Chapter 161

A thunderbolt struck, and a steam engine on the ground was scrapped again.

Chen Nuo cleaned up the scene immediately, and Yuandun left.

Watching a piece of ground emerge from the soil from a distance, Chen Nuo frowned.

This place is tens of thousands of miles away from Aolai country. In order to avoid the escalation of the situation caused by intensive crimes in the area, he always shoots a gun and changes places.

According to the information flow in this world and the rules of gods and gods, as long as it is not the same land, or several nearby lands, it will be fine if they are scattered like this.

"It doesn't work to change the material, whether it is made of metal or iron wood, it will trigger the same.

There is no problem with a steam engine below 5 horsepower, and it is okay to work separately. Once it exceeds 5 horsepower, or the combined power of multiple machines exceeds 5 horsepower, it will not work.

This trigger mechanism seems to be based on causality. As long as it is the same thing, if the total power exceeds 5 horsepower, it will be struck by lightning. "

Chen Nuo dug out his experiment record, looked at it for a while, and turned to the next page with a solemn expression.

"No need to burn it, use my temperature control ability to heat and make steam, no problem, not to mention 5 horsepower, 500 horsepower is fine.

Remove the steam power, catch some wild animals, and use animal power to drive the machine, and the power can exceed 5 horsepower.

I picked up a simple book of formations, and using formations instead of burning and heating to make steam can also break through the limit of 5 horsepower.

This kind of monitoring is simply outrageous. If the energy exceeds a certain limit, an ID card is required. "

Chen Nuo casually burned the recorded data, frowning.

"This is not restricting industry, nor is it restricting technology, it is restricting energy power, which directly and fundamentally kills the development of any kind of industrial system technology system.

The same thing or causal relationship belongs to the same object, as long as the power exceeds 5 horsepower, it must have an ID card.

If this power reaches a certain limit, even if you have an ID card, you will have to go through the catastrophe.

I used the formation method to replace the fire, and built a large steam engine with 800 horsepower. My good guy, this thing has to go through a catastrophe to allow it to exist after running it once."

Chen Nuo looked at a fairy temple in the distance, his eyes flickered: "This group of fairy gods, what is the reason for limiting the power and energy like this?"

After experimentation, the formation method can develop industry, but it is useless.

The formation method needs to be used by people who have cultivated the true energy and vitality, or who can release the spiritual power, so this is not technology, it can only be a means of practitioners.

In Journey to the West, it is impossible for all the people to practice like the swordsman. Here, even life and death are controlled by the King of Hades.

Chen Nuo came to this Immortal Temple. This is a room with incense, and some incense candles can be seen on the altar.

Ding Ding Ding.
After waiting for a short time, footsteps sounded outside the door, and Chen Nuo had a thought, the magnetic field distorted the light, put an optical invisibility on himself, and stood aside to watch.

Light is also a kind of electromagnetic wave, and the magnetic field can still be controlled by interference.

"The wheat is filling. I pray that the gods will bless this year with good weather and a good harvest."

A middle-aged woman came in, with a child and a fruit basket, offering incense respectfully. The two knelt at the counter and prayed.

Chen Nuo watched from the side, his breath was cut off, his body was invisible, and no one noticed him, and the fairy god would not know that there was a bystander standing in his temple if he didn't appear.

The middle-aged woman left with her child after the worship. After a while, another old man came in, still begging for this year's harvest.

Now is the critical period of wheat grouting. A number of nearby farmers and residents came to worship, and Chen Nuo watched from the side. The spiritual power sensed their worship without disturbing the fairy seedling. .

As the sun set and night fell, Chen Nuo came out of the temple with a heavy heart.

"Hundreds of millions of incense are offered to immortals and Buddhas, and the fate of all people will become immortals and Buddhas. It's really cruel."

The world is evolving and developing all the time, and the consciousness of the world is also investing in source power all the time, and these source forces cannot disappear out of thin air.

