Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 150 I Want You to Kiss Me

Chapter 150 I Want You to Kiss Me (300 Monthly Pass Plus Change)

"It turned out to be this."

Chen Nuo didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he shook his head and said with a smile: "The True Spirit Continent has been changed, even if our Han Kingdom does not rule the entire continent, other regions will still irreversibly set off a wave of reform and enter the era of comprehensive human rights equality.

If a country has no external troubles, it will definitely have internal troubles. Even if we forcibly rule the entire continent, it will still be divided within a few decades.

Unless each of us can be the king of the realm of life and death, and our speed can reach instantaneous, otherwise the Han Kingdom's rule of a southern group domain is already the limit. "

Chen Nuo has always been positive about the good side of human nature, but he dare not underestimate the negative side of human nature.

People's minds change, and a national organization without external aggression will inevitably have various internal problems, and eventually collapse from within.

Only when there is constant external threat, can the various classes within the national organization achieve the same external goals in the general direction, and the entire country can maintain sustainable and stable development for a long time.

Another constraint on the size of the territory is the speed of communication.

The communication distance is too far away, which brings about the isolation of life, politics, and the entire social system on both sides.

As an analogy, if there is no means of superluminal communication from the earth to Pluto, and the delay of electromagnetic wave communication is dozens of hours, you will not know what happened on Pluto until a day or two later. You chat with your relatives and friends on Pluto, and send a hello today , Even if the other party responds immediately after receiving the message, it will take three to five days for you to receive the reply.

In this way, the two parties seem to be connected, but they have actually separated. After a long time, what you said will no longer work.

The general trend of revolution is unstoppable and will definitely spread to the entire continent, and the source of power he deserves is indispensable.

But the territory of the Han Dynasty, a southern group is already the limit.

This is not because the enemy is too powerful to rule, but because of the change of people's mind and the separation and division brought about by communication.

Chen Nuo didn't want to eat Han Guo into a fat man right now, and then decades later, the brothers and sisters inside would put up a stance and fight a sensational war of division.

"Ye Chen, you don't need you to lead the troops to fight now, and Liuyun School is developing well and doesn't need your help.

In this way, tomorrow you go to the competent department of Handu to learn about the operation and management mode of Handu. "

After explaining to Meier the reason why the Han Kingdom only wanted the southern group domain, Chen Nuo turned to look at Ye Chen who was sitting obediently by the side, and made arrangements for him to be transferred.

"Senior, this."

Ye Chen's eyes widened. He came to learn about the operation and management of Handu, which is a bit strange no matter how you look at it.

"Why, don't you want to?"

Chen Nuo said lightly: "Since there is no need to fight, most of the soldiers in the army also need to change jobs.

The main transfer area of ​​the army you commanded before this time is Handu. If you, the chief officer of the army, are not here, it will be difficult for other people to manage, and other people may even put shoes on your subordinates. "


The corners of Ye Chen's mouth twitched, his eyes were on his nose, his nose was on his heart, and Zhang Xian, Ma Xiaozhong and the others turned around with a calm face.

He suddenly had a feeling that he seemed to be betrayed.

"OK then."

After thinking for a while, Ye Chen agreed to the arrangement.

It is really difficult to manage the soldiers who come out of the army if they don't accept you.

It would be a lie to say that there was no emotion in the two years of getting along, and he was really worried that the group of upright subordinates before him would still be arrogant and arrogant after changing jobs, and then they would be put on small shoes.

"Go then."

Chen Nuo took out a jade slip of information, left his words and aura on it, and let Ye Chen take it to change jobs.

Sometimes it is easy to verify identity in the fantasy world, but it is difficult to counterfeit.

Ye Chen left, the two staff also took Jing Aoxuan and Li Xiaoyun away to arrange accommodation, even Xiaorou was dragged by Murong Qingcheng to play, the atmosphere in the yard suddenly became silent.

Zhang Xianmeier and a group of people looked at Chen Nuo without speaking.

