Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 147 Meier: I can go nuclear, but the yield is not very large

Chapter 147 Meier: I can go nuclear, but the yield is not very large

The space ruptured, and a space gate emerged on the battlefield.

A middle-aged man wearing a fine attire and a golden crown on his head came out from the space door.

Before Zhang Xian could react, the space continued to vibrate again, and three space doors opened. A middle-aged woman who looked somewhat similar to Yue Hou, and two old men without the slightest momentum also appeared on the battlefield. .

The moment these four people appeared, the tense Yue Hou and the Dugu family were obviously relieved. The middle-aged woman and one of the old men bowed and said, "Old ancestor."

Emperor Xu, and the emperors behind the three major families, 4?
Feeling the opponent's strength, Zhang Xian's eyes flashed a little dignified, and then his expression relaxed again.

"There is another saying in our revolutionary army. When friends come, they have good wine. When jackals come, they get shotguns. I don't know Xu Huang and these three old men, are you friends or jackals?"

One of the advantages of warriors' mental wave communication is that they don't understand the other party's language, but they can understand the meaning of the words directly.

Xuhuang and the others didn't know what a shotgun was, but they understood the meaning.

When the four Xuhuangs appeared, the scattered will of the head of the Bai family also moved and wanted to re-condense, and the next moment it seemed that something stopped from the heart.

In the sky, a streak of light streaked across the sky at extreme speed, appearing on the battlefield in an instant.

"Zhang Xian, you are so useless, I will come here even if you hit a minefield."

After the words fell, Meier's figure appeared in front of everyone.

"Teacher, are you okay?"

Seeing Meier appearing, Zhang Xian breathed a sigh of relief, and asked about Chen Nuo's situation.

"What's the matter, I'm lazy every day."

A few years later, the 19-year-old Meier wrinkled her nose looking at the bloody battlefield around her, then looked at Xuhuang and the others, turned her head and said to Zhang Xian:

"The teacher explained that I will go back after fighting the southern group, but it is best to fight vigorously, killing a dozen kings of the life and death realm or killing a few kings of the emperor. Are these four kings of the emperor?"


The scene was completely silent, and the brilliance of will on the flesh and bone fragments of the head of the Bai family was almost completely dimmed.

Where did this kind of ruthless person who wants to kill the emperor come from?

"Your revolutionary army wants the entire southern region? No, it's too big."

The invited Emperor Xu and the emperors of the three major families looked at each other, looked at Meier and said.

The True Spirit Continent is not all human territory, the northern group domain is where the barbarians live, so the Tianwu domain, which is not too large in size, is left, and there are three major group domains in the east, west and south.

The revolutionary army wants more than a quarter of them, which is impossible.

Accompanied by Emperor Xu's voice, Yuehou and the others completely silenced, and the Black Thunder King and others in the distance turned into well-behaved children. Looking at Emperor Xu and Zhang Xianmei, a sense of powerlessness emerged in their hearts.

It feels like I am looking at the territory that originally belonged to me and become a bargaining chip in the mouth of others.
They understood that the appearance of the four great emperors represented a negotiation between the imperial forces of the old sect royal family and the revolutionary army.

The general trend of the revolution is unstoppable, but who will be the ruler of the new society and the new era has not yet been fully determined.

Today's negotiation will completely determine the subsequent layout of the True Spirit Continent.

The lives of the six kings of the life and death realm just now, and the battle just now, just verified that the revolutionary army has the qualifications to negotiate.

If the Revolutionary Army hadn't created the largest dragon vein in the entire True Spirit Continent, the emperor would not dare to risk the backlash of the dragon vein to assassinate a group of core figures and leaders of the Revolutionary Army.

If the revolutionary army does not have enough peak combat power, even if the revolution is unstoppable, the final fruits of the revolution will not be part of the revolutionary army like Chen Nuo and Zhang Xian.

"We want the entire southern group area, if not, then just kill you."

Regardless of Zhang Xian's continuous winking, Mei Er expressed her attitude neatly. Such an attitude and appearance without any political negotiation made Xu Huang and the others subconsciously stunned.

"Zhang Xian! The shock seals the space!"

Regardless of everyone's stupefaction, Mei Er, who obeyed Chen Nuo's orders and would find an excuse to fight even if Xuhuang and the others didn't beat her, erupted in momentum, and the aura energy with a radius of tens of thousands of miles rioted instantly, gathering towards her crazily.

