Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 152 The man is here again

Chapter 152 That Man Is Back Again
"Turn left rudder 18 degrees, go forward!"

"The report shows that the radar scanned an object about two meters long flying at a speed of Mach 3000 at an altitude of 1.3. The target direction is our fleet. It is suspected to be an enemy's supersonic missile."

"What, these bastards even launched supersonic missiles? Ask a nearby fighter jet to intercept. All fleets should pay attention. If the fighter jets fail to intercept, the fleet is ready to intercept."

In the deep sea area, a mighty maritime military exercise is underway. Suddenly, the radar soldiers detected an unidentified flying object approaching rapidly at high altitude.

At high altitude, Chen Nuo was flying in waves, and while flying, he was still experiencing his new ability to exchange with the boss.

"This decay is interesting. The decay of matter releases energy. 43% of the mass-energy conversion does not mean that only 43% of the same matter can decay into energy, but only 43% of the material is transformed into one conversion. For energy, then the remaining 57 percent of the matter can decay again until it is almost completely converted into energy."

Chen Nuo was a little surprised. Originally, he thought that 43% of the same matter had been converted, and the rest would have to be spit out to use new matter to continue. Unexpectedly, this 43% refers to the mass-energy conversion of a single decay. Efficiency, not the total mass-to-energy conversion efficiency.

"Advanced temperature control, the body's thermoelectric dynamo effect can obtain more energy from the outside world, and the magnetic field control body can also obtain energy from the magnetic field. The combination of the two adds up to a huge amount of energy obtained at all times.

In this way, as long as the outside temperature is greater than -200 degrees Celsius and there is a magnetic field outside, even if there is no material, I can still fight with the current strength. "

Boom boom boom!
Chen Nuo had just studied his situation thoroughly, and telepathically sensed a fighter plane approaching at supersonic speed, the fighter plane arrived first, and the sound came later.

"Why did our fighter fly out of the ocean, training?"

Chen Nuo glanced at the flag on the fighter jet, and with a glance, the huge fleet on the sea ahead attracted his attention.

It turned out to be a military exercise.


The fighter jet and Chen Nuo were relatively still in the air, and the air shock wave brought about by the supersonic flight of the fighter plane dissipated when it entered 3 meters away from Chen Nuo.

The power of the mind fluctuated, and after Chen Nuo politely greeted the fighter pilot, his speed increased instantly.

Mach 2, Mach 3, Mach 4, and finally flew to the mainland at a speed of Mach 6.

"007! 007! The target is flying away at a speed of Mach 6, please report what you just discovered!"

The pilot was stunned, and the anxious shouts of the fleet came from the headset.

"Report, I saw a trapeze!"


The fighter plane quickly returned, and the images recorded by the flight box were extracted. When he saw the figure on the screen, the middle-aged man with the gold star on his shoulders suddenly looked down.

"Today's matter is classified as a first-level secret, and this video will be passed on to the higher authorities."

After a confidentiality order was issued, the middle-aged man quickly walked into a separate communication room and reported the situation to the above.

After disappearing for more than half a year, the man came back again.

Going to Beijing, I received the message sent back. The leader who was mainly in charge of this matter came to meet with the think tank after the meeting.

"What do you think?"

The leader pointed to Chen Nuo's smiling face on the screen, and looked at the analysis team responsible for the Chen Nuo incident.

"Can't guess."

"Perhaps the second world inference that seemed absurd before with a probability of only one in ten thousand may be true."

Several people were shaking their heads.

There are too many mysteries in this matter.

According to the pilot's self-report, he clearly heard the sound at the time, but during supersonic flight, not to mention the interference of the sound of the air flow outside and the propagation speed of the sound is lower than the speed of movement, it is also difficult for the sound to enter the well-sealed fighter cabin. is an unexplainable problem.

Another doubtful point, not to mention the speed of Mach 6, this clothing. The earth has never seen it, and the material and fabric have also been determined. Clothes of this material and fabric have not been produced in the world.

"Let's not pursue the situation first, let's discuss how we should face it."

"Our proposal remains the same. Except for a few difficult problems, the goal has been leisurely and peaceful. Although Xinsheng Pharmaceutical Group's behavior is embarrassing, it actually plays a positive role in social stability and national stability."

"How is the cultivation and research of the body root method provided by the target?"

