Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 167 If you don't agree, then kill!

Chapter 167 If you don't agree, then kill! (A monthly ticket is requested at the third watch)

Erlang Shen kicked his three eyes, and the monkey who was walking drunkenly to Tushita Palace behind him seemed to sense something, and looked back in a daze.

"No one, why does my grandson feel like someone is there?"

Although the monkey looked back, he didn't find Chen Nuo Erlangshen and others who had hidden their figures, but Erlangshen had to get out of his way, for fear that Chen Nuo would really bump into him and beat him up.

If he really wanted to fight, he thought he wasn't afraid of Chen Nuo, but in this fight, Jin Xian's power exploded, and the monkey would definitely realize that something was wrong.

Although he was displeased with Jade Emperor's uncle, he also understood the importance of Journey to the West, which related to the safety of the whole world.

"That's how you know, Erlangshen, work hard, and I'll treat you to a drink when you're free."

Chen Nuo walked up to Erlang Shen and patted him on the shoulder, and followed with the little fox.


The corner of Erlang Shen's mouth twitched, it had been a long time since no one dared to threaten and pat him on the shoulder like this.

Controlling the anger in his heart, Erlangshen looked at Chen Nuo's back for a while, and then his figure turned into a streamer and disappeared on the spot.

"Daxian, that Erlang God seems to have a big opinion on you. Didn't we come to the Heavenly Court to participate in the Pantao Festival to eat flat peaches? Why are their attitudes so bad?"

"Maybe Daxian is more handsome, they are jealous of Daxian." Chen Nuo replied.

"Yeah, I think so, that Erlang God actually has three eyes, so scary." The little fox agreed with Chen Nuo's words.


As soon as he returned to the Lingxiao Palace in the Heavenly Court, Erlangshen almost burst into anger again when he heard the Haotian Mirror showing the conversation between Chen Nuo and the little fox.

You vixen have two tails, how dare you say that my three eyes are terrifying?
"Wow, it's delicious, it's delicious."

"The elixir of this gourd is also good, delicious"

Chen Nuo took the little fox into the Tushita Palace, and the two boys of the Taishang Laojun were unconscious, and the monkey was already sitting inside and eating jelly beans with a gourd.

In the gossip furnace in the center of the palace, the three-flavored real fire is burning, consuming a lot of aura energy all the time.

The supernatural flames in the fairy world are not different from the flames in the main world or even in the ion state, but the supernatural fires that contain the mysteries of heaven and earth and the will of heaven and earth.

"Great Sage, give me half a gourd elixir."

Chen Nuo showed his body, swept away his spiritual power, and there were no restrictions on the twenty or so gourds that earned elixirs in the Tushita Palace. He took a gourd with the most intense aura energy fluctuations and felt the most heaven, earth and dao rhyme. Three golden pills were poured out of it.

"Oh, so it's the land, it's all right, it's all right if you want a few gourds, just now you treated me to flat peaches, now it's my turn to treat you to elixir!"

Monkey's drunken eyes saw that it was Chen Nuo, and immediately greeted him generously, before throwing him two unopened gourds.

"You eat it, my sage. My cultivation base is too low to eat too much waste."

Chen Nuo was speechless, threw the gourd back again, and took the little fox out of the Tushita palace invisibly.

Reaching out his hand to the little fox with two golden pills, Chen Nuo carefully observed the remaining golden pills in his hand, and stuffed them into the little fox's mouth after a while.

"You guessed it right, the elixir is the aggregate of spiritual energy and heaven and earth dao rhyme. Through special alchemy methods, the spiritual energy contained in the heaven and earth spirits and the spiritual energy law dao rhyme are combined to reduce the conflict between dao rhyme naturally. It is equivalent to improving the efficacy, and even in the alchemy process, the alchemist can also add Dao rhyme for the infusion of the alchemy."

He can't learn this kind of alchemy technique, he is blind to the law of spiritual energy, and it is impossible to practice elixir.

As for applying this idea of ​​alchemy to the basic rules, the carrier of the basic rules is matter, which cannot be condensed and integrated like aura energy. It is impossible for him to make a pile of golden trash for people to eat.

"Daxian, don't you want to eat it? It's delicious."