Originally, these sources of power were distributed to all living beings, and based on who performed well, then who was selected as the son of luck and focused on leading the development of the times.

Journey to the West, the natural authority of heaven and earth is controlled, time and space are unique, and the fate of all lives is fixed.

This means that there is no possibility of evolution and development in this world now, or the so-called evolution and development are all decided by the immortal Buddha.

When the sky and the earth are under control, and all living beings cannot develop their strength and can only gain benefits by praying to gods and worshiping Buddha, then it is a foregone conclusion for all living beings to worship immortals and gods.

Through incense, through faith, these sources of energy invested in the evolution of the world for all living beings have all entered the pockets of immortals and Buddhas, and become the resources for their development and cultivation.

"No wonder the world consciousness is willing to settle 200%. It was originally used to develop and evolve the source power of the world, and it was all harvested by the immortal Buddha.

This means that all the money invested by the company's owners has flowed into the pockets of a group of professional managers through various means, but the professional managers have no choice but to hire foreign aid. "

Chen Nuo suddenly admired these immortals and Buddhas in his heart.

Overhead world consciousness, controlling the natural authority of the world, and harvesting the source of the world's development from it, this method has exploded.

It would be awesome if he could take the boss off the table.

Using the evolution and development of the world, using the destiny of hundreds of millions of sentient beings to fulfill oneself, this kind of mind and state of mind is not as good as Chen Nuo's.

It's not that you can't do it, it's that you can't do it.

"Using the loopholes in the rules must also be bound by the rules. You can control the natural authority of the world, but you cannot reverse the movement of the world."

Chen Nuo looked at the cloudless sky, full of stars, with countless thoughts flashing in his heart.

He finally has a plan for the predicament of Journey to the West.

"There are no clouds in the sky, the air is dry, and there will be no rain for a month. This year is not a good harvest."

Looking at the village where firewood was burning and flickering in the distance, Chen Nuo understood that the water vapor here had been diverted away, and there was no response to the offering of incense to the gods just now.

This year must be another difficult year for them.

His figure flickered, and Chen Nuo disappeared in place. In this case, he couldn't help for the time being.

"Hey, have you heard that the seven kings of our monster clan are going to worship soon, and we invite all the friends of the monster clan to drink and eat meat."

"The seven great kings are sworn brothers and invited to drink? Which seven great kings of our demon clan, where did you get the news?"

"Just now when I went to steal Heixiong's house, I heard that it was the Bull Demon King, the Flood Demon King, and the Peng Demon King"

In the forest at night, there are two goblins chatting on the opposite mountain peak.

Chen Nuo, who was roasting a deer, frowned, and with a thought, the two goblins on the opposite mountain were suppressed and caught by him with spiritual power.

Well, there is a white fox spirit and a gray mouse spirit, both of which have pure fur colors, and they should be good for making fur coats.

"Daxian spare your life, Daxian spare your life!"

Suddenly being suppressed and captured, the moment Chen Nuo let go of the restraint, the mouse spirit, who was fatter than an orange cat, hurriedly bowed down and kept shouting for mercy.

Of course, Chen Nuo judged the meaning from the mental fluctuations. This kind of little goblin can't speak yet, and his ears can only hear chirping.

"Have you ever killed or eaten anyone?"

Chen Nuo asked calmly. With the knife in his hand, he skillfully cut a series of cuts on the venison, sprinkled some seasonings, and brushed the tea oil squeezed from wild camellia oleifera found in the mountain forest.

"No, no, I don't even dare to see anyone!"

The mouse spirit shook his head hastily, he was the one who was talking about the news that the Yaozu had seven kings who were sworn brothers.

"And you."

Chen Nuo looked at the white vixen. The difference in strength made it impossible for these two fairies to lie to him.

"You were the first person I met."

"Oh, fairy house."

Chen Nuo nodded, swiped his wrist twice, cut off the two roasted deer legs, and put them in front of the two goblins with two banana leaves.

"Please eat barbecue and answer a few questions for me."

(End of this chapter)

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