Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 162 Building a Cannon Battle

Chapter 162 Building a Big Firecracker
"My lord, what question do you want to ask?"

The mouse spirit looked at the deliciously roasted deer legs in front of him, his eyeballs were rolling in panic, he swallowed but did not take a mouthful.

"Just now you said the news that the seven kings of the demon clan swore to each other."

Chen Nuo cut off a piece of roast meat with a knife and sprinkled some wild cumin he found, the taste became even more attractive immediately.

"I don't know the details, I just heard the news by chance when I went to steal things from the black bear's house dozens of miles away by virtue of my innate ability to hide my breath.

It is said that the Monkey King, one of the seven kings, came back from the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea to beg for weapons. He wanted to make obeisance with the kings such as the Bull Demon King, and invited many monster brothers to watch the ceremony, drink and eat meat. "

"Are you sure it's the Monkey King?"


"That's no problem. Eat the meat. If you don't eat it, it will be cold."

Chen Nuo nodded, and began to enjoy the barbecue meal by himself.

The creatures here are nourished by the energy of aura. As long as there are seasonings and marinated for a certain period of time, the roasted meat is much more delicious than the main world.

The mouse spirit was a little scared, looked at Chen Nuo who had a kind tone and attitude, and then looked at the little fox who was already eating, and finally couldn't resist the temptation of the food and ate it.

Under the stars at night, a man and two monsters are eating barbecue.

After the birth of spiritual wisdom, the sense of taste became richer. This is the most delicious food they have eaten since their demon lives.

"The rest is for you."

After eating a few catties of meat, Chen Nuo put away the knife after tasting the taste, put away the seasoning and walked away.

He can use his strength now, food is just a daily habit and the need to enjoy the taste, just eat a little and enjoy the taste.

As for these two goblins, they are already considered intelligent beings after they were born with wisdom, and he didn't bother to pay attention to them if they didn't eat people.

"All these for us?"

Mouse Jing, who was still eating the barbecue nervously, saw Chen Nuo leave, and looked at the almost complete barbecue remaining on the shelf, his small eyes were shining.


The little fox took a bite of the roast meat, his eyes almost narrowed happily, looking at Chen Nuo's leaving back, his expression was suddenly a little tangled.

"Mouse, I'll give you all the meat, I won't steal it from you."

After struggling for a few seconds, the little fox looked at the barbecue in front of him, suddenly dropped a word, and jumped to chase Chen Nuo.

"Is this little fox going to go with that human?"

The mouse spirit froze for a moment, then shook his head: "It's really stupid, and it's not afraid of being skinned by humans, digging up the demon pill and eating the meat."

Seeing the white figure of the little fox disappear into the night, the mouse spirit flashed a moment of hesitation, but finally did not catch up.

He was afraid of offending this powerful human being, so he was killed.

"Great Immortal, Great Immortal."

Chen Nuo, who had walked a certain distance, heard the rapid barking of a fox behind him, and turned around curiously.

"Is something wrong?"

"Daxian, can I leave with you?"

The little fox, whose whole body was white and not as big as a basketball, ran up to Chen Nuo, raised his head, and looked at him expectantly.

"Where are you going with me?"

Chen Nuo knelt down, looked at the little fox's blue eyes shining with anticipation and nervousness, and asked, "Where are your parents?"

"I don't know, Daxian, I'll go wherever you go."

The little fox shook his head and said in a depressed mood: "My parents are dead. Not long after I was born with wisdom, I went out to play one day, and saw two humans flying from the sky from afar, killing my parents and taking them away."

"Don't be afraid that I will kill you, this pure white fur is very valuable."

Chen Nuo rubbed the little fox's head and said with a smile.

"Daxian, you can't. Our Tianhu family is more sensitive to the mind and emotions. Daxian, you are different from other human beings."

The little fox shook his head, and continued to look at him expectantly.

