Chapter 165

Chen Nuo didn't go directly to the sky, he took the little fox to Huaguo Mountain and watched the monkey come down after accepting the canonization.

"Daxian, aren't we going to Heaven to eat flat peaches?"

The little fox stood on Chen Nuo's shoulder, looking at the monkeys in Huaguo Mountain in bewilderment, with a look of impatience.

"Let's find a pass."

Feeling the sense of prying eyes on him, Chen Nuo smiled, and waited for the monkey to bid farewell and formally take up his post, and he also took this opportunity to follow.

Flat peaches, if you can't wait for the flat peach event, you need to eat them in advance.

Journey to the West has developed to the present, the monkeys have made troubles in the underworld, robbed the East China Sea, turned against the sky, and "defeated" a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals openly.

It can be said that the general trend of Journey to the West created by Mantian Xianfo has come into being, and the wheels are rolling. At this time, even the Xianfo who dominate this situation cannot be easily reversed.

Seeing him like this, whether to stop him or not, Chen Nuo was very curious.

After all, the monkey is not an idiot, and his strength is stronger than the monkey.

If he can win, it is impossible not to beat the monkey. Once the monkey guesses that Mantian Xianfo is playing him, this will definitely trigger a series of moths, and even lead to the collapse of Journey to the West.

"Who is this man!"

In the sky, a group of gods and gods looked at the figures of Chen Nuo and the little fox on the Haotian mirror, their expressions were a little bewildered.

Tianji Xingjun was the first to react, and carefully calculated Chen Nuo's origin.

"Chen Nuo, a young man from Chen Family Village in Aolai Country, 98 years ago when his unmarried wife came to divorce him. Feeling his dignity was humiliated, he yelled "Don't bully young people and poor people."

Tianji Xingjun couldn't continue talking halfway through, what kind of ghost life experience is this?

"An extraterrestrial demon at the level of a golden fairy."

The Jade Emperor who was sitting in the main seat said something solemnly.

Only he can see here that the other gods are either equal in strength or worse than Chen Nuo, and they cannot see through the fake identities fabricated by Chen Nuo after studying the dragon's veins and luck here.

"An extraterrestrial demon at the Golden Immortal level?"

Taibai Jinxing's expression changed, and he said in shock, "Your Majesty, this!"

There are celestial demons outside the territory every day, but they can adapt to the environment and survive, and then escape the lightning strike of the air machine sensor, and avoid the door-to-door inspection of the land, and there may not be one celestial demon in 1.

Even if you pass these two levels, you will be targeted if you leak your breath later
In addition, the body does not fit well and cannot absorb the energy of spiritual energy, and cannot maintain strength and maintain a state of longevity.

In the end, it is unlikely that there will be one out of 10 million extraterrestrial demons who can live for more than 1 years, let alone reach the level of golden immortals with stable strength.

"Your Majesty, I request the formation map to fight, so that the extraterritorial heavenly demons at the golden fairy level stay in the world, and it will cause huge damage to the entire world pattern!"

Li Jing, the king of Tota, stood up and asked for a fight.

One hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals cooperate with the formation, this is the complete state of heavenly soldiers and generals, not the previous battle where you come and go.

The Jade Emperor looked at Chen Nuo who was following the monkey, a gleam flashed in his eyes, and said solemnly: "Wait!"

Wait, at least wait for the other party to leave the side of the monkey.

This monkey is not stupid, if he really wanted to grab Chen Nuo face to face, wouldn't it be obvious: Hey, monkey, we were playing you just now, you were deceived.

What made the Jade Emperor even more fearful was that whenever he thought of doing something, his soul would give a warning, as if killing Chen Nuo would cause a catastrophe.

"Monkey monkey grandchildren, waiting for grandpa's glorious return, I will take you to heaven to play when I have time!"

The Jade Emperor gave the order to wait, Huaguoshan, and the monkey also said goodbye to his monkey grandchildren, and came to Nantianmen after a somersault.

Chen Nuo didn't fall either, with a thought, the power of the mind drove the body to move, and the speed was not far behind.

A monkey, followed by Chen Nuo and a little fox, walked into the Nantianmen openly.

The optical invisibility restrained his breath, Chen Nuo saw the door god of Nantianmen looking at him, and knew in his heart that he had been discovered.

If Journey to the West is the first-level monitoring, then Tianting is the ultimate monitoring.

Give him a hundred years to research that it is possible to invade through deceitful tactics, but if he enters directly like now, it will be difficult not to be discovered.


Chen Nuo was right, he reached out and patted their shoulders, and gave a young man a hard-working look.

"What are you clapping for?"

The monkey walking in front turned around and looked at the door god of Nantianmen with a puzzled expression.

"No, no, we are applauding to welcome the arrival of the Great Sage."

The door gods who had received orders from their top boss explained anxiously.

"The beat should be louder, the sound was too low just now."

The monkey nodded in satisfaction, indicating that the applause continued.

"Yes, Great Sage!"

Amid the rhythmic applause behind him, Chen Nuo walked into the Nantian Gate with the little fox in his arms.

