Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 149 Ye Chen, You Go Ahead

Chapter 149 Ye Chen, You Go Ahead

A group of Black Thunder King ran away.

Not only did they run away, but even the first Yue Hou, the head of the Dugu family, and the head of the Bai family who were blown up also ran away.

They were very conscientious, knowing that they would only be a burden in the battle of the emperor, so they slipped away the moment Meier gathered her spiritual energy and her mind issued a warning.

"Is this your Nan Zhuoyu?"

No one in the entire True Spirit Continent can go against the result of the agreement of a group of emperors and kings, and the situation under the suppression of the nuclear war.

Something happened in the Southern Qunyu, Zhang Xianmei'er and her group went back, along with Li Xiaoyun, son of Tianshu, Jing Aoxuan, princess of thunder, and several other curious young talents.

When the flying puppet landed outside the capital city of Han, the news of the victory of the war had already been sent back, and a large number of welcome personnel had already gathered outside the city gate.

Seeing the support from the heart and the obviously different mental outlook of the crowd outside, and hearing the cheers in his ears, Jing Aoxuan looked a little emotional.

She is a princess of an empire, and she has a deeper understanding of people's hearts.

In the past, when the soldiers of the Thunder Empire returned from battle, they had never been greeted like this. Although she did not bully the weak and had a good reputation, the people below were also in awe and fear when they saw her. They had never been so legally supported and excited in their hearts. happy.

"This is not Nanzhuoyu, this is Han."

The door of the flying puppet hatch was opened, and just as everyone was about to go out, Zhang Xian, the leader of the crowd, suddenly looked back at Ye Chen.

"Ye Chen, you go ahead."


Ye Chen was confused, Qin Yue and the others around were stunned for a moment, and then realized that Zhang Xian was going to create momentum for Ye Chen and prepare for the future.

After the war is over, they should have their own lives. Ye Chen, the scapegoat, oh no, Ye Chen, the future leader, should also gradually step onto the stage.

"Ah what, hurry up and get out, you are still young, you have to work hard in the future."

Fearing that Ye Chen could not meet Chen Nuo's standards, the future second leader would fall on their heads, oh no, Ma Xiaozhong, who would fall on his own head nine times out of ten, urged Ye Chen to go ahead and get out.

Several other candidates were secretly eliminated because they were too watery, but Ye Chen is still considered qualified.

If Ye Chen couldn't take the position in the end, then Chen Nuo would definitely find them.

When it really comes to that time, Zhang Xian, who was making a travel plan last month, will shout, let's fight, whoever is weaker will win.

Qin Yue, who is usually more domineering than men, would also shout, it's wrong that the second term of the Han Dynasty is a female head of state, you men go.

This guy Lin Xuan has studied hard and practiced hard in the past few years, and his strength is already stronger than him, so he will definitely call whoever is weaker.

Mel's political acumen is not high, and she is not qualified to be the leader of a country.

Wu Lin, oh no, Wu Lin has already been recorded in the annals of history. Although it is a false identity, it is not suitable anymore.

After such a calculation, he will definitely be the one to take the blame in the end. He still plans to go fishing for mermaids in the endless sea. How can Ye Chen be cowardly at this time.


The corner of Ye Chen's mouth twitched, and he always felt that Zhang Xian and his gang were playing him.

"Zhang Shuai!"

"Miss Meier, Miss Meier!"

When Ye Chen and Zhang Xian came out of the flying puppets, the city gate of Handu erupted with shocking shouts, among which Zhang Xian and Mei Er's voices were the strongest.

"Ye Chen, greet the people and shake hands with those who call your name!"

The group of Zhang Xianmeier and Qin Yue, who are usually eager to greet and respond to the people, are in a tacit understanding today. They only keep a smile on their faces, and the mental fluctuations urge Ye Chen to take the initiative to walk into the crowd, and they follow behind.

Ye Chen: "."

At the end of the group, Jing Aoxuan, Li Xiaoyun, and the others felt the cheers of the people at close range, and were a little puzzled about the situation of Zhang Xian and Ye Chen.

Returning triumphantly and enjoying the cheers of the people, why do you still give way?
"Sister Meier! Sister Meier!"

After passing through the city gate, the excitement of the crowd gradually calmed down. At this time, a little girl who was playing with sand beside the city gate saw Zhang Xian and the others. come over.



Jing Aoxuan and Li Xiaoyun, who were following Zhang Xian and the others, had a sudden change of expression, subconsciously putting on a defensive posture.

But before they erupted, a resounding dragon chant buzzed in their minds, and a terrifying force surrounded them and completely suppressed them.

