Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 159 Chapter 159

Chapter 159 Chapter 159

"Xiao Chen, the meat is ready, try it."

Xiaoqiu stopped drinking, and Uncle Zhang and the others stopped talking when they saw him calm down.

After waiting for a while, he brought some rabbit meat, roe meat, and leopard meat from Chen Nuo on a wooden plate, as well as two steamed buns and water.

"Thank you Uncle Zhang."

Chen Nuo took the plate and thanked him.

He saw just now that Uncle Zhang didn't eat half of the leopard meat he gave to himself, but distributed most of it to Xiaoqiu and the widows and orphans left behind by other men in the village who hunted and never came back.

Drought, famine, locust plagues, robbers, and even demons are rampant. The life of many disasters makes the people here more united.

Without unity, no one can survive.

Picking up a steamed bun and taking a bite, Chen Nuo subconsciously frowned.

The wheat is not ground very finely, and some wheat husk crumbs mixed with the steamed buns can almost cut the throat, and the steamed buns made of unfermented flour are even harder, without the soft and sweet feeling of the steamed buns in the main world.

After eating a steamed bun, Chen Nuo picked up the meat on the plate, bit it down and shook his head again.

It is bland and tasteless, and it feels like there is no salt. If the salt is not enough, the fishy smell of the meat itself is very prominent.

In addition, there is no oil brushing when grilling. Although Zhang Bo's grilling technique is very good, it is not burnt, and the meat quality has become very bad.

"Brother Chen Nuo, can I exchange a piece of meat with you?"

Xiao Qiu next to her took the meat she had been given, and stared at Chen Nuo's plate, drooling.

"Take it."

Chen Nuo smiled, and simply put the plate in front of Xiao Qiu for him to choose.

The people here work a lot, and the corresponding appetite is not small. He thought that Xiaoqiu wanted to take a bigger head because he was not full.

"Thank you, Brother Chen Nuo."

There was a hint of joy in Xiaoqiu's eyes, he put his own meat on Chen Nuo's plate, and took a smaller piece of meat.

Taking a bite of the meat brought from Chen Nuo, the little boy subconsciously showed a happy smile.

Chen Nuo was a little puzzled, picked up Xiao Qiu's replacement meat, bit into it, and almost spat it out.

If it is said that his meat is of good quality and salt was added when grilling, then Xiaoqiu's meat is not salted at all, and the fishy smell of wild animal meat is completely unmasked.

Reluctantly swallowing the meat in his mouth, Chen Nuo glanced around Zhangjiacun.

The children were almost greedy for the food given to their fathers, and some of them couldn't help but want to ask for it, but the mother next to them stopped immediately.

If the human body does not have enough salt intake, limb weakness and dizziness will occur. As the main labor force and adult men who go out to hunt, the little salt in the village will be given to them. As for women and children, there is no salt food.

There is nothing that does not love children, and there is nothing that favors men over women. It is all a forced choice for survival under the scarcity of materials.

Chen Nuo shook his head, finished the meat and steamed buns on the plate, and the village fell into silence.

No electricity, no entertainment, everyone works from sunrise to sunset.

"The aura law or the way of heaven is different here, but it still belongs to the same framework and the same operating mechanism. The aura energy still circulates through the dragon veins, and the heaven and the earth also have dragon veins."

In the room, the stars in the sky were twinkling and emitting wisps of star power. Chen Nuo felt this piece of heaven and earth with his heart, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

It's not the beginning of hell, it's still a wave.

The basic rule ability can't be used, because every life has spiritual power, and the monitoring of air induction is not so strict, so he can use it a little.

In this way, as long as he uses his spiritual power to figure out the mystery of the dragon vein luck here, he can use the method of luck, and use the trick to get himself a legal identity, and a series of other plans can also be gradually launched.

He has experience with this.

Controlling the way of heaven does not mean that you can understand the affairs of heaven and earth in detail.

The way of heaven is the law, the law that dominates the world in the aura period, or the program by which the heaven and the earth operate.

To control the way of heaven is to install plug-ins to the laws of heaven and earth, so as to achieve the purpose of controlling the operation of heaven and earth and bringing the natural authority of heaven and earth into control.

This control does not mean that everything that happens in the world can be known immediately.

This is impossible and unrealistic. If you really want to play like this, the information generated by the movement of heaven and earth and endless creatures can wash away any practitioner into a fool.

They only have to set the induction rules and procedures, and whoever touches it will find them, and this touch mechanism has to be divided into levels.

Like when Chen Nuo just came here, with a trace of breath leaking, he looked like a weak chicken if he was not strong. He didn't do anything bad when he first arrived.

It's good to die, but if you don't die, make up for it. If the target is too fierce, report it and let a higher-level person dispatch.

Of course, if Chen Nuo's momentum is fully activated, and the electromagnetic cannon launches to blast a million-mile area, then the level of this touch will be higher. Heavenly soldiers and generals are waiting, and Jade Emperor Tathagata is waiting.

This is the same as looking for leaders for major national affairs in the main world, or looking for neighborhood committees when you quarrel with your neighbors. This kind of model is a standard and reasonable way to control the way of heaven.

If you really want a weakling, and you haven't done anything bad, you have to report it to the top bosses.

The boss doesn't have to do anything else, just deal with things every moment.

The big brother is not mentally retarded. The purpose of controlling the way of heaven is to improve one's own strength and authority, so that it is easier to study the mysteries of heaven and earth, instead of being bound by heaven and earth.

Now that Chen Nuo had escaped the first wave of lightning strikes, the God of Earth and Rivers thought he was completely wiped out.

Then before studying the mysteries of the dragon vein luck here and giving yourself a legal identity, if you don't do anything and don't expose your aura again, then no one will be full and support him to trouble him.

"The dragon vein luck of the world is monitored here, and the wild dragon vein luck is not easy to contact. If you want to study it, you can only go to the capital. There are many people and information, and you will not be discovered if you do something secretly."

Chen Nuo sensed the situation of the world here, and went through his plan over and over in his mind, and closed his eyes to rest after confirming that there was no problem.

The next day, after the cock crowed, the sun rose, and Zhangjia Village, which had been quiet all night, started a new day of work.

After taking the leopard meat that had been baked into jerky from Uncle Zhang, Chen Nuo left Zhangjia Village with a burden on his back.

"come out."

After walking for less than three miles, Chen Nuo suddenly stopped and looked at a roadside bush behind him.

"Brother Chen Nuo."

In the bushes, a small figure in sackcloth came out, it was Xiaoqiu from last night.

"I want to go with you,"

Facing Chen Nuo's eyes, Xiao Qiu didn't hesitate and shouted out her own words.

(End of this chapter)

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