Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 166 2 Lang Shen blocks the way

Chapter 166 Erlang God Blocks the Way

"Great Sage, you're welcome to eat peaches. I'm treating you. Eat as much as you can."

Chen Nuo did the generous thing very smoothly. He looked at the flat peach in his hand a few times, took a bite and sucked it, and the ripe peach flesh was sucked in like jelly.

The juice is clear and sweet, the peach fragrance is rich, and the soul still has a clear and transparent feeling.

The huge aura and Tao rhyme contained in the 9000-year flat peach emanated from Chen Nuo.

He is not from this world, the aura energy has nothing to do with him, and the Dao rhyme of this world does not match his body. Except for a clear and transparent mind, the body cannot get half of the benefits.

However, this feeling of aura energy and dao rhyme washing away.

Chen Nuo couldn't help giving a compliment.

Although the body cannot absorb it, the huge aura energy and dao rhyme contained in the 9000-year-old flat peach exploded in the body, and then dissipated to the surroundings.

"Daxian, Daxian, your aura is leaking."

The little fox who was sucking the peach pulp couldn't help but look dumbfounded seeing Chen Nuo whose body was gushing out a lot of spiritual energy and Dao Yun.

The monkey next to him had already eaten the first peach, and was about to pick the second one, and he looked dumbfounded.

How does this kind of body that is insulated from the laws of heaven and unable to store spiritual energy develop its strength?
After tasting one flat peach, Chen Nuo didn't eat any more. He reached out and picked hundreds of 9000-year-old flat peaches for the little fox, and then waved goodbye to the monkey.

"Great Sage, I still have things to leave first, you can eat slowly here, don't be polite to me."

"Yeah, thank you Land, if anyone bullies you and gives me the title of Monkey King Monkey King, I will protect you!"

Houzi is still very friendly. Chen Nuo invited him to eat flat peaches so generously, and he also signaled that Chen Nuo could find him if he had any troubles in the future.

"Daxian, there are still a lot of peaches in it, why do we have to leave?"

The little fox saw a big bag of flat peaches in Chen Nuo's hand, and was very happy when he heard that it was for himself, but when he remembered that there were still so many peaches in the yard to keep that monkey, he suddenly felt a pity.

This flat peach is very miraculous, it can be easily bitten through when it comes into contact with the energy of life, but if it is not approached by the energy of life, it will become hard even ordinary magic weapons can't break it.

"Eat too much, be careful of being caught making alchemy."

Chen Nuo hit the greedy little fox angrily.

This flat peach is not as powerful as he expected, and if he picks it again, the monkey may not be able to reach the Golden Immortal, which is not good for his plan.

Leaving one flat peach behind, Chen Nuo threw the rest to the little fox for safekeeping. After looking at the flat peach carefully for a while, he shook his head.

"The aura is weaker than in ancient times. This fruit tree has also degenerated, and even the flat peach tree has degenerated. The group of top powers is probably in the same situation."

Energy has osmotic pressure.

If it is the period when the heavens and the earth are just opening and the spiritual energy is extremely strong, then the spiritual energy will be squeezed into the body without you practicing.

But once the aura decays, there is an energy gap between the aura in the cultivator's body and the outside world, not only will it become more difficult to cultivate and absorb the aura, but even the energy cultivated in the body will dissipate to the environment.

The more decayed the aura and the greater the energy difference, the stronger this dissipation will be.

In the end, the aura of heaven and earth completely decayed, and the world entered the period of material universe with basic rules from the period of heaven and earth based on the laws of aura, and the immortals, Buddhas and gods starved to death one after another.

"The environment creates creatures. When the universe is heat-death, the basic rules will also be silent. So what kind of power is eternal?"

A thought flashed in Chen Nuo's mind.

The higher the cultivation base, the harder it is to break through. In addition to the deeper understanding required by the high realm, energy osmotic pressure is also a main reason.

For example, the energy in Da Luo Jinxian's body is extremely condensed, and a trace of Da Luo's energy can crush thousands of angels to death.

The energy difference caused by this and the environment is also terrifying. Not only is it extremely difficult to go further, but if the energy of the spiritual energy is slightly decayed, it will be difficult to maintain the original cultivation base.

This is a factor of the environment. As long as there is no detachment in this world, no one can avoid it.

Constantly stabilizing energy loss seems to be able to solve this problem, but this steady behavior itself is also consuming mind and energy.

This is the reason why the aura is exhausted and the catastrophe of the Dharma is over, and those who die first are the top practitioners.

Unless they are willing to slowly reduce their self-cultivation as the aura decays, reduce the strength of the primordial spirit, and gradually reduce the demand for aura energy.

"Great Immortal, some fairies have come to Pantao Garden."

Chen Nuo was thinking about the problem, and the little fox who was happily sucking on the flat peaches suddenly yelled.

The location of one person and one fox is in a pavilion not far outside the Peach Garden. You can see the Peach Garden very clearly. Once you fight, the monkeys inside will know it immediately.

