Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 151 More than 2 million source power, the half-year bonus from the boss

Chapter 151 More than 2 million source power, the half-year bonus from the boss

In the deep blue sea of ​​the main world, a figure appeared out of nowhere, standing suspended above the sea.

The power of the mind is based on the body. After the three transformations of the cells, his mind power can already be used to fly in the sky.

"Hey, the host has returned, and the system is settling the source power harvested from this shuttle with the world of Sword Dominance."

"The host lived for 16 years and 3 months, and gained 845 points of source power."

"Host research has promoted high-yield crops, fed more than 16 billion people in more than 105000 years, had a major impact on the development of the world, and created countless possibilities for the development of the world, and obtained [-] source power."

"The host researched the method of body transformation, opened up a new way of cultivation, promoted the era of national cultivation where everyone is like a dragon, made a huge contribution to the development of the world, and rewarded 1800 million Yuanli."

"The host promotes the concept of civilized practice, promotes the concept of scientific research, and systematically creates a science and technology system in the fantasy world. It has made a huge contribution to the sustainable development of the world's aura energy and the development of the world, and rewards 2600 million Yuanli."

"The host led the revolutionary cause of the True Spirit Continent, established a society of equal human rights, established a more advanced social system and social development concepts, and made contributions to the future of the hundreds of billions of humans and major races in the True Spirit Continent, as well as the development of the world. He has made a huge and incomparable contribution, and the reward is 4300 million Yuanli."

"The host established the Han Kingdom, which is the first country in the world with equal human rights and a harmonious and healthy social system. The country's territory covers more than a quarter of the True Spirit Continent, and it serves as a banner for the revolutionary reforms in other regions. Reward 300 million points of source power."

"The host has changed the fate of the world's children of luck, brought variable development to the world, and rewarded 8900 points of source power."

"The host taught two students who studied the basic rules of practice, and one of them has the ability to study the basic rules independently. When the world's aura energy decays and enters the material universe period, this will bring infinite opportunities to the development of the world. Let the world The development has entered the peak ahead of time, and the source power will be rewarded with 1 million yuan!"

"After the settlement of this shuttle is completed, a total of 240113900 source power has been obtained. After deducting 20% ​​of the handling fee from the main world, the system has a balance of 192091120 source power. The host consumes 20 source power, and actually distributes 191891120 source power.

Kendo Dominant World Consciousness's satisfaction with the host's shuttle service can no longer be described in words. We are eagerly looking forward to the host's next visit, and it will prepare a beautiful gift for you.

The host's behavior has greatly promoted the reputation of the main world. The main world recognizes the host's work ability very much, and evaluates this shuttle. Delivery, please pay attention to receive. "

Meier is a great talent, Meier, teacher, I love you!
Seeing the final reward of 1 million yuan, Chen Nuo almost shouted excitedly, but he couldn't react to the information that followed.

Sword Dominant prepared an exquisite gift?
The boss prepared a semi-annual award?

Chen Nuo felt a little dazed, it was understandable for the Sword Dominant World to give gifts, but when did the Master World become so generous.

"System, tell me what this half-year award is. If you really want a reward, then give me this tax exemption."

Chen Nuo asked the system in his heart.

The earlier the world is, the greater the impact of variables and reforms, and the greater the reward he receives.

This time traveling through the True Spirit Continent, nearly 2 million taxes were deducted from more than 5 million Yuanli, which is really distressing to the bone.

"Host, that's a battleship, an awesome battleship. As for tax exemption, oh no, no handling fee, I suggest you don't mention such an impossible thing."

"Battleship? What battleship, where is it? Can I take it to another world to bombard immortals?"

Chen Nuo looked around, and then looked up at the sky. Where are the warships? He saw a few plastic bottles on the sea.

"The battleship hasn't arrived yet. In two days, you can use this battleship in worlds where the basic rules are not covered up. It is useless to go to a world dominated by aura laws.

However, you still need to pay a large amount of tariffs to the Shuttle World when you bring the battleship there. If you send source power to other worlds indiscriminately, the boss may strike you with lightning. "

"Well, to put it bluntly, the boss doesn't know how to dispose of the garbage at home, so he just gave it to me."

Chen Nuo guessed the truth of the matter all of a sudden, feeling tired.

The universe is so big, this battleship is probably lost by some alien civilization, or something left over after the destruction of some alien civilization, and then it floats in the universe and waits for decay, so it is simply sent here.

"Let's see what can be exchanged for 1 million Yuanli to suit my ability."

Unable to use it across the world, Chen Nuo simply forgot about the battleship half-year award and asked about key matters.

Although hugging the thighs of one's own students and sisters is also a kind of enjoyment and ability, but one's own strength is not enough, and one's heart is really uncertain.

"Advanced temperature control level 5 (upgradable): 3 million source power is required to upgrade from the current intermediate temperature control level 1000. Note: the lower limit is -200 degrees Celsius, and the upper limit is 3000 million degrees Celsius. You are already a sun, let's bloom your temperature .”

"Advanced magnetic field control level 5 (upgradeable): 3000 million source power.

Note: Self-experience, I believe that it is not a problem for you to have a hard anus with the earth’s magnetic field. You can supply the power consumption of all human beings by tying yourself with coils, and your super electromagnetic gun can bombard the sun.

In addition, you can absorb protons, electrons, and even compress the magnetic field through the electromagnetic field. You finally have your own energy shield, and you don't need to be punched by the enemy. "

"Matter decay: 1 million.

Note 1: The decay based on the weak interaction force allows you to change and convert substances at will. The most important thing is that it can make your cells become a substance decay furnace, with a mass-energy conversion rate of up to 43%.

Note 2: Don’t be happy when you see advanced temperature control and magnetic field control are so awesome, the premise is that you have enough energy to drive the supply, which is the driving force for you to use advanced temperature control and magnetic field control. "


Chen Nuo looked at the several exchanges displayed by the system, and was speechless: "Where is my gravity control? Don't play with these temperature substances or electromagnetic fields every day. I have been playing Power Generation Ji for several years. Don't you understand that gravity is more powerful?" ?”

"Intermediate Gravity Control Level 3: 8000 million source power, Note: This is an awesome ability, and in the world of spiritual energy laws, generally only Da Luo Jinxian can control the time and space ability.

You can use it for curvature navigation, gravity attack, etc. Please provide enough energy to use it.

Note that even a nuclear energy level 3 cannot support several times of consumption. It is strongly recommended to use 3 million source power worth of material disintegration, and the mass-energy conversion rate reaches about 5%, which is enough to support the consumption of changing gravitational space-time. "

"Exchange for me advanced temperature control level 5, advanced magnetic field control level 5, material decay, okay, that's it, I'm in a hurry to go back and take a shower, and let me know when the half-year reward arrives."

Seeing the gravitational control displayed by the system, Chen Nuo simply decided on the exchange, his body flickered, and he flew inland.

(End of this chapter)

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