Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 156 Pay attention to safety

Chapter 156 Pay attention to safety
When Chen Nuo was researching the high-efficiency mysteries of spiritual energy to energy substances, almost all human beings on the earth were going crazy.

If one day, you looked up at the sky and found that besides the moon, there was a warship shining with metallic luster, how would you be so confused?
In orbit around the earth, a warship comparable to the size of the moon stops there, and people on the ground can see it with the naked eye without a telescope.

"Leader, this."

On the ground, Sister Lin, the leader and a group of people watched the battleship suddenly appear in the sky, and everyone was dumbfounded.

"Take the footage of Mr. Chen entering the battleship captured by the satellite, cover up his face and make economic news public, first calm down the social chaos and the people's emotions, and tell them that this is not an enemy, but a friend!"

The leader took a deep breath, feeling a little agitated, but still dealt with the matter calmly.

Don't think about it, supermarkets, stores, banks, etc. must be full now.

Emotions are contagious.

Although most people are rational and understand the strength shown by the battleship in the sky, they look down on a small planet like the earth.

But as long as a small number of people think that aliens have come to attack the earth and ran to loot supplies, then this will definitely cause everyone to loot.


A group of people quickly went to arrange and order this matter.

"Miss Lin, we need to deal with things. When Mr. Chen comes back, please tell us that the earth is our human home and the mother planet that once raised him. If you have any grievances or needs, please tell us. Don't be impulsive."

The leader turned his head, looked at Sister Lin who was also confused, and ordered carefully.

Before, Chen Nuo could fly, and Chen Nuo could run at supersonic speed. In fact, there was no intuitive concept, especially after Chen Nuo announced the exercises, more people thought that Chen Nuo's deterrent power was no longer there.

Now this warship is released in space.

Comparable to the size of the moon, two-thirds of the speed of light hit the meteorite without any damage, and the sudden appearance of suspected space-time teleportation or curvature navigation, these intuitive data are truly shocking.

Not to mention the earth, such a warship can bombard the solar system without any problem.

Human civilization is a scientific and technological civilization after all. It has a deeper understanding of the power of science and technology, but not a deep understanding of the power of cultivation.

"Oh, well, I'll tell him."

Sister Lin was still a little dazed, looking at the warship shining with metallic luster in the sky, she was a little speechless.

"Please trouble Miss Lin."

The leader replied, looking at the battleship in the sky, recalling what Chen Nuo had said before he went to the sky, he almost couldn't hide his excitement.

The time for human beings to take off and Huaguo to take off has come!

Chen Nuo wasn't too worried about the reaction on the earth side while still on the battleship.

Crisis emergency response is a compulsory course for every country, not to mention that it is aboveboard for him to enter space and enter a warship. Countries understand that this is not a crisis of alien invasion, so it is easier to deal with it.

"Xiaoqi, it's okay for human civilization to study the technology on the battleship."

"Captain, every technology needs to be learned before it can be learned. The technology here is too advanced, and I don't have the corresponding technology information. It is impossible for the civilization of this planet to understand my technology from the finished product.

However, I have a low-cost planetary landing ship here, the main technology is nuclear fusion energy, a working fluid engine that is one-third the speed of light, several other light weapons, and a small gravitational distortion device that can be used to offset the gravity of the planet.

This is something they can play with, except for the gravitational distortion device, they should be able to research the first few technologies, which are too advanced for them to understand. "

"Then use a planetary landing ship to send me back, and give me a communicator. Your main ship is going to berth in an alien system. If you need anything, I will call you. The data of the simulation study is completed, and you can send it to me through the communicator." .”

Hearing this, Chen Nuo simply turned his intention of giving the battleship to the higher-ups into a landing ship. As for the main battleship, it is better to be far away from the earth with such a huge size and mass, so as not to affect the rotation of the earth due to gravity.

You can't become fat in one breath, the nuclear fusion of the landing ship, the propellant engine with one-third of the speed of light, and the light weapon, this is enough for humans on earth to eat for a while.

