Reformers of the Heavens

Chapter 168: Chapter 168

Chapter 168: Chapter 168
"Great Immortal, that monkey went down to heaven just now."


The monkeys in the Dousita Palace didn't finish all the pills, so Chen Nuo went in and met some gourds, and sat with the little fox in front of the gate of the Dousiate Palace to eat jelly beans.

"Your Excellency, Your Majesty please."

Not long after the monkey had descended into the sky, the white-haired and white-bearded Taibai Jinxing came over and invited him respectfully.

"Come on, meet the master when you get to someone else's house, let's go to Lingxiao Palace to have a look."

Chen Nuo nodded, grabbed the little fox and stood up.

Chen Nuo's kind attitude made Taibai Jinxing uncontrollably let go of the anxiety raised in his heart. This extraterritorial celestial demon is quite easy to talk and reason.

Following Taibai Jinxing into the resplendent Lingxiao Palace, Chen Nuo swept his eyes.

Guanyin Bodhisattva came over and sat in the first row of seats. Nezha and Erlang God whom I had seen before, including Li Jing, were gone. It seemed that they had gone to the sky to hunt monkeys.


Seeing Chen Nuo coming in, the Jade Emperor pointed to the first row of seats majestically, which was regarded as respect for Chen Nuo's strength.

Sitting down in the seat, Chen Nuo picked up the fruit and spirit wine on the table, and prepared one for the little fox. He also took a handful of dried fruit and looked at the picture displayed by the Haotian Mirror.

In the picture, the monkey has just defeated the Four Heavenly Kings and is now fighting Erlang Shen.

Not to mention, this kind of eating dried fruits and melon seeds while watching a movie is quite atmospheric.

Chen Nuo didn't speak, Jade Emperor didn't speak, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva didn't speak, and the others didn't speak when they looked at Chen Nuo who looked at himself calmly without any embarrassment or fear.

"Old gentleman, please."

After waiting for a while, the monkey fought hundreds of rounds with Erlangshen, including the Meishan brothers, when the Jade Emperor suddenly asked Taishang Laojun.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Laojun took out a vajra ring from his sleeve, stretched out his hand and threw it, and the vajra ring turned into a stream of light and disappeared from sight.

On the Haotian mirror, the monkey who was hugging Erlangshen's dog was suddenly hit on the head by the diamond ring, and fell to the ground with a bang.

"Miss Guanyin, can you tell me who is the director of this Three Realms drama."

Seeing this, Chen Nuo knew what was going to happen next. He ate the melon seeds and turned to look at Guanyin not far away.

"Almsgiver, this is the natural movement of heaven and earth." Guanyin performed a Buddhist ceremony and replied calmly.

"Well, the spiritual energy decays, and the world dies. This is also the natural operation of the world."

Chen Nuo nodded, and lightly said something that shocked everyone.

"What's the point of your Excellency's words? What's the purpose of visiting this world!" The Jade Emperor's expression changed, and he looked at Chen Nuo solemnly.

Originally thought it was just an ordinary, but powerful extraterritorial demon who learned about Journey to the West from the information of heaven and earth.

Now it seems that the situation is a bit wrong.

"Watching a show, let's talk about it after the monkey thing is over. You don't want to fight with me now and be seen by the monkey, do you?"

Chen Nuo waved his hand, not afraid to be mad at half of what he said, picked up the melon seeds and continued to eat.

The expressions of Jade Emperor and the others darkened, but there was nothing they could do about Chen Nuo for the time being.

The monkey was taken up to the sky and enjoyed the decapitation and burning of lightning.

Every time he took a step, Chen Nuo felt that the general trend gathered between heaven and earth became stronger, which made him understand the pattern of Journey to the West better.

"Jade Emperor, if the natural authority of a world and the fate of all people are controlled, then the development will not change, and this piece of heaven and earth will become a fixed script. I think you will understand this situation.

When the world is under control, time and space are the only ones, and a Da Luo Jinxian like you will lose his greatest supernatural powers. I am curious as to why you have paid so much. "

Seeing that the monkey was sent into the stove, and the Taishang Laojun went to light the fire, Chen Nuo asked suddenly.

Whether it is an ordinary person or a fairy god, through technology and practice, intelligence, that is, the computing power of the brain, can be infinitely superimposed and improved.

However, intelligence can be superimposed infinitely, but thinking must have limitations.