"Sky Fox? Nine-tailed Sky Fox?" Chen Nuo was a little surprised.

"Well, I heard from my mother that we have the blood of the nine-tailed sky fox, but I'm not sure. My mother has lived for 300 years and still has only one tail, and I don't have the memory of inheriting the exercises."

"You are really not afraid that I will train you."

Chen Nuo couldn't help but laugh.

This little fox is still smart and knows how to show his value, but he is also very courageous, so he dared to speak out about the blood of the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox so casually.

Although it is uncertain, it is enough for ordinary people to gamble with alchemy.

"Let's go."

Reaching out to grab the back of the little fox's fate, Chen Nuo was about to leave.

It's like having a pet.

"Daxian, Daxian, I'm a woman, can you stop being like this."


I didn't pay attention to this point just now, and the two sides communicated with mental fluctuations and couldn't tell the difference between men and women. Chen Nuo picked up the little fox in his hand, glanced at it, and threw it away.

"Then go on your own."


The little fox behind him was stunned.

She wanted to say that it was uncomfortable to lift the back of her neck like this, could Chen Nuo hold her or let her stand on his shoulders, who would have thought that the other party would simply throw her on the ground like this.

Didn't mother say that male humans like female foxes?Why is this script wrong.

"Daxian, Daxian, wait, wait for me."

"Daxian, what's your name?"

"Chen Nuo, what about you?"

"My name is Ari, that's what my parents call me. Daxian, you are the first human being to know my name."

"Isn't it the first time you've seen humans so close?"

After all, the little fox didn't have to go by himself.

Because of her poor strength, Chen Nuo couldn't keep up with her if she speeded up a little bit. In the end, Chen Nuo had to grab her by the nape of her neck and hug her on her way.

After confirming that the monkey has come back from learning the art, got the Dinghaishenzhen, and now sworn obeisance to the Bull Demon King and others, the time suddenly became urgent.

It won't be long before that monkey will be asked to go to heaven to be the Bi Mawen, guard the Pantao Garden, make a big disturbance in the Heavenly Palace, and be crushed under Wuzhi Mountain.

How many years did this intermediate process develop?
Standing in front of a big mountain, Chen Nuo thought about it several times, but he was still not sure how long it took for the monkey to go from being Bi Mawen to making trouble in Tiangong.

"Daxian, what are you looking at?"

The little fox next to him gnawed on a hundred-year-old red fruit and asked curiously.

Chen Nuo has been standing in front of this mountain, staring blankly for several hours.

As for the vermilion fruit in her hand, she snatched it from a tiger spirit nearby by pretending to be Nuowei.

"Look at the general trend of the world, look at the mysteries of the world, and create a cosmic cannonball."

After a while, Chen Nuo looked away, and with a thought, he sent a message to the tiger spirit who was hating the little fox in the distance but didn't dare to come over.

This is a relatively more systematic and basic technique of breathing after studying the little fox's breathing technique, and casually flipping through a few cultivation methods of monastery gates on the way.

"This is the compensation for taking your Vermillion Fruit."

Chen Nuo said that there is almost no karma in this tiger spirit, which proves that its killing is almost for survival, which is in line with natural operation. After awakening its wisdom, it did not intentionally kill people.

During this period of time, he didn't work on the steam engine, and took the little fox through the mountains, studying the mysteries of the dragon vein luck and aura energy in Journey to the West.

He wants to build a cannonball, build a cannonball that can overturn the chessboard, and watch the karma of cause and effect. This is just a by-product of research along the way.

The Tiger Spirit, whose body was more than two feet long, felt the sudden information in his mind, and couldn't help being stunned. Then a trace of gratitude and excitement flashed in the tiger's eyes, and he roared at the back of Chen Nuo to express his gratitude.

For those monsters who were born with spiritual wisdom and could not enter the monastery, the value of a good breathing method may not be comparable to 100 hundred-year-old vermilion fruits.

(End of this chapter)

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