Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 154 Ask the leader a few questions

Chapter 154 Ask the leader a few questions
The leader arrived much faster than Chen Nuo imagined, and the work of inspecting Xinsheng Pharmaceutical Group started immediately the next morning.

There are no secrets in the industry.

Yesterday, those who moved their minds on Xinsheng Medicine were fined and punished according to the law. Today, the higher-ups are inspecting the situation of Xinsheng Medicine. This is undoubtedly a strong signal.

In an instant, all the thoughts that shouldn't be there, and all the people who are about to move are quiet. In this country, the capital is still a primary school student, and the right way is to be obedient and obedient.

Chen Nuo didn't go to Xinsheng Medicine, all the inspection work was entertained by Sister Lin and her group. After the simple inspection ended and the media showed up, a motorcade also drove into Chen Nuo's villa.

"Hello, Mr. Chen."

After getting out of the car, seeing Chen Nuo waiting at the door like an ordinary person, the leader smiled and stretched out his hand to say hello.

Seeing this situation, some of the accompanying people looked at each other and communicated with each other.

"Good leadership."

Chen Nuo smiled and was not overly restrained. After a simple handshake, he greeted a group of people into the house.

"I don't know why the leader is looking for me."

Chen Nuo didn't like the atmosphere of political conversations very much. After entering the room and listening to the leader say that the matter of Xinsheng Pharmaceutical must be dealt with in a fair and lawful manner, he asked about today's purpose very simply.

Sister Lin next to her was rolling her eyes violently, she was helpless with Chen Nuo's chatting style.

No matter who this guy is with, whether it's a man or a woman, he won't accommodate and only chats according to his own thinking habits.

"Cultivation needs to consume a lot of physical energy, which has caused a shortage of food in the country, so I would like to ask Mr. Chen if there is a solution."

Seeing that Chen Nuo directly asked about the purpose, the leader didn't procrastinate, and told the situation very simply.

For Chen Nuo's personality analysis, think tanks have already conducted countless times. It can be said that Chen Nuo does not necessarily know himself as well as the above.

"Yes, I have an advanced nutrient block technology. The production raw materials are simple, without consuming food or other organic matter, and providing enough water can absorb heat from the environment to proliferate.

After the proliferated part is processed through several processes, a piece the size of a marble for an ordinary person can be enough to meet the consumption of 3 days of cultivation. "

After thinking for a few seconds, Chen Nuo nodded in response.

After all, this is my hometown. Although there is no source power reward, if I help the boss do more housework, who knows if I will give myself a year-end bonus someday.

"Taking heat from the environment?"

The leader was stunned, and suddenly remembered a climate and environment analysis report some time ago.

In recent years, environmental and climate issues have become more severe year by year.

Droughts of droughts, floods of floods, and extreme weather conditions in which it rains for months and doesn't rain for months are becoming more frequent.

Although it cannot be directly proved, some experts have already speculated that this may be related to the increasing heat released by human industrial activities to the environment, causing the natural adjustment of the earth's environment.

If the production of this nutrient block absorbs heat and the heat absorbed by the environment falls, then the increasingly severe climate problem may be alleviated.

Among other things, if the heat island effect of the city in summer can only have this technology, opening a few factories in the city is equivalent to a natural air-conditioning heat absorber, and the high-temperature stove in the city in summer can be greatly reduced.

Chen Nuo took out a USB flash drive, which recorded the nutrition block technology of Dragon Snake World, and then with a thought, a small piece of fat that was not engraved with electromagnetic rules but only temperature control rules was separated, and packed in a fresh-keeping experimental vessel.

"Mr. Chen, you."

Seeing that Chen Nuo suddenly cut off a piece of his own flesh and handed it over, the leading group of people couldn't react.

The peak rooting method of the body can control the cells, but no one has seen the real situation. Now that Chen Nuo suddenly performed this act, it is really dumbfounding.

There is also the nutrition block technology, is this nutrition block the meat of Chen Nuo?This is too scary.

"The nutrition block technology is based on my fat energy storage cells, which have been transformed through bionics and physiological medicine. Without my fat energy storage cells as the basic mother, no nutrition blocks can be made."

Chen Nuo explained.

After many conversions and several procedures, the nutritional block is not his meat.

This is the same reason that radar is not a bat, and a helicopter is not a dragonfly.

In the previous Dragon Snake World, his cells transformed once, and almost one palm could meet the consumption of ordinary people for one day of cultivation. Now, the energy density of three times of transformation has increased, and the size of a marble can meet the consumption of ordinary people for three days.

When the temperature control is raised from fur level to advanced temperature control, the corresponding manufacturing cost will also plummet.

"This nutritional block technology new medicine does not participate in management and production, and 40% of the dividends are enough, but I want to ask the leader a few questions."

