Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 163 Fertilize and loosen the soil in this imprisoned world

Chapter 163 Fertilize and loosen the soil in this imprisoned world
huh huh huh.
In Chen Nuo's hands, the spiritual energy was converging, and strange sounds could be heard from the palms of the hands, or various lights would be emitted, and even some material powder would flutter down from time to time.

"Daxian, what are you doing?"

Ari, who was eating a thousand-year-old ginseng next to him, looked at Chen Nuo in bewilderment.

In the past few decades, she followed Chen Nuo to almost every tall mountain range in Dongsheng Shenzhou, Xiniu Hezhou, Nanzhanzhou, and Beiju Luzhou. s things.

Chen Nuo withdrew his mind power, the aura energy here still has nothing to do with him, but the mind can still feel and control the aura without hindering his research.

"If you still eat, you will become a fat fox again."

Chen Nuo glared at Ahri, who was still the size of a basketball next to him. This little fox hadn't learned anything else for decades, but the fox pretended to be Nuowei very well.

Because he needs to observe the trend of dragon veins and luck in the world of Journey to the West, explore the mysteries of the world here, and almost all the mountains he walks are full of spiritual energy and active dragon veins.

There are not many other places like this, but there are a lot of spiritual fruits and spiritual materials. Ahli almost keeps talking in his mouth every day, and a large number of them are regarded as treasures.

A large amount of medicinal power and spiritual energy has accumulated in the body, and throwing her into the stove at this time can properly produce a bunch of panacea.

"Nonsense, Ahri won't gain weight."

Ari retorted that she had already refined the horizontal bone and could speak human words. As she spoke, she ate the last piece of ginseng in her paw, pointed her little paw, and passed on a copy of the exercise to a rabbit in the distance as an exercise. remuneration compensation.

The millennium ginseng here does not refer to the millennium, but refers to the spiritual power and medicinal power contained in it.

Seeing the rabbit in a daze, and then thanking and leaving, Ari's eyes revealed a hint of worry.

"Daxian, Ari sees that the number of monster races in the world is getting smaller and smaller, and all kinds of spiritual fruits and spiritual materials are not as good as what my mother said hundreds of years ago. Is this the monster race that will disappear in the future?"

"Yo, I've improved a lot, besides eating, I can also think about things."

Chen Nuo glanced at the little fox unexpectedly, stood up, and walked down the mountain.

"Of course, I have learned a little bit after following Daxian for so long. Daxian, you haven't answered Ahri's question yet."

The little fox hopped after him, pestering him for an answer.

"That's because the Yaozu's brain is not good."

Chen Nuo said something calmly.

"Daxian, you are talking nonsense again. The most powerful people in the world are from the Yaozu. How can the Yaozu have a bad brain?"

Little Fox was not happy about being told that he had a bad brain, and began to refute with examples.

"If there is no spiritual energy, or if the spiritual energy is thin, can animals and plants still be born with spiritual intelligence and become a monster race?"

Chen Nuo replied.

"No Aura"

The little fox was stunned, and then shook his head: "This is impossible, how could there be no spiritual energy, the situation you mentioned, Daxian, does not exist."

She was still young, so she didn't know how abundant the aura between heaven and earth was in ancient times.

"Slowly you will understand."

Chen Nuo didn't explain anymore, what he said was the truth, the Yaozu just didn't have enough brains.

Now the aura energy is quite abundant, animals, plants and even insects can absorb the aura to give birth to spiritual wisdom and become a monster race.

However, as the aura energy is getting thinner and thinner, without enough aura energy, it is impossible for animals and plants to give birth to intelligence, because their thinking organs cannot support thinking consciousness.

To put it bluntly, the wisdom of the Yaozu is now supported by the energy of the aura, and when the energy of the aura is thin, they will become them.

This is fundamentally different from human beings, so a group of powerful monsters shouted to prosper the monsters, and called a group of goblins to fight for this cause. In fact, they were all for their own desires, not for the monsters.

Because the prosperity of the monster clan does not mean war, on the contrary, it is still an act of sand sculpture.

If the aura is used, it will be depleted. War will not solve the problem, but will aggravate the decline of the energy of the aura. When the aura is gone, the demon clan will be extinct.

There are only two ways to really change the decline of the Yaozu.

One is to let the practitioners in the world practice civilization, don't fight back and forth, and don't use your hands when you can, so that the spiritual energy will last longer, and the monster race will last longer.

The second is to change the innate genes of the monster race, evolve and change the thinking organs, increase the power of the brain processor, optimize the structure of the brain processor, so that spiritual wisdom can be born without relying on spiritual energy, then the monster race will succeed and will last forever live.

"I hate the Daxian who talks half and half the most."

The little fox grumbled, jumped onto Chen Nuo's shoulder, and said with a happy smile, "Daxian, Ari is about to transform."

"and then?"

Chen Nuo nodded without expressing much surprise.

"After transforming, Ahri will learn how to wash and cook, and will repay Daxian's kindness in the future."

The little fox stood on Chen Nuo's shoulder, flicking its tail happily.

She is a grateful fox who will not be ungrateful.

"Let's talk about it later."

Chen Nuo said calmly, continued to walk forward for a certain distance, and stopped after looking at the direction.


"Where have you been?"

Ari looked around, standing high and looking far, is this the intersection of three dragon veins?
After following Chen Nuo for so many years, Chen Nuo hardly hides her problems, and she can be regarded as a very knowledgeable vixen.

