Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 148 Nuclear Deterrence, Here's the Explanation

Chapter 148 Nuclear Deterrence, Here's the Explanation

The void was shaking, and the terrifying explosion quickly spread throughout the entire True Spirit Continent through the fluctuations in space.

The space doors opened one by one, and more than a dozen emperor seals came out.

Near Zhang Xian and Meier, the space was also fluctuating, and the figure of Queen Xuan appeared.

Everyone looked at the huge crater with a diameter of thousands of miles caused by the explosion. The magma at the bottom of the pit had already gushed out, and all the mountains with a radius of thousands of miles were shattered. The substantial air shock wave was still spreading at supersonic speed. smash.

"The emperors of the Bai family and the Dugu family are dead."

The spiritual energy was gathering, and the silhouettes of Emperor Xu and the middle-aged woman from Tantai's family were revived and appeared in front of everyone.

Their faces were as pale as paper, and their breath was very weak. At the moment of resurrection, the two quickly came to the side of several familiar Fengdi Kings, in case they were under the wrong hands of others.

When it comes to Fengdiwangwang, it is not difficult to be reborn from a drop of blood. If you want to completely kill them, you can only start with the thinking consciousness, which is the so-called soul.

Generally, in the battle of the emperors of the same level, the enemies are blown up, and the martial arts will can completely wipe out the enemies. The so-called rebirth from a drop of blood is of little significance.

However, Meier used a nuclear explosion, and pure material energy has only a mediocre killing effect on thinking and consciousness.

The Bai family and the Dugu family were completely vaporized in the nuclear explosion, and their thinking consciousness was completely annihilated without a carrier.

Xuhuang and Tantai family's Fengdi Wang are stronger, they survived the explosion in front of them, leaving a trace of flesh and blood, but even if they saved their lives, it is impossible to recover from this injury without a hundred years of effort.

"I think you need an explanation."

From the mouths of Emperor Xu and the Tantai family's emperors, more than a dozen emperors looked at Zhang Xianmei'er.

"Little girl Yan, are you also with them?"

A few emperors who knew Empress Xuan also noticed Empress Xuan standing next to Zhang Xianmeier.


Empress Xuan, who felt the shock of the space, hurried over, looked at Zhang Xian and Meier, and didn't know how to explain the words of this group of emperors.

Your teacher said to kill more than a dozen kings in the realm of life and death or kill a few kings who became emperors, but he didn't say that you should nuclear bomb the True Spirit Continent.

"You want to kill us, and you want us to explain?"

Meier looked a little annoyed, she punched out, her martial arts will erupted, and a distant mountain peak turned into a mushroom cloud with a bang.

"That's the explanation!"


Having just experienced the nuclear explosion of Xuhuang and the Tantai family's Fengdiwangwang, looking at the eager and fearless Meier, she swallowed and subconsciously hid behind a few friends.

The explosion just now was almost thrown on their heads. I don't understand the principle, but I can understand some of the superficial situation.

The power of this explosion is related to the matter, or the weight of the matter.

Although with experience and vigilance, it is impossible for Meier to use the technique of aura transformation to surprise again, but this cannot resist the fact that the ground is full of mud, the air can explode, and what is even more terrifying is a punch on the body , Will my body turn into a mushroom cloud with a bang? This is also a question worth thinking about.

It’s okay if you practice other spiritual laws such as the mysteries of fire, the mysteries of frost, the rules of the sword, etc. After all, you understand and know how to deal with them.

This kind of weird explosive attack can't even be understood or understood, so how to fight and how to prevent it.

The atmosphere fell into silence.

They could clearly see Meier's attack this time.

That weird martial arts will bombarded a rock, and the weird energy that erupted blew up a mountain peak.

The power of this attack is average, but it's not all power.

Ordinary kings in the realm of life and death can cut thousands of miles with their swords, and the will of martial arts will pervade for thousands of years without dissipating. It is a group of emperors like them who can cut thousands of miles with their swords.