For a moment, Yuehou and the others felt a bit of creepiness, and felt a strong life-and-death crisis in their hearts.

The head of the Bai family who fell on the ground reacted immediately, without even looking at Meier's situation, the flesh and bone fragments gathered into four groups, the brilliance of will was shining, and fled to Quartet.

The Black Thunder King, who also subconsciously wanted to escape, was shaken out of the void, and Zhang Xian had already blocked the space with the shock, preventing people from escaping into the void.

Isn't this the technique of reiki metaplasia to grow vegetables and cure diseases?

The art of aura metaplasia, through the elimination of aura, cures diseases, increases the growth rate of plants, and occasionally builds houses without materials, and can also create things out of thin air.

Even though their hearts were warning, Xuhuang and the others still didn't understand the aura technique Meier used.

Although they didn't cast the spell with true essence, it was the energy of the spiritual energy that was circulating and condensed, but this spell was still recognizable.


Xuhuang and the others were stupefied for only a moment, and in the next moment they decided that no matter what Meier was going to do, whether to heal their injuries, or to see the barren land here, planting flowers and grass, since the mind was alerted, counter-attack to interrupt or even kill them That's it.

As for escaping, they are here to limit and suppress the expansion and development of the revolutionary army. If they really want to escape, the expansion of the revolutionary army will no longer be restricted.

"The teacher is right. These people are indeed illiterate."

Seeing Xuhuang and the others attacking instead of running away, Mei Er murmured in her heart, feeling that the spiritual energy she had gathered was enough to make a big guy, a kind of martial arts will that no one had ever seen or even appeared in the True Spirit Continent It exploded, and then the slender white fist blasted out.

"Zhang Xian! Run!"

Zhang Xian, who had roughly anticipated the situation in his heart, ran away without warning after seeing Meier's condensed martial arts will.

The speed is so fast that it is worthy of the fact that the strength of the cell's six transformations is comparable to that of the emperor.


Xuhuang and the others saw Mei Er and Zhang Xian running away in the form of streamers, before they could react, the alarm in their hearts reached its peak in an instant, and the extremely intense life-and-death crisis enveloped the whole body.

The space vibrated, and one person subconsciously wanted to escape into the space, but the space was completely blocked by Zhang Xian.

That's too late
Seeing that Meier's Spiritual Qi Transformation Technique released by Mei Er was turning into matter one after another, and the strange martial arts will from that punch was also blasted into matter, the eyes of Xu Huang and the others widened.


boom! ! !
Like a Genesis-like explosion, half of the southern group domain was shaking.

"When did you learn, how much material was detonated?"

Zhang Xian, who ran thousands of miles away in an instant, stood at a high altitude and watched the terrifying nuclear explosion that blasted through space and spread countless space cracks. He subconsciously swallowed his saliva, and then retreated thousands of miles.

He is also a cell metamorphosis six times, and he knows what is going on.

Although the world is dominated by the laws of spiritual energy, the toughness of space is not as stable as the gravitational space-time dominated by basic rules, but the diameter of the gap in space is hundreds of miles, and countless black space cracks like spider webs spread for thousands of miles. It is so terrifying The power of ten emperors can't be played.

"I have learned it a long time ago, but I can't leverage the basic rules to release material energy at a long distance. This can only be used as a suicide move with indiscriminate damage at close range. The teacher won't let me use it.

Later, the teacher asked me to thoroughly understand the relevant knowledge and concepts of nuclear energy, and combine the perception of nuclear energy with spiritual power to condense the will of nuclear energy martial arts. Only then can the will of martial arts be used to leverage the basic rules and release the energy contained in matter.

How much matter was detonated just now?The material produced by the aura transformation technique is about [-] tons, not a lot. "

Meier watched the substantial air shock wave shattered mountains one after another, and the earth melted in the terrifying light and heat radiation, and was also surprised by this terrifying nuclear explosion in her heart.

"Three hundred tons is not a lot"

Zhang Xian was completely dumbfounded.

He is not a group of illiterates like Xuhuang, he also knows the energy efficiency of nuclear energy through six metamorphosis of cells, about 7% of the matter is turned into energy.

According to the mass-energy equation taught by Chen Nuo, 300% of 7 tons of matter is converted into energy, which is equivalent to 4500 billion tons equivalent to 9000 big Ivans exploding at the same time.

Doesn't Mel call that a lot?
(End of this chapter)

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