"Did Xiaorou sneak out again without telling mother?" Mei'er reached out to catch the little girl who rushed over, smiled and pinched her delicate face.

"No, I told my mother this time."

The little girl shook her head.

"Xiaorou, Xiaorou, where did you go, girl! Xiaorou"

As soon as the little girl finished speaking, a young woman's shout came from a street not far away.

Meier and the others looked at the little girl who didn't blink when she spoke just now.

A look of embarrassment flashed across the little girl's face, and then she waved to the young woman who ran out from the alley: "Mother, I'm here!"

"You girl, I just went to order food and disappeared in a blink of an eye. There are so many people on the street, you are not afraid of danger if you run out every day!"

Seeing the little girl, the young woman was visibly relieved, and quickly ran over to take the child from Meier, with an apologetic expression on her face: "Miss Meier, Zhang Shuai, I'm sorry, this kid is too naughty."

After saying a few slaps, the palm of my hand slapped my buttocks, still using the familiar formula.

"Mother, it doesn't hurt if you beat someone."

Unlike a few years ago when she was beaten and cried, today's little girl pursed her mouth, obviously she was used to it.


The corners of Mel's mouths twitched.

Your little guy is about to transform into the spirit sea state four times, and your mother has only transformed into the Yuanyuan state for the second time. You can't break the defense with all your strength, let alone just showing off.

"Sister-in-law Chen, I'll take Xiaorou back and let her play with us today, lest she always run out alone. Don't forget to send her to school in the second half of the year when Xiaorou is 6 years old."

Meier carried the little girl over, smiled and said to the young woman, compared to a few years ago, Meier's fighting style has not changed, and her daily personality has obviously become more gentle and gentle.

"Xiao Rou doesn't go to school!"

Hearing that she was going to school, the little girl raised her mouth and tried to run away, but was ruthlessly suppressed.

"If you don't go to school, no one will play with you."

Meier seemed very relaxed when he hugged a little girl who was not yet in the spirit sea realm with the strength of the emperor, and several people took her back to Chen Nuo's place.

Behind them, Jing Aoxuan, Li Xiaoyun and the others, who had been suppressed by the dragon's vein luck for a long time before recovering, looked at Xiaorou with shocked or even horrified faces.

The 6-year-old at the peak of the Star Realm, it seems that after a year or so, he can continue to break through to the Spirit Sea Realm. This is a monster, not a human being.

"Big brother, big brother."

Walking into the yard, Chen Nuo was bored reading a book, Xiaorou jumped out of Meier's arms and ran to Chen Nuo's side.

Well, the little girl also has a sense of proportion, and her movements are obviously much softer.

"What are you looking at?" Xiaorou leaned over and found that she couldn't understand.

"Reading, Xiaorou has sneaked out again mischievously." Chen Nuo closed the book, smiled and hugged Xiaorou.

Although jade slips with information are more efficient, but books are more suitable for daily leisure.

"No, I came out with my mother's permission."

Faced with this question, Xiaorou has a standard and unified answer in her heart, no matter who asks it.



At this time, Zhang Xianmei and the others also came up and called Chen Nuo, Jing Aoxuan and Li Xiaoyun saluted respectfully, and then looked curiously at Chen Nuo, the leader of the revolutionary army.

Well, the strength seems to be at the Yuanyuan Realm, so weak.

Is this one person who created the revolution, taught the emperor and a group of warriors in the Linghai realm, and initiated the revolutionary reform that will soon spread across the entire continent?
Jing Aoxuan and Li Xiaoyun, who originally thought that the leader of the revolutionary army, even if he was not the emperor, was the king of life and death, felt that the three views of life had been subverted.

"All sit down."

Murong Qingcheng had already entered the room to get stools, Chen Nuo glanced at Jing Aoxuan, Li Xiaoyun and the others, and beckoned them to sit down as they please.


At this moment, Meier came up to her, and after checking that Chen Nuo was fine, she looked a little bit aggrieved and puzzled.

"What's the matter?" Chen Nuo gave Meier a strange look.

"Didn't you say before that you wanted to reform the entire True Spirit Continent? Then why did you let us come back after taking down the southern group domain this time? We're not afraid of those group of emperors."

Yes, Mel didn't hesitate at all.

Even if she goes to a place where there is no abundant material, or even the aura energy is restricted and blocked, she cannot use the aura transformation technique, and she has prepared a pile of lead blocks with a side length of four to five meters for her storage ring.

Throw a piece of lead at will, the mass is thousands of tons, enough to explode and kill a group of emperors.

(End of this chapter)

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