Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 157 The Terrifying Journey to the West

Chapter 157 The Terrifying Journey to the West
Going down to the sea again, Chen Nuo looked at the two worlds with a suitable time ratio selected this time, Journey to the West and Shading the Sky, and simply determined the world to travel this time.

Journey to the West!

The stronger the strength, the more source power he needs to make progress, and it is impossible to just find a world to paddle and paddle like he did at the beginning.

"Host, are you sure you want to travel through this world? This is a world where the natural authority of heaven and earth is controlled by practitioners, and the degree of difficulty and danger are extremely high."

Facing Chen Nuo's choice, the system did not activate the shuttle, but instead gave a rare reminder.

"Explain in detail."

Chen Nuo paused, this was the first time the system was so active.

"Mountains have mountain gods, earth has land, cities have city gods, rivers have river gods, winds have wind gods, rains have rain gods, thunders have thunder gods, life and death have hell kings, and even a well has spirits.

This is a world where the authority of heaven and natural operation are controlled, and the power and energy beyond a certain limit are supervised.

This kind of world time and space is the only one without variables, and all living beings are firmly bound by an invisible net.

Birth, old age, sickness and death, practice and cultivation, and the fate of life, all of these have actually been fixedly arranged.

This is a prison for all sentient beings, and it is a world where the heaven and the earth are supervised. People from other worlds like you will be torches in the dark night if they enter, and nine out of ten will be struck by lightning.

The boss can guarantee your life safety, but not necessarily your personal safety. "


Norton Chen felt the back door tighten.

Can guarantee the safety of life but not personal safety, what does this mean?
Journey to the West should not be so trendy, right?

"The development of the world needs to change, such behavior is not allowed."

World consciousness is not equal to the law of heaven and spiritual energy, Chen Nuo has long understood this, just like the boss of the main world is not equal to the basic rules.

"World consciousness cannot directly interfere with the development of the world. What everyone can do is steal a few time travelers, or extradite a few wage earners like you.

However, in a world where the power of heaven is controlled and the world is supervised, it is difficult for one of the 10 traversers or wage earners to live for more than a year in the past.

Most of them were hacked to death due to the induction of qi mechanism just after entering the world, and they survived by luck, because they didn't have any qi luck in this world, they suffered misfortune along the way, and they could fall to death wherever they walked.

A few years ago, this world borrowed more than a dozen people from your boss. The longest one of them lived was 3 hours and 13 minutes.

You performed well in the last world and earned hundreds of millions. Now the boss is willing to guarantee you for free once you enter this world.

By the way, this world is also helpless to these brats in its own family, and can't directly discipline them, so it has to ask other worlds for help, and the price offered is 200% of Yuanli remuneration.

Since the boss is willing to save your life, you can actually try it. Breaking the deadlock of a world will make you a lot more than you did before the revolution, plus 200% settlement, you will get rich if you win, and the worst thing will be if you lose The results are not in the way. "

The calm and calm voice of the system sounded.

What does it mean that the worst result is not in the way?
Can that be called no problem?
Chen Nuo was a little nervous. How did he think the boss was willing to save his life on purpose, just to let him go for a fight, because the more he earned, the more the boss would earn.

Looking at the two worlds of Zhetian and Journey to the West, Chen Nuo hesitated again.

At present, the time ratio of these two worlds is suitable. It has only been a few months since he returned to Earth after traveling for 800 years. The time flow speed of other worlds is not good, and some are even slower than the main world. It's been a long time.

Zhetian is because the conditions for the shuttle reform are immature. Many preparations for the plan in his heart have not been completed. In the past, he could not maximize the benefits, so there is only Journey to the West.

"It's decided, Journey to the West!"

After all, Chen Nuo was still a decisive person. After carefully thinking about the immortals and Buddhas in Journey to the West, he once again confirmed his choice.

"Okay, I wish the host a happy shuttle."

The sound of the system sounded, and the voice fell, Chen Nuo's vision went dark, and his figure disappeared in place.

When the outside light came back on and the fresh air was refreshing, Chen Nuo hadn't waited for Chen Nuo to carefully check the surrounding environment, and a creepy warning suddenly came from his heart.


He subconsciously threw himself to the side, and with a click, a thick bolt of lightning struck where he was standing just now.

"and also?"

Looking up at the sky, a dark cloud is rapidly expanding, in which electric currents are flickering, and there is also a will of heaven and earth wrapped in it, which makes Chen Nuo's heart horrified.


Another lightning struck, and Chen Nuo, who had been alerted in advance, dodged again.

Thinking of what the system said, most of the traversers and the wage earners of the heavens were hacked to death when they triggered the Qi machine induction when they first entered this world. With a thought, they hurriedly restrained all the breath in their bodies, magnetic field control, temperature control, and matter decay control were completely suppressed. Not showing a trace of aura.

Seeing the dark clouds and thunder and lightning flashing a few times in the sky, the will of the heaven and the earth is slowly disappearing, and the dark clouds are also continuously dissipating, Chen Nuo was completely relieved.


Wiping the sweat off his head, he felt the repulsion and hostility from Sifangtiandi towards him in his heart, and quickly observed the surrounding environment.

This is a hillside full of green grass and flowers, and there is a rushing river below the hillside.

Not caring about other things, he rushed into the river with pure physical fitness, and deliberately released a trace of breath from his body the moment his body rushed into the river.


A bolt of lightning fell into the river, and Chen Nuo felt a terrifying electric current flow through his body, and there was also a disgusting shock of will.

His whole body was in severe pain, but Chen Nuo still endured the pain, and he could bear the damage caused by the thunder and lightning scattered by the river with his physical fitness alone.

He quickly blocked his breath, sank into the water and drifted straight down the turbulent river.

It took only 2 minutes for Chen Nuo to rush into the river and leave with the help of the rushing water. On the hillside, a land on crutches floated out of the ground.

"The land seal warns that there is an invasion of extraterrestrial demons here"

The father-in-law looked at the situation on the hillside. The will of heaven and earth in the two lightning craters had not completely dissipated. His eyes moved and looked at the river again.

"The scourge hit, the breath dissipated and there was no corpse. Is this the god who was struck by the third scourge when he dodged the two scourges and entered the river? Did he escape?"

After thinking for a few seconds, the land made a handprint and sent a message to the river god of the river.

He is the land and cannot cross the border.

(End of this chapter)

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