Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 153 Meeting with the leader?

Chapter 153 Meeting with the leader?
I went back to the villa and changed my clothes. After six o'clock in the afternoon, Sister Lin also came over with Chen Nuo's food.

"I said, seeing that I didn't say a hug when I came back, why did you still look worried, and finally found the person you like before you are 30 years old, are you worried about love?"

Chen Nuo took the food, feeling something was wrong, and made a joke when she saw that Sister Lin seemed to be preoccupied.

"Get out, such a big group is almost too busy, how can you be as chic as Chen Dong?"

Sister Lin rolled her eyes angrily, then sighed at the next moment, and said helplessly: "The group is being targeted, you shouldn't have announced the exercises back then."

"The group is being targeted?"

Being used to three meals a day, Chen Nuo, who was unpacking the lunch box to prepare it, was stunned, and said in disbelief, "Who is such a sand sculpture."

Yes, it's a sand sculpture. Although he disclosed the body root method, who told them that Chen relies on this for a living?
Do you really think that if the exercises are made public, he is just a rookie and has no deterrent power?
"On the bright side, there are some small fish and shrimps, but in the dark, they are all big capitalists and people with unparalleled backgrounds."

Sister Lin took out a document from her bag, and before she handed it to Chen Nuo, the phone in the bag rang.

"Sister Lin, turn on the TV and watch the news!"

It was Shao Kaiwang who called. He didn't know that Chen Nuo had returned, and he signaled Lin Xin to turn on the TV and watch the news.

watch the news?
Sister Lin glanced over a trace of doubts. Being fairly familiar with Chen Nuo Villa, she took out the remote control from the drawer and turned on the home theater hanging on the wall of the living room. In an instant, the news program with the highest ratings in the world appeared on the big screen.

"Today, the State Taxation Bureau and the Administration for Industry and Commerce jointly inspected six companies including xx Group, and found a series of evidence of tax evasion. In response to this major tax evasion incident, the Taxation Bureau and the Bureau for Industry and Commerce issued the largest 6 billion in history. A ticket was issued and ordered to make up the amount of tax evasion within 16.8 working days.”

When Sister Lin saw the news, she turned around with a strange expression, and stared at Chen Nuo in a daze.

"What's wrong."

Chen Nuo was a little strange, pointing to the screen and said: "These six companies headed by xx Group are the ones who are eyeing us this time?"

"Yes, how did you do it?"

Sister Lin was amazed and weird.

God knows why she has been worrying about this for the past few months. These people don't know how to play Yangmou, but all kinds of hidden threats and tricks keep annoying people every day, and they even use tricks to make people follow employees off work up.

It's useless for her to report and appeal more than once. People don't care about going to court with you. If you go to Zeng Weiguo, it won't work if the other party has a strong background and hasn't done anything excessive.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Chen Nuo came back, the other party would go on the news to be watched by the people of the whole country. It is not a small thing to be on the news. It can be foreseen that the group of people behind it must be unlucky.

The main messengers behind are like this, so the fate of the group of small fish and shrimps below is also predictable.

"This...maybe I'm more handsome."

Chen Nuo replied without a hint of embarrassment. He probably guessed what was going on. Nine times out of ten, it was the greeting he said to the pilot that went up.

Sister Lin rolled her eyes at this thick-skinned guy, but her expression was as if relieved, but Chen Nuo didn't stop, and took out the mobile phone that had been useless for more than half a year and called Zeng Weiguo.

Since he was shot, it is impossible to simply suspend and fine him.

"Hello, Mr. Chen."

When the phone was connected, Zeng Weiguo's voice was a little disturbed, obviously he knew something.

"Old Zeng, did you forget our agreement at the beginning?"

Chen Nuo reached out and picked up the chopsticks, picked up a chicken leg and took a bite, and said straight to the point in a not-so-good tone.

In the previous agreement between him and the superior, the export negotiation of the drug was handed over to the superior, and Xinsheng Pharmaceutical would only do commercial operations, on the condition that the relevant messy things could not be found.

This agreement is not a signed contract, it is a verbal agreement, but for him, a verbal agreement is more effective than any contract.

"Sir, I don't know what you are referring to."

Zeng Weiguo could hear Chen Nuo's bad tone, his voice was weak, but he could only pretend not to know.

He is also in a dilemma about this matter. The top leader is busy with various affairs every day and cannot pay attention to it all the time. In this way, there are still a large group of people in the country who are more powerful than him.

"Old Zeng, you should turn on the phone recording, so I won't tell lies.

According to the law, I abide by the legal rules you make, but I also hope that you will abide by them yourself.

Thoroughly investigate all the people involved in this incident, including the backers behind it. White is white, black is black, and everything is done in accordance with the law.

If they are really good people, I will admit it. If they break the law but are not punished by law, then I don't mind coming to chat. "

Chen Nuo didn't have the time to argue with Zeng Weiguo, so he hung up the phone and threw the phone aside.

"Would this not be good?"

Seeing Chen Nuo hang up the phone, a trace of worry flashed in the eyes of Sister Lin next to her. Such a straightforward conversation was too impulsive in her eyes.

"What's wrong, your boss is already invincible in the galaxy, have you eaten yet, would you like to have some, you have ordered so many meals."

Chen Nuo pointed to the food on the table. The woman thought he was also practicing body rooting, and the food she brought was for 4 people.

Eating is already a habit and a kind of enjoyment for him, so if you try it, you don't have to eat too much.

"The Milky Way is still invincible, and the solar system has not gone out."

Sister Lin said something wrong, went into the kitchen and took out a pair of chopsticks to eat with Chen Nuo.

It’s good after you practice. How dare you eat like this before. If you eat too much, you will gain weight. Now, if you want to eat three bowls, you can eat three bowls.

"To be honest, you don't believe it. You dare not say that the Virgo Local Group of Galaxies is invincible, and the Milky Way is absolutely invincible."

Chen Nuo shook his head, he didn't care about Sister Lin's worry at all.

The boss's semi-annual award will arrive tomorrow, and he needs to go to space to receive it.

The satellite is not blind. Once it appears in space and a warship is pulled out, all countries can be as obedient as they want.

Human beings don't know much about cultivation and the strength of practitioners. Some people who are not smart still have illusions in their hearts, thinking that the difference in strength is not that big, so they are jumping.

But what does a warship that can sail faster than the speed of light mean, any college student who studies physics can understand the difference.

A stack of 10 human civilizations is not enough for a bombardment.

"That's right, that's right, Mr. Chen is invincible in a super galaxy cluster, and a few more steps will be invincible in the universe."

Sister Lin, who had a certain understanding of the galaxy and the universe, decided not to quarrel with Chen Nuo. She agreed, picked up a chicken claw with her chopsticks, and began to gnaw.

Jingle Bell.

Suddenly, Chen Nuo's cell phone on the table rang.

"Zeng Weiguo, pick it up, hands-free."

The phone was closer to Lin Xin, and Chen Nuo called out.

"Hello, sir."

"Tell me what's going on, there's no time."

"Well, the leader wants to make an appointment to see you tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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