"Let's watch a play."

With a thought in Chen Nuo's mind, the decay control changed the material refresh, and conjured up a straw.

As soon as the straw was inserted into the flat peach in his hand, Chen Nuo put the straw in his mouth and sucked it, and the soft and ripe peach flesh was sucked into his mouth.

The flat peach in his hand turned into a peach core wrapped in a layer of peach skin, and a large amount of spiritual energy and dao rhyme emanated from Chen Nuo, making the mouths of the observing Jade Emperor and a group of immortals twitch.

Damn it.

"Daxian, I want to eat like this too, I want a straw, give me a straw."

Seeing Chen Nuo eating flat peaches like this, the little fox who was eating the flat peaches with peach juice on his mouth immediately asked her to want it too.

"Take it."

With a thought, he made a straw, and Chen Nuo handed it to the little fox.

The little guy immediately held a flat peach that was half the size of her body, inserted the straw in it, opened his mouth to suck, the flesh of the flat peach was immediately sucked into his mouth, and his blue eyes narrowed happily. up.

Mmm, and chew on straws.

"Great Immortal, that monkey ran out of the Peach Garden angrily."

The little fox is weak, so she has to take a rest after eating half a peach, and when she eats more than a dozen peaches, the monkey suddenly flew out of the peach garden angrily.


Chen Nuo was prying open a peach pit, tasted the taste of the peach kernel, watched the monkey fly away from the peach garden, and knew what was going to happen next.

He didn't mean to stop it.

The spiritual energy of this piece of heaven and earth has declined, and even the spiritual root of the heaven and earth has degenerated. Now it is more difficult to become a golden immortal than it is to achieve a great Luo in ancient times.

In the whole world, except for the golden immortals left over from the past, it is almost impossible for the world to give birth to new golden immortals.

The monkey is still at the peak of immortality, if he doesn't eat elixir, and if he doesn't use the three-flavored real fire to speed up his digestion, the spiritual energy accumulated in his body will only dissipate, and it is impossible to become a golden immortal.

"Go, Daxian will take you to eat some jelly beans."

Seeing that the monkey hooked up with the barefoot fairy, Chen Nuo followed the monkey with the little fox.

He is like an invisible man now, the gods of heaven know his whereabouts, but because of the important matter of Journey to the West, he ignores it for the time being, and he can only bear with it for the time being when he rubbed hundreds of degenerated flat peaches and a couple of gourd weakened versions of the elixir.

"Daxian, some information suddenly popped up in my mind. I seem to have awakened the inherited knowledge of the monster race, and I am about to grow my tail."

Standing on Chen Nuo's shoulder, the little fox ate another flat peach, his expression suddenly stunned.

Long tail?

Surprise flashed in Chen Nuo's eyes, and he stretched out his hand to grab the little fox. After a look, it was true that there was only one tail, but now there was a second tail.

I really raised a nine-tailed fox?

"Daxian, don't look at me like that, I'm shy."

"I haven't even changed my shape yet, so why should I be shy?"

Chen Nuo put the little fox back on his shoulder angrily, and asked, "Show me the exercises you have inherited."


Under Chen Nuo's despotic power, the little fox gave in helplessly, his mind flickered, and he passed on his inherited knowledge to Chen Nuo.

"Sky Fox Immortal Method?"

Chen Nuo pondered the little fox's exercises for a while, then shook his head: "There is no need to practice the exercises that are useless."

Although he couldn't practice the aura law here, but he was standing high enough, and he immediately saw that the little fox's inherited exercise was a useless exercise.

Without him, too much aura energy is consumed for cultivation.

In ancient prehistoric times or even in ancient times, the practice of conferring gods was good, but in the world of Journey to the West where the energy of aura is already decaying, such a practice is useless.

"Then what kind of exercises should I practice, Great Immortal?"

The little fox's eyes flickered, she was weak and pitiful, and she didn't have any skills to cultivate.

"There will be exercises in the future, which are still being studied."

Chen Nuo patted the little fox on the head.

He didn't dare to make too much noise before, and he hasn't researched the body transformation method to adapt to Journey to the West. After this period of time has passed, he can formally study it.

"Your Excellency, we don't want to do anything, we need to act in moderation."

When Chen Nuo followed the drunken monkey at the flat peach banquet to the Tushita Palace, a three-eyed man suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Three-eyed monster, do you dare to do it? That monkey is drunk, not stupid."

Seeing that Erlang Shen had to block the actions around him while speaking, Chen Nuo smiled, without any trace of fear on his face.

"When you come to this world, you are a person from this world. You can serve in the heavenly court, and everyone will not pursue the past."

Erlangshen looked at Chen Nuo and stated the conditions of the Heavenly Court with a solemn expression.

"Get out of the way, or I will fight you now! Don't worry, I will leave enough elixir for that monkey."

The aura on Chen Nuo's body exploded for a moment. He looked at Erlang God who was blocking him, and stepped forward to bump into him.

(End of this chapter)

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