A single stone can erupt such a huge amount of energy, so what would happen if such a strange martial arts will directly detonated a mountain?
The True Spirit Continent should be completely blown up.

"Everyone, I have no sect and no influence, whether it is the Revolutionary Army or you, whoever rules the mainland has nothing to do with me, and I don't want to get involved in your affairs.

However, I hope that your wars can be restrained a bit. Whoever endangers the safety of the True Spirit Continent is my enemy. "

After a moment of silence, a king who practiced the rules of the sword stood up, looked at Meier for a while, and then turned his gaze to other kings, especially the powerful ones.

Mei'er has the strength to become the emperor, and she can't be killed in an instant. If her strength explodes completely, she may blow up the True Spirit Continent. There is no solution.

There is no solution to nuclear deterrence, so find someone who may cause a nuclear bomb explosion.

As for the reason for this, strength is the reason.

"I agree with this proposal. It doesn't matter to us how your war is going. Whoever rules the continent has nothing to do with us. But whoever endangers the safety of the entire True Spirit Continent is our enemy."

It was another Emperor Feng who stood up, the Snow Mystery and the Frost Mystery were completed, and with her words, the spiritual energy turned into snowflakes one after another.

Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers were covered with heavy snow, which extinguished the raging fire, and the magma was frozen by ice.

Compared with the True Essence Cultivation Method and the Mystery of Martial Dao Will, which have been developed for thousands of years, the Body Transformation Method, which has been born for only more than ten years, although its combat power is against the sky, it is still a bit weak in terms of the use of some magical powers.

The figures of the other emperor-conferring kings flickered, catching up with the air shock wave that was continuing to expand, their martial arts will erupted, and forcibly suppressed the shock wave that could tear down mountains and rivers.

They didn't speak, but their actions and meanings were clearly expressed.

"We want the southern group domain, if not, then fight again."

"The next battle, we will fight in the Eastern Group, Western Group, or Tianwu Region."

Meier wasn't afraid at all, and Zhang Xian even added.

Playing nuclear explosions in the southern group domain that has been regarded as his own territory, although it is easier to eliminate nuclear radiation with aura energy, it is also distressing.

After he finished speaking, he felt that the deterrent power of his words was not as strong as that of Mei Er, so he picked up a stone with a thought, and a small mushroom burst out of his palm with a bang.

It can't be released from a long distance like Meier, but it can still pry the basic rules in the hand.


The face of all the emperors present twitched, what the hell is a terrorist who can explode material?
"Ling Tianxu, where did this group of revolutionary troops come from? Why have I never heard of it before?"

"I'm not sure either. It probably developed more than ten years ago. These two emperors are still under 20 years old."

"...I have used this retreat for more than 20 years"

Xuhuang and his friends were communicating in low voices with mental fluctuations. After waiting for a while, the living Emperor Fengdi of Tantai's family and several Fengdi Kings belonging to the Zongmen Empire finally let go.


"I hope that you Han will abide by today's words and don't cross the line in the future."

With the opening of these emperor-sealing kings, the atmosphere at the scene eased a little.

"Of course, but if you don't manage well and are overthrown by the people, that's none of our business."

Zhang Xian's face was very calm, but he laughed out loud in his heart.

Now all kinds of espionage warfare concepts taught by the teacher, economic warfare, trade war, financial harvesting, etc. can be played, oh no, this should be the matter of that kid Ye Chen, and I should go wandering after the Revolutionary War.

"Don't worry, if an area as large as yours falls apart, just don't blame us."

The middle-aged woman of Tantai's family looked at Zhang Xian's calm expression and felt that something was wrong, but she said what was wrong.

"Well, Zhang Shuai, we are not late."

At this time, streaks of light streaked across the sky.

Ye Chen, Wu Lin, Qin Yue and others brought Jing Aoxuan, Princess of Thunder, Li Xiaoyun, son of Tianshu, and Chu Zhongtian, son of Gang Ling who will be recorded in history, to the side of the battlefield. What about a group of people?
(End of this chapter)

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