Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 164 Monkey, where to run!

Chapter 164 Monkey, where to run!

Journey to the West for decades, and researched the big gun battle to break the dilemma of the world. Chen Nuo still needs to speed up deployment all the way, otherwise, relying on the natural circulation and diffusion of spiritual energy, the Year of the Monkey may not be able to spread all over the world.

Returning along the original road, along the way, the places where the dragon veins converged and circulated loosened the soil and fertilized. After more than 20 years, Chen Nuo hurriedly returned to the border of the Aolai Kingdom in Dongsheng Shenzhou.

"Daxian, there are a group of heavenly soldiers and generals fighting with monkeys in the sky."

As soon as Chen Nuo's figure stopped, the little fox sensed the abnormal aura in the world, turned around and pointed to the sky in the direction of the ocean and shouted.

"I see, what a coincidence."

Chen Nuo smiled, this scene was very familiar, Bi Mawen Sun Wukong finally realized that he was being fooled, and instead raised the banner of Monkey King.

"Monkey, where are you running!"

Above the sky, there was a sudden mental shock. Except for a few beasts with keen senses roaring restlessly, and some cultivators bowed their heads in fear and fear, the rest of the ordinary people and ordinary beasts did not have a trace. reaction.

"Hey, you little hairless kid, why should I run away, I'm just afraid that my monkey grandson and the ordinary people below will be harmed in a fight."

The two auras quickly disappeared in the sky, and a golden light and the chasing fire behind him could be vaguely seen.

"Great Immortal, I've heard of the person I'm chasing. It seems to be Nezha. Who is that monkey in front of him?"

The little fox could vaguely see it, and asked Chen Nuo curiously.

"The Monkey King you mentioned before is now the Monkey King."

Chen Nuo covered the little fox's mouth and replied softly with mental fluctuations, with a frightened and frightened expression on his face, and left here at a gentle speed.

The monkey had just passed by, and he already felt a probe of the area.

Chen Nuo breathed a sigh of relief when he left this area and felt the sense of peeping disappear.

It will take three to five days for the fertilizer that has just been loosened to cover the whole world. Before that, he kept a low profile.

"Ahli, one day the Great Immortal will become the biggest demon in the world, will you be frightened?"

"The biggest devil in the world? Wow, you must be very powerful, Great Immortal. It's impossible to be a devil if you're not great!"

After hearing this, the little fox was not only not afraid, but was full of admiration and admiration.

"Well, Daxian is very powerful."

Chen Nuo smiled, and with a thought, he erased his memory of the encryption algorithm for transforming cyanobacteria.

In this way, unless he cancels it himself, other people want to crack it, even if the sage Daozu comes out, facing this completely different basic rule system, coupled with the advanced encryption algorithm of the technology system, it is impossible without ten thousand years of effort.

Suddenly there was a muffled thunder in the distant sky, accompanied by fire and lightning, the clouds in the sky dissipated almost instantly.

Chen Nuo's eyesight clearly saw that the monkey holding the golden cudgel and Nezha, who was riding a hot wheel and holding a gun, were already fighting together.

"It's interesting, Nezha is stronger than monkeys."

With just one glance, Chen Nuo saw that Nezha was capable of beating monkeys.

At this time, the monkey hadn't eaten flat peaches, hadn't eaten the elixir of the Taishang Laojun, and hadn't been refined for seven to 49 days to help melt and digest the spiritual power and the power of the elixir in the body, and its strength had already reached the golden fairy level It is impossible for Nezha to be an opponent.

"From this point of view, my strength is that of a Golden Immortal, and I can still be considered a very strong Golden Immortal. However, judging from Nezha's performance in releasing water, there are quite a lot of people participating in this big show."

Chen Nuo glanced at it for a few moments, feeling like he was watching a grand drama of the transfer of power from heaven to earth.

Originally it was the Jade Emperor who was in charge, and it was the turn of the Tathagata next. Journey to the West was the way for the transfer of power from heaven and earth.

Hundreds of millions of incense are offered to immortals and Buddhas.

Before the Jade Emperor, or the forces behind the Jade Emperor, had gained a lot of incense, then it was the turn of Tathagata, including the forces behind Tathagata.

When Buddhism spreads to the east, what is harvested is the incense of all living beings.

"I seem to have guessed something about the reason behind Journey to the West."

Thoughts flashed through Chen Nuo's mind, and he suddenly smiled and said, "The movement of the heaven and earth can be disturbed and controlled, but it is impossible to reverse it. Once the general trend of the heaven and earth is established, you can only abide by it.

The difficulty is that the world is under control, and outsiders cannot create and develop the general trend of the world or the general trend of humanity, but what if your general trend of the world is stolen and borrowed? "


Nezha, who was fighting the monkey, suddenly yelled, his eyes flashed twice, and he looked towards Chen Nuo.


Chen Nuo reacted immediately, and seemed to be intimidated by Nezha's gaze, and fell to the ground in a daze.

As for the little fox, the hand that pinched her mouth solved everything.

"Where is someone, you little boy will not lose the fight and want to play tricks, give me a stick from my old grandson!"

Nezha's sudden nervousness made the monkey upset, his mental fluctuations flickered, and he swung the golden cudgel and smashed it down hard.

The aura energy rioted one after another, flashing a large group of flames, and the air shock wave spread substantially, but it was suppressed and eliminated by an inexplicable force between heaven and earth before it spread a few miles away.

On the ground, Chen Nuo felt a sense of probing and peeping again.

But there wasn't a trace of aura fluctuations on his body, and this sense of peeping was just swept away on him and then ignored. On the contrary, the little fox was carefully probed for a while.

The surveillance in this world is really crazy.

"It should be some Haotian mirror or some Kunlun mirror, or some kind of Shunfeng ear with a thousand miles of eyesight. If you have time, grab a few innate spirit treasures to study and study what is the mystery."

The sense of peeping disappeared, and Chen Nuo took a deep breath and sat up on the ground. As soon as he let go of the hand covering the little fox and the spiritual power that suppressed her, the little fox immediately became unhappy.

"Daxian, why are you covering me so tightly, Ari hasn't transformed yet."


In the next few days, except for sneaking a few glances from time to time, Chen Nuo didn't stare at him like he did at the beginning.

Watching Nezha playing with the monkeys for a few days, the heavenly soldiers and generals led by Li Jing also hummed and fought with a group of Huaguoshan monkeys for a few days, and finally Taibai Jinxing came down from the sky and canonized a "Monkey King" Name, take him up to guard the Peach Garden.


There seemed to be a voice in my mind, and the fluctuations that were originally scattered in the sky and the earth seemed to be connected into a whole.

Chen Nuo suddenly had a feeling that when he moved his mind, the aura energy in these heaven and earth would change.

After keeping a low profile for nearly a hundred years, the most critical step of the plan has finally been successfully taken.

"Ah Li, the flat peach party in Heaven is about to start, do you want to eat flat peaches?"

With a relaxed smile on his face, Chen Nuo rubbed the little fox's head and asked.

"Peach Club?"

The little fox's eyes lit up: "Daxian, can we go?"

"Sure, it's still the first seat."

 Sorry, watched the LOL intercontinental game, the update is over (ˊoo`)
(End of this chapter)

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