Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 146 Zhang Xian: So I'm So Strong

Chapter 146 Zhang Xian: So I'm So Strong

When leaving Lei Ze City to catch up with Black Thunder King and others, Zhang Xian launched an attack without saying a word.

Received a good education from Chen Nuo since he was a child, he never said to wait for the enemy to set up a stance before you fight each other with one blow and one punch.

A hero dies for justice, but don't be aboveboard if you can hit a sap.

Fighting to die of nonsense, you can fight nonsense BB.

If you really can't defeat the enemy and don't favor yourself, then you are suitable for reasoning with the enemy, talking about righteousness, morality, martial arts, and being cute and pitiful.

If there were not tens of millions of civilians in Lei Ze City just now, and if the revolutionary army needed a just name, he would have done it in the city, let alone make Wu Lin become Wu Lin.

The collision of aura energy and true essence erupted into a strong light, and even the space was shaking.

Zhang Xian narrowed his eyes.

"From the Tianwu domain."

The space shattered like a mirror, and a middle-aged beautiful woman with an ethereal and elegant temperament and two middle-aged men who were calm and majestic appeared in front of the Black Thunder King and the others. The attack just now was blocked by these three people.

With the arrival of these three people, six more Kings of the Realm of Life and Death appeared behind them.

"Tantai family, Dugu family, Bai family?"

Zhang Xian's sentence is questionable, but the tone is affirmative.

The revolutionary army walked out of Nanzhuoyu. Because of the existence of Queen Xuan, everyone knew enough information about the top forces in the True Spirit Continent.

Those who came were the Tantai family, the third of the four top families in the True Spirit Continent, the Dugu family, the patriarch of the Bai family, and the two life and death kings of their family.

"Three top kings of life and death, six ordinary kings of life and death, plus five from Leiyu, really think highly of our revolutionary army."

Zhang Xian scanned the 14 kings of life and death on the opposite side, and his gaze was fixed on the middle-aged beautiful woman.

"I heard that before the rise of Empress Xuan, Moon Empress was the number one queen of the human race. Her strength was unfathomable and far stronger than that of ordinary top kings. Even if Empress Xuan rose, the gap between the two is believed to be only the age difference but not the strength gap.

Now it seems that there seems to be a problem with this rumor. I feel that Empress Xuan can hit you 5 times. "

The revolutionary army's walk out of South Zhuoyu will definitely attract a counterattack from the top forces in the True Spirit Continent. Zhang Xian has long expected this, but he did not expect it to be so soon.

"Your Majesty, it's meaningless for us to talk about these verbal disputes. I'll just talk about the purpose of our coming here. Your revolutionary army's sphere of influence is already large enough and cannot continue to expand."

Yue Hou didn't look annoyed in the slightest, and said with a smile the purpose of their coming together this time.

"Oh, you can stop our expansion, can you also stop the development of the revolution?"

Zhang Xian pointed to the direction of Lei Ze City, which was no longer in his sight, and said a fact with a chuckle.

The general trend of revolution has come, and the wave of revolution has become irresistible.

It was fortunate that there were no relevant revolutionary ideas and body transformation methods before, but now there is a feasible revolutionary road with equal human rights, and hundreds of millions of people have burst out with the strongest desire.

Desiring to build a society with equal human rights and harmonious life, desiring to gain a sense of security and not being killed by the strong at will.

The human will that the whole people desire to gather has become overwhelming, and the trend of reform cannot be stopped even by heaven and earth.

The core of revolution has never been force. The core of force is called rule, it is called conquest, and it is not called revolution.

The core of the revolution is the idea, a better and more advanced social system.

Why did the main world enter modern times, and after the concept of equal human rights spread, each colony became independent, and each royal family became a constitutional monarchy?

Even if these colonies can't even take out a sharp machete, the colonists still have muskets and artillery.

In addition to economic factors, the fundamental reason for this is the fear and uneasiness deep in human nature, and the desire to pursue beauty.

When the concept of human rights equality spreads, people who are afraid, restless and longing for beauty will subconsciously accept this concept.

When even your son is asking you, Dad, I don’t think it’s right that the nobles don’t take responsibility for killing us, and we don’t take responsibility for killing the untouchables. Social change is actually doomed.

You may be old and stubborn and cannot accept this new concept of your son, but the new generation of children and younger generations grow up in such an environment with more advanced concepts, and they accept it.

When you get old and die, the new generation becomes the mainstream of society, and the reform will naturally be completed.

Force only decides who is the ruler. It cannot determine the development trend of society, nor can it stop the wave of revolution that has already been established.

Even if you build a wall to isolate the world on both sides, you can't isolate the spread of ideas, and you can't isolate the development of more advanced social concepts.

Because the pursuit of something better is the deepest instinct imprinted in every intelligent life.

"I have to say that your leader is really good. The revolution has become a trend, and we cannot stop it."

Yue Hou looked at Zhang Xian, shook his head and chuckled, "However, apart from the current sphere of influence of your revolutionary army, we can divide other areas, change a leader, and even change a group of rulers."

The revolution led by Chen Nuo is tantamount to letting this fantasy world transform from a feudal society to a modern society of human rights.

A society has never stipulated that only one country is allowed to exist.

By restricting the expansion and development of the revolutionary army, they can use the revolutionary trend gathered by Chen Nuo to complete their own reforms in their own regions.

Although their rights are limited, they will still be at the top of the society and the rulers of the society.


Zhang Xian praised and said with a smile: "But why do you finally come to take away the revolutionary fruits we cultivated so hard?"