Just like the change of time and space, the eyes suddenly open up, Qionglouyuyu, pavilions, and a white cloud is floating on the ground.

However, Chen Nuo's spiritual power was swept away, this is not a cloud, it is clearly a mixture of processed incense and spiritual energy.

"It turns out that the so-called one day in the sky and one year in the ground is not that the flow rate of time is different, but the time unit is different. The length of a day in the sky is the length of a year in the ground."

Chen Nuo telepathically sensed the environment here, and he understood in his heart where the saying that there is one day in the sky and one year in the earth came from.

"Daxian, the aura energy here is so rich. These white mist seem to contain the mysteries of heaven and earth and huge energy. If you absorb a little bit of Ahri, you will feel that your cultivation has improved."

At this time, the little fox on Chen Nuo suddenly spoke, the vibration of the surrounding air was suppressed by Chen Nuo, and the sound did not come out.

"This is the origin of the world." Chen Nuo explained.

The essence of the power of incense is a mixture of world origin and belief.

Everyone has the origin of the world, but when a person entrusts his destiny to others and entrusts his destiny to the Buddha, the origin of the world will be transferred out along with the incense and belief.

Immortals and Buddhas don't want the power of incense belief, what they want is the origin of the world in incense belief.

The power of the incense here has been processed, and the thoughts of sentient beings have been removed, leaving the pure source and aura. Of course, it will make the little fox feel as if it contains the mysteries of heaven and earth, and it will feel like it is about to improve after absorbing a little bit of cultivation.

"Since you can absorb it, then absorb more. It doesn't cost money."

The white clouds here seem to be floating randomly, but they are actually imprisoned and cannot be absorbed at will. .

The explosion of Chen Nuo's spiritual power broke through a trace of confinement, and a large cloud of white mist was captured and stuffed into the little fox's body, almost making the little fox scream out cheerfully.

"Peach Garden!"

Walking in front of the Pantao Garden, the monkey wearing a chain-gold armor and a purple-gold crown with phoenix wings pointed to the three characters in front of the gate of the courtyard, and walked in with his hands behind his back like an official.

When Chen Nuo walked into the boundary of the Peach Garden, it was as if he had passed through a barrier. In an instant, the rich spiritual energy and peach fragrance rushed towards him, refreshing his heart.

The monkey in the flat peach garden was already drooling wildly looking at the peach trees full of flat peaches.

"My lord, how come you come to this flat peach garden when you have time?"

With a thought, Chen Nuo canceled the optical invisibility and walked out.

"Huh? Who are you?"

Monkey was startled by Chen Nuo who suddenly appeared.

"I am the land of Pantaoyuan. When I saw the Great Sage coming in, I came here to say hello."


Under the ground, Land, who was about to escape from the earth, was in a daze.

He is the land of Pantaoyuan, so who am I?

"Oh, when the land is so young, you can still raise foxes." The monkey asked suspiciously.

"The officials of the Heavenly Court are getting younger. This fox is my pet. I don't know why you came to Pantaoyuan, Great Sage?"

"Oh, rejuvenation, not bad not bad."

The monkey praised it, and then proudly said: "I was sent by the Jade Emperor to manage the Pantao Garden, so I came here to check it out."

"It turns out that the Great Sage manages the Pantao Garden by order, so please take a look at it and let me introduce it to you.

Great Sage, there are 3000 peach trees in this yard, and [-] peach trees in the front, which ripen once every [-] years. "

Chen Nuo pointed to a peach tree in front of which the fruit aura was not so strong, explained something, and pulled the monkey who seemed to be unable to hold back to walk inside.

"The 6000 plants in the middle are ripe for [-] years. People who eat Xiaju will fly and live forever."


The monkey's eyes are brighter.

"The last 9000 plants are ripe for [-] years. People who eat them live as long as the sky and the earth, and the sun and the moon live together."

Chen Nuo pointed to the peach tree in the innermost peach garden, and introduced it to the monkey solemnly.

The spiritual energy here is so rich that it is almost liquefied, and the peach fragrance seems to contain some kind of mystery.

Even if it had nothing to do with the spirit energy, Chen Nuo, who didn't fit the law of spirit energy here, could smell the peach fragrance here and feel his mind clearer.

"Come on, Great Sage, have a taste. There is nothing good to entertain in the Peach Garden, so just eat a few peaches."

Seeing the monkey sniffing the fragrance of the peaches, who was almost unable to bear it, but was trying to hide its saliva, Chen Nuo suddenly reached out and picked 3 huge 9000-year-old peaches, handed one to the monkey and the little fox, and took it himself One.


The monkey subconsciously reached out to take the peaches, looked at Chen Nuo who was solemnly introducing them a moment ago, and was about to eat at this moment, and then looked at the peaches in his hand, feeling suddenly a little weird.

Originally, he planned to get Chen Nuo to steal it by himself, but who would have thought that the "land" guarding the peach orchard would suddenly be guarded and stolen.

(End of this chapter)

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