmed, he will be ashamed.

It's just that before he finished speaking, the Seven Star Pavilion Master shook his head and stopped him.

It doesn't work.

They could see Wu Lin's situation, and they could only tell from the little breath of martial arts will, that is, spiritual power.

The King of the Realm of Life and Death can tell that Wu Lin is a man disguised as a woman, but everyone under the King of the Realm of Life and Death cannot see it.

At this time, if you insist on saying that the other party is a man, this is sophistry in the eyes of everyone, and it will only further confirm the incident of Chu Zhongtian's abuse.

They have also studied the body transformation method. If you take off the other person's clothes, the shape and structure that should be on the woman's body can also be adjusted.

Unless the opponent is dissected, it will not be obvious from the outside.

The method of Zhang Xian and others is not only a conspiracy, but also a conspiracy. You can see it, but it cannot be proved that it cannot be explained.

As for anatomy?Are you trying to kill someone?

The blame can only be blamed on Chu Zhongtian fighting with others, the clothes were cut off and smashed, and these clothes fragments were not destroyed afterwards.

This piece of clothing is in Zhang Xian's hands, and this matter cannot be explained clearly, and there is no way to argue.

Being stopped by the Seven Star Pavilion Master, the Raksha Sect Master also came to his senses, and stopped talking with an ugly face.


As the host, the Black Thunder King looked at Zhang Xian with a calm face, and thought of the people who had come from the Tianwu Region in the past few days, and declared the start of war simply and neatly.

Wu Lin's act of women's clothing only gave the revolutionary army a fair and just reason to start the war, allowing the revolutionary army to stand on the side of justice, but the final outcome still depends on the strength of both sides.

If Zhang Xian and the others win, the Leiyu and even the entire southern group will be brought under the rule of the revolutionary army. If Zhang Xian and the others lose, then everything will come to light.

"Take the initiative to challenge, it seems that you are quite confident."

Zhang Xian took a look at the five Black Thunder Kings. He had never really fought against the King of the Realm of Life and Death, but at this moment he had a feeling that he could kill these five people without 5 moves with all his strength.

The vigilance in battle is mutual, and the opponent can feel his own strength without deliberately shielding his strength, so there must be something wrong with daring to be so confident.

"The virtuous king came to Leiyu, so what if he doesn't treat him well."

The Black Thunder King and the others chuckled, their figures flickered, and they left the city.

The aftermath of the battle of the King of the Life and Death Realm can kill the warriors of the Spirit Sea Realm, such a battle cannot be placed in the city.


As a revolutionary army, Zhang Xian would not engage in life-and-death battles in the city, leaving behind a single sentence, and his figure disappeared.


The moment Zhang Xian and other life and death kings left the city, hearing what Zhang Xian left behind, the whole city boiled instantly.

The girl Wu Lin stepped back and entered an alley at the speed of the astral realm. After quickly adjusting her body hormones to change her breath and appearance, she burst into the inner city with all her strength.


Outside the Jinxiu Garden, Ma Xiaozhong and Qin Yue rushed in quickly, and the rest of Lin Xuan and the revolutionary army entered the Linghai Realm in the city ahead of time and rushed to the inner city palace. Ye Chen also joined a group of Star Realm fighters Confluence begins to act according to plan.

Faced with Ma Xiaozhong and Qin Yue, who were about to break through to the king of the life and death realm, the three spirit sea realm warriors in Jinxiu Garden were killed in an instant with almost no ability to resist, and then they rushed towards Jing Aoxuan, Li Xiaoyun, Chu Zhong Tian waited for a group of young top talents in the southern group.


Looking at Qin Yue and Ma Xiaozhong who suddenly appeared and quickly killed the three spirit sea warriors, Jing Aoxuan's eyes flashed with horror.

But before she could finish speaking, Qin Yue appeared in front of her and slapped her body with a palm, the essence was temporarily scattered, and then the joints of her hands and feet were removed.

"This group of people are all the treasures of these sect empires, Xiao Ma, be careful not to kill them, they will all be captured!"

Qin Yue yelled, signaling Lin Xuan, Ma Xiaozhong and others to be careful.

This group of extreme astral-level geniuses might be able to leapfrog and fight against ordinary spiritual-sea levelers, but in the face of Qin Yuelinxuan, who were at the peak of the spiritual-sea level and who had almost broken through to the life-and-death level, they were all taken prisoner like rookies.

"You are shameless!"