"King Xian, strength speaks for itself in this world, and whoever is stronger is the truth." The head of the Bai family looked at Zhang Xian and revealed an essence of the world.

"That's right, let's fight, win me, force me back or even kill me, then you have the final say."

Zhang Xian laughed lightly, the words fell, and a violent aura erupted from him.

The space was vibrating, and the aura energy in a radius of ten thousand miles seemed to be boiling.

Yuehou and the others froze, is this the emperor?

Time dragged on enough, Zhang Xian had already sensed Meier's arrival, and stepped across the space to launch the attack first.

The goal is the 6 ordinary kings of life and death brought by the three major families!
"Back off!"

Yue Hou's anxious mental fluctuations radiated in the air, joined hands with the head of the Bai family and the head of the Dugu family anxiously, and the attacks of the three top kings blasted into the void.

The space within thousands of miles trembled, and space cracks spread. Zhang Xian's attack from the space level to the six ordinary kings of life and death was blocked.

The space shattered like a mirror, and Zhang Xian's figure reappeared in front of everyone unharmed.

"So I'm so strong"

Zhang Xian looked a little strange.

He had never fought against a king in the Realm of Life and Death, and he had never had a clear understanding of his own strength. Now he was surprised that he didn't feel too much pressure from the combined attack of three top kings.

His eyes moved, and this time he looked at the three patriarchs after Yuehou.

Now he was convinced that it would not be a problem for him to kill them with one blow.

"Back! Back! This is no ordinary emperor!"

Sensing Zhang Xian's gaze, and seeing him unscathed from the joint attack of the three people, the faces of the few people backed away after a month.

Where did this group of revolutionary army come from? The lunatics have unknowingly reached the strength of the emperor, and judging by the expressions of the parties, they don't even know it?

Zhang Xian's footsteps trembled, and with a bang, the space in the entire area was shaken, and the actions of several people who wanted to escape from the void were instantly interrupted.


Before anyone could react after a month, Zhang Xian pierced through the space around them at some point, and the arm of the head of the Bai family, which had no ability to resist, was torn off.

Before he could regenerate from his broken limbs, with a bang, fists containing terrifying power hit him one after another.

The sky was stained with blood, and a top king was blasted without the power to parry.

Every drop of blood, every shard of flesh and bone radiates the radiance of will.

They fell from the sky and swayed the entire area. It can be predicted that in the future, an area more terrifying than Tianzhu Gorge will be formed.


A trace of doubt suddenly flashed across Zhang Xian's expression, and a drop of blood shining with strong will brilliance absorbed the spiritual energy and fled crazily.

Rebirth from a drop of blood?

Zhang Xian looked a little surprised, he was practicing the body transformation method, and he didn't have such means.

"Then can you revive your mind if you disperse it?"

Once again, his figure penetrated the space and disappeared in place. Zhang Xian caught up with the fleeing head of the Bai family. The vast and terrifying spiritual power shook the space, and his fist smashed hard with the meaning of spiritual stranglement.

He didn't condense martial arts will, but as Chen Nuo's student, he is still very clear about the essential mystery of the fact that martial arts will equals the condensing of spiritual power mixed with perception.

Martial arts will can destroy the enemy's thinking consciousness, and the spiritual power can also strangle the enemy's thinking consciousness to a certain extent.


Like the roar of the soul, everyone present could feel the spiritual roar of the head of the Bai family. If there is no thinking consciousness, no matter how powerful the rebirth from a drop of blood is, it will be useless.

From Yuehou shouting and retreating to the head of the Bai family being beaten, the sudden change made everyone's expressions change wildly, and they turned around to run away.

But before they could take any action, Zhang Xian once again appeared next to the six Kings of the Realm of Life and Death brought by the three major families.

He saw that the six people wanted to escape just now.

The fist affects the law of spiritual energy, and the spiritual power that has just been learned in the hand is also strangled. With one punch, the space is completely shattered.

After the space was restored, a large number of flesh and bone fragments appeared before everyone's eyes.

Under three punches, six kings of life and death were killed.


In the distance, the Black Thunder King and the others who were still thinking about fleeing swallowed their saliva, staying in place and not daring to move.

Having dealt with the six life and death kings who wanted to escape, Zhang Xian reappeared in the air, looking at the disfigured Yue Hou and the livid and stiff Dugu Patriarch.

"After a month, Patriarch Dugu, the truth is now in my hands."

Before he could continue his action, he sensed a bone on the ground exuding the brilliance of will, his eyes swept away, and his brows frowned.

When he killed the head of the Bai family, he didn't realize that he could be reborn from a drop of blood, and he didn't use his spiritual power to destroy his thinking consciousness.

Now the head of the Bai family is bursting with flesh and bones, and each piece is accompanied by the brilliance of will and martial arts will, as long as one piece is left, it can be revived.

This group of true essence practitioners belong to cats, so they are not afraid of mental schizophrenia.

Zhang Xian was speechless, and once again realized the trouble of not having martial arts will, otherwise his body would be smashed, sword will or Chen Nuo's chaotic martial arts will be swept away, and everything will be settled.

Pure spiritual power needs to be condensed to a certain intensity in order to destroy thinking consciousness.

Seeing some flesh and blood seeping into the ground, Zhang Xian condensed his spiritual strength and planned to destroy the flesh and bones left by the head of the Bai family to prevent him from slipping away.

"Young man, isn't your revolutionary army claiming that the society is harmonious and doesn't kill people easily? I don't think it fits."

Suddenly, in the void, a brilliant atmosphere, filled with the artistic conception of heaven and earth spread.

(End of this chapter)

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