Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 160 The First Steam Engine in the Divine Chapter World

Chapter 160 The First Steam Engine in the Mythical World
"Boss Chen, I found out, the Wuzhi Mountain you mentioned is not in the vicinity of Daxing City for thousands of miles."

In a remote shop in Aolai Capital, a middle-aged businessman told Chen Nuo the news he had inquired about with certainty.

"Then trouble Boss Li, this is the snow crystal salt you want this time."

Chen Nuo nodded, and took out a jar of salt from the counter. The salt grains were crystal clear and white, which was very different from other salts that were not gray or black.

"No trouble, no trouble."

Boss Li glanced around, shook the jar, dipped some in his finger, put it in his mouth and tasted it, a happy smile appeared on his face.

"Boss Chen's salt is better, it's white, salty but not astringent."

Countless high-ranking officials and dignitaries who are not short of money are extremely sought after for the snow crystal salt that has quietly appeared on the market in the past few years.

Such a jar of salt, 20 catties, will make at least 5 times the profit when it is transported to Daxing City.

"Then Boss Li, don't forget to take care of the business next time."

Chen Nuo smiled and hurriedly saw off the guests.

Salt was still a controlled substance in ancient times, and people were not allowed to buy or sell it. He sold salt secretly.

After seeing off Boss Li, a seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy walked in at the entrance of the alley.


Seeing the back of Boss Li leaving, Zhang Qiu politely called Chen Nuo Mr.

This is Xiaoqiu who came out of Zhangjia Village with Chen Nuo 9 years ago. Nearly 10 years have passed, and the child of that year has grown up.

"Xiaoqiu, do you still want to learn Taoism?"

Chen Nuo stretched out his hand to close the shop door and asked a question.

"Sir, are you leaving?"


Zhang Qiu fell into silence, with a struggling face.

To be honest, he is very satisfied with his current life. He has no worries about food and clothing. He doesn't have to farm hard or take risks in hunting. He comes to live in the capital proudly, and he doesn't need to worry about robbers or his personal safety.

After struggling for a while, Zhang Qiu shook his head.

"I'm sorry, sir, Xiaoqiu is quite satisfied with her life now, and Xiaoqiu has someone she likes, so she doesn't want to run around anymore."

"Well, there is money earned in the past few years in the counter, you can use it to buy a shop and do some small business to make a living."

Chen Nuo nodded, not too surprised by Xiao Qiu's choice.

In a difficult life, when struggling to survive, I can't wait to go against the sky and the earth, because I have nothing to lose.

With a comfortable life and no worries about food and clothing, if you take an adventure and embark on an unknown road, it is impossible for 100 people to choose how many people will choose.

People, most of the time, yearn for comfort. Unless they clearly know that there is better ahead, most people will stay in the current comfort zone and will not move forward.

"Thank you sir, thank you, thank you."

Seeing Chen Nuo walking out of the shop and about to leave, Xiao Qiu's eyes turned red, and she kowtowed three times on her knees.

"I know you have learned the method of making salt. Don't open a salt shop. You can't manage this business. Buy a shop and do a small business to live well."

Chen Nuo patted Xiao Qiu on the shoulder and walked outside.

The feelings are mutual, he can see Xiao Qiu's thoughts very clearly, there is only gratitude and gratitude, not as deep as Zhang Xianmei'er when the sword was the only one.

In this way, his teaching was not fully attentive, and they left separately, which does not need to be too sad.

The dragon vein luck here has been researched and understood clearly.

Although because of the control of the world, it is impossible to deceive a dragon vein like the sword master, but it is still no problem to get a legal identity for himself.

With a legal identity, the aura can be exposed, and the strength can also be used.

Of course, the premise is not to make trouble in the heavenly palace, don't come to the sky with arrogance, and don't kill the group of gods in the sky, the group of immortals and Buddhas in the west, or so-and-so's relatives.

He is now a whitewashed stowaway, just like a hacker who secretly established a whitelist without telling the computer owner.

It's okay to watch the screen in the dark, but if something happens, the group of immortals and Buddhas will see it, where did this person come from?

"People whose strength is below mine can't see my identity, but what level is my strength equal to here?
It is impossible to compare with Da Luo. I guess it should be a golden immortal, or at worst a heavenly immortal, but this is not certain.

It seems that we still need to study the cultivation techniques here, it is best to come to a goblin or catch a Taoist priest to study and study. "

Walking out of Aolai Capital, Chen Nuo glanced towards the ocean, and then walked in the opposite direction.

The monkey has not yet been crushed under the mountain, which means that the disturbance in the Heavenly Palace has not yet started.

In this way, Chen Nuo was not sure whether the monkey was learning art, or being a master, or even not born yet.

But no matter what, this world is so closely monitored, before you can challenge Xianfo head-on, you should stay away from things related to this monkey.

"When you travel to a strange world, the most difficult thing is not that you are not as strong as the natives, but the most difficult thing is that your eyes are dark and you don't know any information, especially in this kind of world where even the world is monitored, and you want to know the information path from the law of heaven and earth. A closed world."

Chen Nuo complained, and went to a material base outside the city in a flash.

If he can know the current information of Journey to the West in detail, even if he is not strong enough, he can do a lot of things, so that he won't dare to act rashly if he doesn't know any information like now.

"Build a machine first, and test the situation here."

Arriving at the material base prepared in advance, Chen Nuo took out a pile of iron ore. With a thought of temperature control, the iron ore melted instantly, and the magnetic field control sucked the metal part in, and magnetism generated electricity for dephosphorization and purification. The molten iron is poured into individual molds to cool.

"The first steam engine in the mythical world is about to be born."

Quickly assemble the crankshaft, metal piston, cylinder, combustion chamber, air duct, exhaust pipe, etc. After more than an hour, a steam engine made of pure metal will appear on the stage.

Looking up at the sky, there are no dark clouds, no lightning strikes.

"Is this incomprehensible, or is there really no limit?"

Chen Nuo muttered, picked up an iron bucket and filled two buckets of water into the combustion chamber, and then screwed on the seal.

Without using temperature control to heat it, Chen Nuo picked up a pile of firewood and lit it, and the fire started vigorously.

Not long after, a large amount of steam spewed out from the vent, Chen Nuo stretched out his hand and pushed up the blocking valve, and the steam was introduced into the cylinder.

The steam pressure pushes the piston, the crankshaft is turning, and the power is transmitted to a large iron disc in front of Chen Nuo through the iron clutch plate and mechanical gears.


Reaching out to grab the fast-rotating disc, Chen Nuo used his own strength to measure the power of the steam engine.

"About 2 horsepower, 3 horsepower and 5 horsepower click!"

When the power output of the steam engine reached 5 horsepower, something seemed to be triggered. In the sky, the spiritual energy suddenly gathered and turned into a bolt of lightning that struck down. The roaring steam engine instantly turned into a pile of scrap metal.

With a thought, the temperature control exploded, and all the parts and steam engine wreckage on the scene melted and solidified in an instant.

The magnetic field control sucked up the large solidified iron block, Chen Nuo's figure flashed, and the person and the iron block quickly disappeared in place.

In just 2 minutes, a land father came out of the ground.
(End of this chapter)

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