No one is a fool, and they can even be said to be hundreds of millions of talented smart people.

It is almost impossible to hide Chen Nuo's behavior and situation in the past two years, but before the revolutionary cause needed to be fought and developed, except for Meier who was in Handu, everyone else was out of town, so they couldn't ask or do anything in person.

"They all look at what I do. Although the teacher is handsome, there is no need to look at it that way."

Chen Nuo rolled his eyes, waved his hands and shouted: "Go, get out, don't block the sun here and block your eyes."


Zhang Xian wanted to speak, but Chen Nuo glared at him and choked back his words.

"Go away, if you don't leave, be careful and I will beat you!"

With a thought, Chen Nuo took out a thin bamboo stick from the storage ring, and drew it over with a whistling sound.

"Hey, let's go, Mei'er is here looking at the teacher."

Seeing that Chen Nuo was so angry that he even sent out the weapon of death when he was a child, Zhang Xian and the others changed their expressions wildly, subconsciously stood up and hurried away.

Zhang Xian's group slipped away, and Chen Nuo looked at Mei Er who was standing beside him and stared at him, who refused to leave, rubbed the girl's hair like a child, and said with a smile: "Mei Er, if the teacher leaves one day, don't cry Nose."

After he left, Zhang Xian's group of guys were not worried.

These guys have long planned how to roam around after the stability of the Han Kingdom. Even Qin Yue has a chivalrous dream to see how the world is going. When he leaves, these guys will pack up their bags and start to roam after a while of sadness.

The only thing to worry about is Mei Er, who has been with her since she was a child, is obedient and doesn't like to go out very much.

"I won't cry if you take Mei'er with you."

Mei'er grabbed Chen Nuo's clothes and her eyes were already rosy.

"The teacher will come back later."

Chen Nuo smiled wryly, he really wanted to take Meier away, but this world won't let anyone go.

Now the world is still dominated by the law of aura, and the mystery of the basic rules can be researched in such an environment. Murong Qingcheng, a power-generating girl, can only be counted as half of it. The one who is really talented and capable is actually Meier alone. They refused to let people go even if they were beaten to death.

"you're lying."

Mei'er's eyes became even redder, and tears flowed down her face.

"When did the teacher lie to you?"

"When I was young, I was 8 years old. You said you would buy me candied haws, but you didn't buy them when you came back."


Chen Nuo's mouth twitched.

You still remember this kind of old things, besides, I forgot to buy the wild fruit and learned to make more than a dozen skewers by myself. Originally, there were two skewers per person, but you snatched a bunch from Zhang Xian, Ma Xiaozhong and the others.

"Don't cry, it will be ugly if you cry again, that little guy Xiaorou will laugh at you when he comes back."

With a thought in mind, Chen Nuo wiped the tears from the girl's face, and took out a piece of wood from the storage ring: "Teacher, please make a magic trick for you."

"No, this magic trick is so ugly, Meier knows it, she's even more advanced than you."

Meier pursed her lips, but she stopped crying after all, and looked at Chen Nuo: "Are you really coming back, don't lie to Meier."

"Well, the teacher must be back."

"Then you promise me one request, and I'll let you go."

Mei Er stretched out her hand and hugged Chen Nuo's arm tightly, as if she was afraid that she would disappear if she let go.

"any request?"

"I want you to kiss me."

Mei'er raised her head and looked at Chen Nuo, her eyes were shy and anxious.


Chen Nuo was speechless, and nodded: "Okay, I promise you, Mei'er closes her eyes."

Seeing the girl in front of her close her eyes, a blush appeared on her delicate face, and her eyelashes were still trembling, revealing the master's nervousness.

Chen Nuo sighed, leaned forward and kissed Mei'er, then walked quickly with his hands out.

A few seconds later, Meier's angry voice came from the yard.

"Ah!!! Chen Nuo! You bastard, I don't want to kiss your forehead! You liar"

 Today's update is late, thanks to readers such as "Roaming Books" for their rewards
(End of this chapter)

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