Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 158 Why Don't The Immortals Give Us Rain?

Chapter 158 Why Don't The Immortals Give Us Rain?
After being washed away by the river for several miles, Chen Nuo climbed ashore again, restrained his breath and quickly left the river.

He had only walked a certain distance when he landed, and he felt a faint fluctuation coming from the other side of the river while he was wet all over, and a flash of luck suddenly flashed in his heart.

"This kind of world where the power of heaven and nature is controlled by people is really terrifying,

Fortunately, every life has spiritual power. The heaven and earth monitoring here is not so sensitive to spiritual power. I can still use part of my spiritual power. As long as it does not exceed a certain limit, it will be fine. "

Chen Nuo had a feeling that Journey to the West was like a heavily guarded banking system, and he was the virus that entered the banking system.

Countless security software and detection software are constantly monitoring, as long as he shows up, he will be strangled by thunder.

After climbing up a tree in twos and twos, standing on the top of the tree and finding traces of people, Chen Nuo got down from the tree and walked into this dense forest again.

There was a roar of a beast in the dense forest, accompanied by the sound of bang bang bang, Chen Nuo came out with a leopard on the street after a while.

Although temperature control, magnetic field control, and material decay cannot be used, some spiritual power can still be used. The physical fitness of the three-time metamorphosis of the cells is as simple as Ultraman beating children.

"and many more."

Just about to go out, Chen Nuo looked at his clothes and frowned.

"Ma De, the immortal Buddha of Journey to the West, our feud has grown!"

Heartbroken, Chen Nuo pulled some vines and leaves to quickly weave a grass skirt, dragged the clothes and shoes and socks that were still wet on his body, dug a hole and buried them, put on the grass skirt, and then carried the leopard to the place he had just observed. Go to crowded places.


If the vigilance of the villagers is inversely proportional to the harmony of civilization, then the vigilance of the civilians in Journey to the West is absolutely awesome.

This is a small mountain village. Before Chen Nuo, who had adjusted his skin to dark and rough and had a beard growing on his face, an old man spotted him, and at the same time, the children playing in the village quickly returned to their houses.

"The dialect is too thick to understand, but the emotional meaning can be sensed telepathically."

A thought flashed in Chen Nuo's mind, and with a thought, he hypnotized the old man instantly with the spiritual power within the warning limit of the world, and quickly obtained relevant thinking information by pointing his fingers between the brows of the other party.

Chen Nuo finally lifted the hypnosis after the powerful spiritual thinking screened out geographical location, world humanities information including language information.

"Old Man, I am a hunter from Chenjia Village, named Chen Nuo. I was torn into pieces when I fought with a leopard, and my knife was knocked off a cliff. I wonder if I can exchange the leopard skin and half of the meat for two sets of clothes." and a knife."

"Use leopard skin and half of the meat in exchange for clothes and knives?"

As if he had been on high for three days and two nights, the sleepy old man carefully looked at the leopard on Chen Nuo's shoulder. His mouth and nose were bleeding, but the fur was hardly damaged, so he shook his head hastily.

"It's impossible, your leopard skin is too expensive, our village can't afford it."

The hunters in the village also hunted and killed leopards, but they used traps, bows and arrows, and knives to destroy their fur.

The value of 1 piece of undamaged leopard pelt is not as good as 10 pieces of damaged leopard pelt.

"Then old man, you can just give me a few pennies, and help roast half of my leopard meat into jerky, it's the same. I don't have any clothes, and I'm embarrassed to go back, and there may be danger on the road without a knife."

Chen Nuo gave a plan with a chuckle.

Although his hypnosis won't hurt, it will eventually cause mental fatigue, and that little value should be used as compensation.

If it wasn't for his inability to use his physical abilities, he would also need to eat to maintain his peak energy, otherwise he wouldn't even bother to take half of the leopard meat.

In this Journey to the West world where there is no industry and ordinary people lack supplies, he would not believe how delicious the meat roasted without rich seasoning and oil and salt would be.

"Okay then, I'll earn you a fortune as an old man."

With Chen Nuo's obvious local accent and polite attitude, the old man also slowly lowered his vigilance, agreed to the exchange, and greeted Chen Nuo into the village.

"Xiao Chen, it's getting late, and there are more wolves, tigers and leopards in the wild at night. How about you boarding here for one night and leaving tomorrow morning? It happens that we will help you deal with the leopards and leopard meat tonight."

"Okay, trouble old man."

"No trouble, no trouble, this is Zhangjia Village, everyone's surname is Zhang, Xiao Chen, you can just call him Uncle Zhang."

The two chatted for a while. Chen Nuo went into the village and put the leopard down in Uncle Zhang's house. The old man took a look at the leopard's hind legs, and then nodded with satisfaction.

Mother leopard, this is not bad.

Compared with male leopards, which have a heavier fishy smell, the meat of female leopards is obviously more tender and less fishy.

Ordinary people in this period had almost no means of earning a living, except farming and the rest was hunting.

In the evening, the young and middle-aged men from Zhangjia Village came back from hunting and saw the leopards with intact fur without any damage. They all had infinite admiration for Chen Nuo.

The scope of their lifelong social circle is so large. In their knowledge, except for those who practice Taoism and Buddhists, they have never heard of anyone who can kill a leopard without damage to the integrity of the leopard's fur.

"Brother Chen Nuo, can you tell Xiao Qiu how you killed this leopard?"

As night fell, there were no lights in the village, so a bonfire was lit on the ground, and several children surrounded Chen Nuo with adoring faces and asked questions.

"I saw the leopard run too fast and hit a tree stump and knocked it out, so I went over and picked it up."

Chen Nuo, who had already changed into sackcloth, withdrew his spiritual power to study the dragon veins and luck in the world of Journey to the West, and replied with a smile.

"Liar, I've only seen rabbits hit trees, but I've never heard of leopards running too fast and hitting trees."

Xiao Qiu retorted, and then said yearningly: "Brother Chen Nuo, do you know how to practice Taoism, and you can fly into the sky and escape from the ground like those monks, calling the wind and the rain?"

"Xiaoqiu, do you really want to practice Taoism?"

Chen Nuo looked at the eight or nine-year-old child and asked a question.

"Thinking, if I could call the wind and call the rain, the food would still be harvested during the severe drought last year, my mother would not give me all the food and starve to death, and my father would not take the risk of hunting in the depths of the forest and never come back .”

Xiaoqiu's face was sad, and his eyes were full of desire for power.

"Cultivators can't call the wind and rain at will. This is against the rules of heaven. Whether it can rain or not depends on the group of immortals."

Chen Nuo rubbed Xiao Qiu's head, Journey to the West is a perverted world, even the weather is controlled, and it operates according to the will of the group of gods, so I ask you if you are afraid.

"Then why didn't that group of fairy gods give us rain when we were in a severe drought?
My father and mother have worshiped the gods all their lives, and they are kind and kind on weekdays. They did not do evil or deceive others, but in the end they would end up starving to death and entering the belly of wild animals! "

Xiaoqiu's voice almost shouted when he spoke, his eyes were red, and his expression was full of sadness.


Uncle Zhang and a group of adults from Zhangjia Village in the distance changed their expressions when they heard the disrespectful words, and hurriedly stopped.

(End of this chapter)

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