The little fox chewed the golden pill stuffed into Chen Nuo's mouth, his eyes lit up immediately, and the little fox took the remaining two golden pills and asked Chen Nuo.

"You eat it yourself, it's useless for me to eat it."

"Then taste it, it's very fragrant."

The little fox stuffed one of the two golden pills in his hand to Chen Nuo, and put the other in his mouth, very happy.

She is of the blood of the ancient Nine-Tailed Sky Fox, eating so many degenerate flat peaches and weakened Nine-Turn Golden Pills, she will not be unable to withstand the explosion and die.

"Then I'll try it."

Chen Nuo picked up the golden pill and threw it into his mouth, took a bite, and shook his head: "It's not as good as Dove."

"What is Dove?"

The eyes of the little fox next to him lit up, it seemed to be a delicious food.

"A snack, um."

As soon as Chen Nuo finished speaking, spiritual energy and dao rhyme stronger than that of the 9000-year-old flat peach dissipated from him.

Lingxiao Temple, whose strength is not as great as Da Luo, does not have the cultivation base of a saint and the independent clone Taishang Laojun, who accidentally pulled off a few of his beards.

The world is in decline, and it's not easy to practice a golden pill even if it's a weakened version. Seeing that Chen Nuo ate the golden pill as a jelly bean, and still commented on the not so delicious jelly bean, he felt distressed.

It's okay to feed monkeys, or even little foxes, at least it's the best use of everything.

You, an extraterrestrial demon who is not compatible with the world, cannot absorb spiritual energy, and is insulated from the law of spiritual energy. Do you know that eating peonies like this is Niujue?
"Your Majesty, we cannot condone such extraterritorial celestial demons who squander their aura at will and don't take the sustainable development of the world seriously!"

Originally, I thought that harmony was the most important thing. When I came to this world, I was a person of this world. The Taishang Laojun supported Chen Nuo to be recruited into the heavenly court. Now it is for my own elixir, oh no, for the sustainable development of the world, and to slow down the spiritual energy. The decline of such an extraterritorial demon cannot be let go.

"I also agree, if the monkey incident is over, if he still doesn't leave, then we'll close the heavens and catch the turtle in one urn!"

Li Jing, the Heavenly King of Tota, also agreed not to let Chen Nuo go. This kind of extraterrestrial demon who threatens the gods with Journey to the West and doesn't take the dignity of heaven in his eyes cannot be left behind!

"I'm going to fight him."

Erlangshen, who was patted on the shoulder and told to do a good job, couldn't calm down if he didn't have a fight with Chen Nuo.

"It feels like nothing to me."

Nezha replied indifferently, to be honest, Chen Nuo was quite pleasing to his eyes, and he felt that he had the same demeanor as he did back then.

"Your Majesty, the monkey has returned to Huaguo Mountain!"

At this time, Shunfenger and Clairvoyance reported.

"Li Jing, lead 10 heavenly soldiers and generals to arrest and bring to justice the monstrous monkey who stole the flat peaches, disrupted the flat peach banquet, and stole the elixir!"

The Jade Emperor stood up from his seat and gave an order that the Journey to the West incident will soon enter the second stage.

"I obey the order!" Li Jing took his pagoda and left.

"Erlangshen, Nezha and others are ready according to the original plan."


The Jade Emperor gave another order, but Erlang God didn't answer, and Nezha responded indifferently.

"The battle at the Golden Immortal level will cause the world to be damaged again. Taibai, please invite that extraterritorial celestial demon to come over and make the other party promise not to intervene in this major event of the operation of the world."

After giving instructions to the monkey, the Jade Emperor signaled Taibai Jinxing to go to Tushita Palace to ask Chen Nuo to come over.

"Your Majesty, what if the other party refuses to agree?"

Taibai Jinxing hesitated for a moment, and asked a very likely question. Seeing the arrogant appearance of this extraterrestrial demon, it is more difficult to make the other party obey his orders than to let the monkey guard the peach garden and not steal the peaches.

"no promise"

The Jade Emperor closed his eyes, and opened them again in the next second, his eyes were like lightning, and the spiritual energy in the entire heaven seemed to be stirred.

"If you don't agree, then kill!"

(End of this chapter)

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