The computing power of a supercomputer is extremely huge, but if there is no powerful system, the performance it can display may not be as powerful as that of an ordinary server.

Chen Nuo maximized his brain computing power by changing the density of neurons, adjusting the structure of the brain, and transforming cells, but he couldn't really think about one thing comprehensively. His thinking was inertial, and his thinking had loopholes.

Unless he is willing to castrate his emotions, abandon his emotions, abandon his thoughts, turn himself into a program, use powerful intelligence and brain computing power to use the method of exhaustion, and use all the possibilities of a thing Sex is deduced again.

Otherwise, he is better than most people in the main world alone, but if he is facing a think tank, facing the intelligent thinking of a group, he still has to kneel in the field of comprehensive analysis of one thing.

Because his thinking is inertial, there will be loopholes in thinking about things, and he can't do it comprehensively. This is not as good as the comprehensive thinking of group wisdom.

No matter how powerful the brain's computing power is, it's useless if the mind can't think of the key points.

Intelligence is the objective computing power, which is the basis, and subjective things such as thinking and thought are the foundation of the development of a person and even a world.

The world of Journey to the West is controlled, and everything in the world, including the fate of all living beings, is played by a group of people such as the Jade Emperor Tathagata. Their intelligence may be infinite, but their thinking and thoughts must have limitations, which cannot compare with the thoughts of all living beings.

"We are for the long-term continuation of heaven and earth."

When Chen Nuo asked the words, the entire Lingxiao Palace was silent, and it took a long time for the Jade Emperor to answer this question.

"Oh, I understand. It turned out that I was afraid of death."

Chen Nuo expressed his conjecture in his heart. The first function of controlling the world is nothing more than slowing down the consumption of spiritual energy, so that this group of immortals and Buddhas can live longer.

"The concentration of heaven and earth spiritual energy has decreased, and the energy in Daluo Jinxian's body is already dissipating. I am afraid that I will not be here if I die. I should have proclaimed myself a long time ago."

The Jade Emperor glanced at Chen Nuo, and suddenly let go of his body's protection, revealing his body's condition.

The Jade Emperor was stronger than him, and Chen Nuo hadn't been aware of the situation before, but now that the Jade Emperor let go of his protection, he immediately noticed that the energy from the Jade Emperor was constantly leaking into the environment.

It's like throwing an ice cube into the water. There is a huge osmotic pressure difference between the ice cube and the water, and the sugar in the ice cube is quickly melting into the water.

This is an uncontrollable energy dissipation caused by environmental decay.

"Admiration, I didn't expect the existence of the Heavenly Court to be supported by the Jade Emperor."

Chen Nuo felt it carefully for a while, and then gave a sound of admiration.

The current heaven and earth spiritual environment cannot support a different space like the Heavenly Court, and the Heavenly Court can still exist without being destroyed. It is entirely because the Jade Emperor sits here and uses his own energy to support it.

The heaven is like this, which is similar to the bliss of the Western Heaven. It is the Tathagata who uses his own energy to support it.

"The ancient heaven was ten million times larger than it is now."

The Jade Emperor glanced at the Heavenly Court, feeling nostalgic.

He was talking about the ancient times, not the ancient times, and the ancient heavens were not under his control.

"Then I'm even more curious about Jade Emperor's purpose. I don't know how many years you can last like this?"

Chen Nuo asked curiously.

The Jade Emperor cannot be stupid. Controlling the world in this way can slow down the decay of the spiritual energy and continue the isolation between the heaven and the earth. However, one day the spiritual energy will still completely decay and the heaven and the earth will die. He is the Jade Emperor. die.

"This is the secret between heaven and earth."

The Jade Emperor didn't answer Chen Nuo's question. With a thought, he closed his body protection again, and turned to Chen Nuo with serious eyes.

"Now, can you tell me the purpose of your coming here? For the sake of this world, we don't want to do anything, but we are not afraid to do it."

"I don't want to fight either. It's so boring to fight, but sometimes some fights and struggles have to be fought."

Chen Nuo smiled, noncommittal to the Jade Emperor's attitude, and said with a smile: "I think, you alone can't decide this matter, Jade Emperor, please invite Tathagata together, let's have a good chat, and by the way he will also Monkeys that have reached the Golden Immortal level must be sealed off for a while."

(End of this chapter)

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