Seeing that Li Xiaoyun, Chu Zhongtian and others were taken prisoner by Ma Xiaozhong one after another, and the whole city was boiling, Jing Aoxuan understood something in his heart and was struggling to shout.

"Little sister, this is a war, not a sparring battle."

Seeing Jing Aoxuan's angry look, Qin Yue chuckled, took out a belt engraved with a lot of patterns from the storage ring, and tied it around Jing Aoxuan's waist.


The buckle is locked, the belt automatically shrinks to fit Jing Aoxuan's slender waist, the puppet pattern on it is activated, and the aura energy circulates throughout the belt.

"Little sister, don't use any bone shrinking skills or body expansion techniques, and don't use the real yuan to destroy or protect the body. If it is deformed and senses high-strength real yuan, it will explode. Once it explodes, you will become It's two pieces."

Qin Yue reminded Jing Aoxuan, took out the second belt and walked towards Li Xiaoyun.

This is the latest research of puppetry combined with Chen Nuo's modernized bomb concept.

When the aura circulation is damaged or the path changes too much, the sensor is exposed to energy exceeding a certain intensity, someone is changing the pattern of the destruction formation, or when the set time is up and one of these 4 conditions is satisfied, then the terrifying energy has been compressed inside. belt will explode.

Facing the king of life and death, people may be killed in seconds or suppress their thinking, so it may not be completely safe for people to guard.

It would be the safest to switch to this kind of puppet machine that only works according to the set logic.

Unless you know the password to unlock it, or destroy the entire belt in an instant, there is no solution.

Destroy the entire belt in an instant, and the belt is tied around the body in a circle, unless it destroys people together, it can't be done.

The password uses the mathematical encryption algorithm of the main world, even if the spiritual energy fluctuations are not concealed, these fantasy guys who don't know the mathematical algorithm formula can't crack it.

Just as the last person was tied on the belt, a sand sculpture who came from nowhere seemed to be unbelieving or careless, and the belt on his body exploded with a bang.

The power comparable to a full-strength blow from the Star Realm erupted close to the body, and this genius sand sculpture was cut into two pieces on the spot.


"The 3000 low-grade spirit stones are gone."

The corners of Qin Yue's mouth twitched, and Ma Xiaozhong felt sorry for the belt, which he planned to take back after kidnapping.


Jing Aoxuan, Chu Zhongtian, Li Xiaoyun and the others swallowed their saliva. If they couldn't use their real energy to defend themselves, who could resist this attack?
In an instant, some small thoughts in my heart dissipated instantly.

"Sister Qinyue, the royal family of the Thunder Empire."

At this time, Lin Xuan and several members of the Revolutionary Army came from the direction of the inner city palace covered in blood, and they also brought a group of imprisoned princes and princesses who were tied to their belts behind them.

"Sister Jing!"

"Sister Jing, they killed several elders, I'm afraid."

Seeing Jing Aoxuan, several younger princes and princesses of the Thunder Empire whose faces were pale from fright shouted instantly.

Facing the shouts of his younger brothers and sisters, Jing Aoxuan opened his mouth, then closed his eyes silently.

At this time, the noise in the city also subsided.

She understood what it meant.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the imperial capital of the Thunder Empire, one of the largest core cities in the southern group, fell.

"Where did you come from so many people all of a sudden? Aren't your Revolutionary Army troops in Heijinyu and Yunlanyu during this time?"

Li Xiaoyun next to him looked at a group of warriors from the spiritual sea realm and a group of warriors from the extreme star realm who had gathered, and asked suddenly.

"You Lei Ze City, more than 90% of the population are our people."

Facing this question, Qin Yue smiled and answered proudly.

The body transformation method and the revolutionary concept have been advanced for several years. When they arrived here, most ordinary people had practiced the exercises and accepted the revolutionary concept.

At this time, they only need to shout, and the whole city will be boiling.

Li Xiaoyun was silent, and shook his head with a wry smile after a while: "We didn't lose unjustly, if we can survive this time, I hope I can go to your South Zhuoyu to have a look."

"King Black Thunder and your suzerain give in, and your lives will be safe. You are welcome to come over then, and Nanzhuoyu has changed its name. It is no longer called Nanzhuoyu, it is called Han Guo."

Qin Yue corrected Li Xiaoyun's statement, looked up to see the muffled thunder-like sound coming continuously, and flashes of violent sword lights piercing the sky from time to time, her expression could not help but become solemn.

"Xiao Ma, Xiao Lin, bring this group of people, let's go see what the king-level battle is like."

(End of this chapter)

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