"The person with the best progress in cultivation will be able to reach the peak of the body's rooting method in about a year. We have confirmed that the cancer-specific drugs of Xinsheng Medicine include other drugs, which belong to the peak of the body's rooting method. After fully controlling and understanding the body, targeted research out of the drug.

These drugs can stimulate the body's potential and immune system, and have the effect of killing cancer cells and viruses in the human body for treatment.

This is also one of the reasons why foreign capital and some people in China are eager to make moves recently, and have set their sights on new medicine. "

"If you reach the peak of the body's root method through cultivation, can you also obtain such an ability?"

The leader pointed at the screen again, the supersonic air shock wave reached Chen Nuo's quietly subdued trajectory, and the speed of Mach 6 was instantly mentioned, and the ability to fly at will was so eye-catching.

"Leader, this technique is incredible. If you cultivate to the peak, you can adjust the arrangement of cells. With reference to bionics, you can make a qualitative leap in the body's strength and toughness to run at supersonic speed, but it is impossible to fly."

"So the goal is still the only one, and the ability is unmatched?"


"I understand, thank you for your hard work."

The leader nodded and walked to another conference room.

"How about it."

In another conference room, several other leaders who are still in the country are already there.

Chen Nuo suddenly returned after disappearing for half a year, and his strength has also taken a leap. This news did not alarm one or two people.

"Extraordinary and unique."

Four simple words made the meeting room fall into silence.

As a person in power, in all honesty, no one would like Chen Nuo's potentially uncontrollable social instability.

But to tell the truth from another angle, I am very happy that Chen Nuo is a domestic person, and it would be difficult for such a person to appear abroad.

Anyway, it's complicated.

"After Sunshine Medicine made public its exercises, some domestic capital groups seem to be ready to make a move recently. The warnings should be warned, and the investigations should be carried out.

In addition, foreign voices are strongly suppressed.

It is a fact that no one can dispute that the patents of drugs such as cancer specific drugs belong to Huaguo.

We cannot comply with their superior patents and pay a lot of patent fees every year, but they want to not comply with our superior patents.

If they tear up the international patent regulations and use state power to engage in unfair competition, then let's not be too polite. "

China can confirm that drugs such as cancer specific drugs are by-products of research after the peak of body rooting, and other countries can also confirm this result.

In this way, facing the drug patents that are currently choking their own throats, other countries have gradually begun to take action to overthrow the drug patent rights on the Chinese side.

"That's no problem. With the cultural barriers of the exercises and the population advantage, we are in an absolute leading position in this competition in the era of cultivation.

But how to solve the food crisis caused by cultivation, after practicing the exercises, everyone can eat too much."

A leader in charge of people's livelihood raised a headache.

Cultivation needs to consume a large amount of body energy, which cannot come out of thin air, but can only be obtained from food, which has triggered a food crisis.

In the past, if there was not enough food, we could find a way to import it. At this time, other countries are also practicing, and no one is willing to export food.

"How is the promotion of the national earthworm raising project? Didn't experts say that this is a good source of high-quality high-energy protein powder?"

Over the years, in order to feed a population of more than one billion in the country, Huaguo has already had a lot of combat experience.

In addition to conventional livestock such as chickens, ducks, pigs and sheep, other farms, whether they are rivers, seaside, fishery ponds, lakes, etc., are also farms, and policy subsidies for agriculture and breeding have always been there.

Now that there is a food crisis due to cultivation, it is also feasible to reuse the land space to raise earthworms.

Earthworms are high-yield and easy to feed. Earthworm meat is high in protein. It can be harvested in more than 20 days. It can be made into protein powder with seasoning, and the taste is still good.

In the past, I couldn’t eat because of my daily concepts, but now I want to practice, and if I don’t eat it, my progress will be poor. In this way, according to the Chinese people’s ability to accept the diet, as long as I have passed the hurdle in my heart and eat it twice, it will be delicious.

"It's not enough. Compared with those who don't practice, the average energy intake has increased by three times. Raising earthworms can't fill this gap."

"Think of a way to exchange a batch of grain and meat from international imports. Cultivation is already a new competition for national strength, and we cannot be left behind.

In addition, make an appointment with Xinsheng Pharmaceutical Group, let's take the time to take a look, maybe our Mr. Chen Nuo can help. "

(End of this chapter)

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