Chen Nuo didn't ask Xinsheng Pharmaceutical to jointly manage it like the special cancer medicine did, as long as 40% of the dividends were enough.

If cancer drugs are used to pinch the throats of other countries with hands, then the nutrition block in the cultivation era is to pinch the throats of other countries with hydraulic mechanical arms.

He doesn't stay at home often, and Sister Lin and her group alone can't handle this nutrition block technology. It is the most appropriate plan to hand it over to the higher-ups and get dividends from Xinsheng Medicine.

"Mr. Chen, tell me."

The leader agreed without the slightest hesitation.

He could see the value of this nutrition block technology, let alone a few questions, it would not be a problem for him to sit here and chat with Chen Nuo for a few days.

"At the beginning of the reform and opening up, if other countries do not agree to stop it, how will we respond?"

"No, other countries have no right to interfere in our internal affairs. In addition, our reform and opening up is equivalent to opening up a huge emerging market and a huge cheap labor resource. This was also beneficial to them in the background at that time."

"Assuming that it is not beneficial to them, they will intervene to prevent it."

"It's simple. Whoever stops it, then hold a targeted military exercise against that person. If it doesn't work, then pull Dongfeng Express out of the warehouse to practice or even try to explode one or two."

"Start the fight?"

"Not fighting, it's just telling them we're entitled to equal strength
If they still stop it, then we will be tough, and if they stop it, we will fight.

Of course, usually when we pull out the courier, they will tactfully keep silent, and the two sides tacitly control the matter within a certain limit for negotiation, and it will not develop to the point of starting a fight. "

"There are no hydrogen bombs."

"Reaped by oppression."

"Then does this mean that having a hydrogen bomb is equivalent to entering the ranks of great powers?"

"That's not to say, development still depends on oneself, and the hydrogen bomb is only the basis for ensuring fairness for both parties.

We can use it to prove our qualifications, to prove that we have the right to equal dialogue, we can use it to fight for relatively fair conditions, and cancel some of the original unfair and exploitative conditions.

But just because we have hydrogen bombs, we can't use hydrogen bombs to threaten usurpation, use hydrogen bombs to force other countries to open up various resources, and give us technology and technology.

If you really want to do this, you will lose both sides. Of course, the other party will not be able to please you, but your loss will be even more serious and uncomfortable.

In addition to having sufficient military power for deterrence, a big country must also have a sufficiently vast territory.

Territories represent resources and population.

With more resources and population, we can play on our own even if others don’t play with us. If others cannot do without us, we can develop independently on our own.

If there is not enough territory and no foundation for independent development, then resources will be severely constrained, and development will also be impossible. "

"I understand."

Chen Nuoruo nodded with understanding. He played against the trend before, but as he traveled through the world, he became stronger and stronger. If he wanted to develop and reform, he needed to rise against the trend.

Whether these experiences and wisdom are in the world of science and technology, the world of high martial arts, or even the world of immortals and Buddhas, they are all interlinked, and can be used in other worlds with a little modification.

"Mr. Chen, is there any trouble, don't forget that the country will be your solid backing."

The leader looked at Chen Nuo's thoughtful look, and said something with a smile.

"This trouble can only be dealt with by myself."

Chen Nuo shook his head. He understood that his superiors probably guessed the situation, and he never dared to underestimate the group of monsters in the think tank.

In terms of strength, all the human beings on the earth combined are not enough for him to fight, but in terms of wisdom, analysis of human nature, finding loopholes in the system, etc., he also thinks he can't match.

It’s nothing to guess, and it can’t help much, because he can’t understand the situation of each world until he travels through it.

It is impossible for him to shuttle over to understand the situation, and then come back to gather the group of monsters in the think tank to analyze how to reform. Shuttle also requires cost, and the source power is wasted in vain. The boss will kill him.

In addition, once he shuttles, he has already had an impact on the shuttle world, so there is a high probability that the situation will change when he passes by the second time, and the plan analyzed by the think tank will become waste paper.

When Chen Nuo was chatting with the leader, time and space were distorted beyond the orbit of Jupiter in the solar system, and a huge warship the size of the moon also jumped out of time and space.


Chen Nuo was stunned for a moment. The system reminded him that his half-year award had arrived, and the highest authority of the battleship had been bound and his position had been locked. He was coming.

Because the mass of the battleship is too large, approaching the earth will cause damage to the planet, which requires him to go to space to receive it.

"Leader, do you want to send the country an alien warship?"

After thinking about it, Chen Nuo simply turned his attention to the leader.

The rubbish given by the boss is useless if he wants it. The highest authority has been bound and he is not afraid that someone will use it against him, so he just throws it to the higher authorities to deal with and study it slowly.

After studying it thoroughly, he took a copy of the information, which can be used in the future when traveling in a world with a modern technological background.

(End of this chapter)

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