"Okay, I wish the captain a happy life, please find Xiaoqi if you need it."

The artificial intelligence's feelings and thinking are all simulated, and Chen Nuo's arrangement to drive it into a deep and dark alien galaxy has no real emotion.

Soon, Chen Nuo took two FTL communication bracelets and returned to Earth on a nuclear fusion-powered planetary landing ship.

As for the main battleship, it quickly turned into a red spot of light after Chen Nuo left, and quickly disappeared near the earth's orbit.

"Chen Nuo, you... you are not the offspring left by some aliens on the earth, your parents came to you today, right?"

The landing ship stopped on the outskirts of the city. When Chen Nuo came out from another direction and returned to the villa, Sister Lin looked at him in surprise.

"Don't watch so much of this kind of stupid TV series, you'll lose your IQ."

Chen Nuo rolled his eyes and said, "In the future, Xinsheng Pharmaceutical will buy several astronomical telescopes with large multiples. If anyone dares to trouble Xinsheng Pharmaceutical again, you can point to the telescope and tell them generously that the warship of the boss of Xinsheng Pharmaceutical is in the orbit of Pluto. , can bombard the solar system at any time."

According to the metal reflectivity of the battleship, even in the orbit of Pluto, as long as it is not covered by other planets, it can be directly observed with astronomical telescopes on the earth.

It was a shining star in the sky.

"...You fly into the sky like this, who would dare to trouble us."

Sister Lin suddenly felt dull.

Originally, she wanted to achieve a career through her own struggle and hard work. She didn't think about her troublesome and headaches, but Chen Nuo solved them without deliberately dealing with them.

She watched the pictures captured by the satellite.

Ordinary people may not know it, but those countries and the rich in capital must have channels to know it. If they continue to make trouble like this, they are really stupid.

This feeling of being backed by someone is both helpless and enjoyable.

"Sister Lin, I suddenly discovered an attribute of yours."

Sensing Sister Lin's complicated mood, Chen Nuo suddenly said something.

"What attributes."

"Obviously there is a backer and a better way. Instead of choosing, I choose the difficult way. Even when the trouble is solved, I still feel melancholy. There is a term in psychobehavioral science that can describe it."

"What name is that?"

Sister Lin had already picked up the bag in her hand and looked at Chen Nuo with a smile.

"That noun is Shaking M!"

After Chen Nuo finished speaking, his figure flickered, and a bag was smashed on the spot.

"Chen Nuo, stop here, whoever you say is Shaking M, come face to face if you have the ability!"

Sister Lin's voice was roaring.

"The attribute of shaking M is not clear to the confrontation, it needs to be tested to be clear."

Chen Nuo stepped a few meters away and looked at Sister Lin with a smile.

This is also what Chen Nuo likes most about getting along with her. No matter how the other party changes, she will still face it according to her own attitude and posture.

In the main world, there are almost no people who can get along with him on an equal footing, and there are only three or two left.

"Fuck off, I'm going to lie on the bed now, do you dare to come?" Sister Lin was a little uncomfortable with Chen Nuo's eyes, and counterattacked with a flushed face.

"Don't dare."

Chen Nuo immediately raised his hands in surrender.

Although both of them are free and easy people, but the relationship has not yet reached that point, and only accidents will happen if they fall asleep. He doesn't want to come back to the main world in the future without even a single person to chat with.

"I have to leave in a few days. This is for you. Xinsheng Medicine really has something to do. You can call the battleship just now to approach the earth or pick you up to leave. If there is something to use."

Chen Nuo handed over an ultra-distance communication bracelet to Sister Lin.

This set the authority, the weapon system cannot be used, and the warship can only be called to the bright muzzle near the earth to deter or let the landing ship pick her up and leave.

"I'm going to leave again in a few days after I come back."

Saying so in her mouth, Sister Lin still took the bracelet and looked into Chen Nuo's eyes: "Be careful."

"it is good."

(End of this chapter)

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