"Daxian, what are you doing?"

Seeing Chen Nuo's psychic power radiating, the aura energy was slowly gathering. She didn't know if it was an illusion, but she felt that these aura energy were undergoing some changes that she didn't know.


A series of numbers and formulas flickered in his thinking consciousness. While Chen Nuo branded and transformed these aura energy, he was still thinking about replying.

After a while, the gathered aura energy calmed down, and was driven into the aura circulation along the three dragon veins at the junction of the dragon veins by Chen Nuo's thought.

These aura energy enters the dragon vein circulation, and immediately spreads like a virus, but when the aura energy is absorbed by plants or other creatures, the fluctuating breath will dissipate again.


Sensing the internal changes of these three dragon veins, Chen Nuo grabbed the little fox and quickly disappeared in place.

After a while, three lands emerged from the ground.

"There is a slight warning printed on the land, and I seem to feel a strange breath of heavenly demon."

"Me too."

The third land with a stronger cultivation base moved his mind, and the surrounding spiritual energy was gathered by him. After carefully sensing it for a while, the primordial spirit shook his head.

"This seems to be an extraterritorial celestial demon with vitality that didn't adapt to the environment and dissipated automatically, causing this area to be polluted."

"Does it matter?" the other two Land asked.

"It doesn't matter, even a small grass can destroy this bit of pollution."

The third land pointed to the grass under his feet that was slowly absorbing the spiritual energy. The polluted spiritual energy in his eyes was absorbed by the grass, and the polluted breath on it also disappeared.

"But let's deal with it."

The third land took out the land seal, and his mind was aroused. The authority of heaven and earth in the area he was in charge of shook for a while, and the polluted aura of aura energy dissipated and returned to its original appearance.

Seeing this, the other two lands also took out their own land seals. The power of heaven and earth was shaken, and the polluted aura of aura energy dissipated.

"Okay, you can go back, just report this matter to your superiors."

"It doesn't matter whether you report this kind of trivial matter. There are extraterritorial demons invading all the time. This kind of extraterritorial demons who can't even adapt to the environment, report it and no one will read it."

After doing this, the three lands chatted casually for a few words before leaving.

After they left, at the intersection of the peaceful dragon veins, the energy of aura suddenly became active, constantly infecting the surrounding aura.

Immortal gods cannot completely control the authority of heaven and earth, this is a fish that slipped through the net under the land seal.

It's just that compared with the beginning, the attack of the land seems to have triggered an intelligent mechanism, and the aura emitted by these auras is closer to the surrounding environment.

With the passage of time, the number of auras gathered reached a certain level, and the gathered aura would still cause a warning from the land seal, and the three lands would come over to deal with it.

But at that time, nine out of ten of these aura energy also entered the surrounding dragon veins along the circulation of heaven and earth aura, and each processing would cause the adaptive evolution of the intelligent mechanism in it, and the breath was more suitable for the surrounding environment until it was completely integrated into the environment.

On the mountain peak in the distance, Chen Nuo used spiritual power to isolate himself from the breath of the little fox, and watched the three lands appear and leave.

"Daxian, what were you doing just now?" The little fox blinked and asked.

"I named the transformed aura energy just now cyanobacteria, and it is very powerful."

"How powerful, why is it called cyanobacteria, what is that?" The little fox didn't understand.

"Cyanobacteria are a thing that represents a new birth and a new age."

Chen Nuo chuckled and rubbed the little fox's head: "As for how powerful it is, it can fertilize and loosen the soil in this imprisoned world. Aren't you worried about the future of the Yaozu? The clan will be at peace.”

"Daxian, you are fooling people again. How can you do things that even Nuwa Empress can't do? Are you better than a saint?"

The little fox shook her head with a look of disbelief. This great fairy was studying things she didn't understand every day, and now she started talking nonsense again.

Chen Nuo didn't answer.

He has already understood that there were saints in this world in ancient times, and he has heard of the great powers of the past, but 10 celestial beings can't consume as much aura energy as a saint's bang.

It seems that in order to slow down the energy consumption of the world's aura, these saints and even the ancient great powers have almost fallen asleep, or have been sealed and confined.

The muffled relics of ancient powers have formed today's Journey to the West pattern where the Jade Emperor and Tathagata are in charge, with three or five golden celestial beings, twenty or thirty celestial beings, and the rest are young people.

But no matter if it is sleeping, it will be sealed, or it will be locked up. If it involves a saint, the little fox is a native of the local aborigine. She can just talk about it. .

From the heart to the heart.

"After the natural authority of heaven and earth is controlled, time and space are already unique, and Da Luo has lost his greatest supernatural powers and has no essential difference from Jin Xian.

In this way, the Jade Emperor and Tathagata seem to be at a loss, so there is no reason to play like this, or is there something I don't understand about the realm of Daluo? "

Chen Nuo thought about some of the information about Da Luo's realm that he had mastered, and a doubt arose in his heart.

"Daxian, Daxian? You're in a daze again!"

"Show your head, let's go, let's go back the same way, loosen the soil and fertilize all the way."

There is still a certain distance from the Da Luo Time and Space Realm, Chen Nuo can't figure it out, so he just doesn't think about it.

He represents the interests of all beings at the bottom, and his purpose is to break the predicament of the world. The crazy convulsions of these immortals and Buddhas have nothing to do with him.

(End of this chapter)

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